Villain's name is Hitler

>villain's name is Hitler
>his sidekick is named Himmler
Who wrote this schlock?

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yeah and what was up with that whole Spain storyline? they just kind of dropped it

Himmler? I hardly know her!

god wrote it


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>George Washington
>happens to be the father of a nation thats capital is also called Washington
Were history writers always this creatively bankrupt?

>Barack Hussein Obama II

Elohim adonai, right?

wait until you get to the german shepards with venomous fangs part
or the cage with a starving bear and vulture. kino but unrealistic

I didn't like the part where those guys get nuked and we're supposed to feel bad for them. They gave herpes to babies for God's sake.

>whole plot is about an Aryan master race
>sidekick is played by an Asian actor
Who came up with this forced diversity shit?

>The propaganda minister's name is Gobbles
Were they trying to make him less threatening?

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Hitler's minions are called
What? Who thought that up?

>german shepards with venomous fangs
...and Baby Hans and the three wise deepwater Jews
Yes its overrated but its just German lore.

>character named Stalin stalls enemy for time

>Rudolf Hess is written out of the show out of nowhere
>Introduce a completely new character called Rudolf Höss in the later seasons
What did they mean by this?

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>name one of his minions after Molotov cocktails
Subtle product placement

>Rudolf Hess
He lost too much viewer ratings.
"Get out of that Focker you fucker" is still funny though.

>name your book The Odyssey
>it's about an odyssey

>gets blamed for something he didnt do

girls of Yas Forums, would you hit that or give him a hummer?

someone post that axis leader wackness image

>Great War season arc is popular
>no one really likes Great Depression arc
>uh, what do we do...
>Let's just redo the Great War arc but this time give a side character a bigger role and add an asian villain!
Christ these writers are hacks.


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>Try to make a new season with the battle of the Bulge but the audience already left. Then try to give it a sci-fi twist with Me262s. Too little too late.
How did the studio survive these trainwrecks?

Allies were just as wierd
Couldn't walk
Owned by the Rothschilds
abusive alcoholic
Fake name to sound cool(real name means son of jew)
Surrounded by jewish pedos
Abusive alcoholic

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The good allies have pretty standard human flaws. Nobody really considers Stalin part of the club.

That Balkan arc was fucking brutal.

it's a joke m8. over half of the stuff in that image isn't true

>character named Achilles has one weakness
>his Achilles heel is his heel.

>critics praise the darker tone of the Great War II arc
>devs decide to go full sickdark in the Balkan arc
>nowhere near as well received
Why was this?


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I know but there are some true wierd facts there and I would give anything to be in a room with the bois for 30 min, I would imagian it would be a Yas Forums meetup level of austism

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>Prime minister of Spain
>named Pedro Sanchez

lazy writing

>World War II

>The Second Great War

>The European Conflict of 1939

>Call of Duty 2

>Formerly the Polish-Germanic War

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Take it easy with the redpills user.



>Leader of the USSR and his cronies live in utter luxury while the rest of the nation starve
>Even when half the fucking country is dead they oppress them further with order 227
>Some how win
>Offer the fucking people they vowed to shoot against a wall mansions and women because they knew some stuff about rockets
This shit makes no sense.

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¿Why do the villians always have the better aesthetic Yas Forums?

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Because they were not the villains?

I like how in the Tehran Conference episode Stalin promised elections in Poland then went back on it all in Yalta.

Goebbels was Hitler's sidekick, not Himmler. Himmler was on the lower pole when it came to NatSoc Germany's leadership

based Stalin

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>Historians can't be trusted because of things no historian ever said.

I guess it would disprove the moon landings if some guy made up stories about having gone to the moon huh.

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what's their backstory?

The leaders of the USSR? Well Stalin was this old school bank robber that fell into the wrong crowd, Berier was a psycho pedo, and the rest were just politicians really.

I meant those flashy niggas


Trusting a guy who invaded twice as many nations as Hitler to leave a nation peacefully , I doubt that they were this retarded but really just wanted to destroy Germany

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you really should add Beria, Stalin called him "our Himmler" and he could easily be a 100-140%

Not him but those Africans dress as their former colonialists.
It is a tradition there to accquire high quality clothing and then flex with it,because the rest of the country is so insanely poor/dirty.

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>Thought he was going to disprove the meme images like the holocoster one

oof really embarrassing. They just won't admit any of it might have been exaggerated.

people, when given belief that they are "chosen", as in, better than everyone else by virtue of being themselves, or from having been more 'correct' than everyone else that isnt 'them', become more deviant and degenerate
the nazis loved to paint the 'others' as degenerate, but they themselves were worse.
as humans we shy away from degeneracy mainly because it is unacceptable in society to take part in it. But the nazis brought degeneracy front and centre and made it a success. they made degeneracy, such as the violent ostracisation and eventual murder of large groups of humans, completely acceptable, and as such the entirety of germany thought "yes, finally, we can fun things now"
they looked cooler because they were cooler. they were the bad boys, they did things that made others angry and they wouldnt apologise. they were the cool kids from school if the cool kids managed to murder the unpopular kids and have the whole school give them a parade afterwards

but as with all degeneracy, it caught up to them


Niggers, as usual cannot be bothered spending their money on improving their hovels or community. Instead these people, rich comparative with their contemporaries spent and spend their wages on making themselves stand out from their dirt ridden brothers.
They are known as the 'Congo Dandies' and they actually spend fortunes on making themselves look like this.
RT did a documentary and he says in the documentary verbatim, this is him holding up a pair of shoes.
>You must own a pair of Westons
>I saved up to buy them and it took me almost two years.
>Normally, if I hadn't brought this pair
>I'd have bought a plot of land
>For my dignity, for my self esteem, I had to buy this pair.

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>heres your master race, bro

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>a nation thats capital


He is wearing short hair and despite that still looks intimidating and aesthetic. He looks like an actual man and had 6 kids, unlike you.

tfw no one heard of Odilo Globocnik

napoleon going back to france after being exiled and his soldiers refusing to arrest him and instead joining him is shit that's straight out of fanfiction.

>brown eyes

he killed himself and his kids after helping lead his country to ruin, he's a chinless turtle faggot who died like a bitch

based Yas Forumstard schizo sperging out again

>and had 6 kids
that he poisoned lmao. Super high quality human being.

>watching the Hitler version
Schicklgruber is the patrician choice.

>Nobody really considers Stalin part of the club.
Except when it came to attack Germany. So who was the real villain? Seems to me you're automatically a bad guy if you're against jews and their banks.

>shekel grabber

hitler was a jew

Lore exposition character reuse the "jew" design due to budget restrictions.

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Auschwitz was not one camp it was three. The hospital, "swimming pool" (actually a reservoir the SS added a diving board to), theater, and brothel were in camp I Stammlager. After Krema I was decommissioned and Kremas II, III, IV, and V were built in camp II Birkenau, Stammlager only held Aryan political prisoners and criminals and Polish Catholics. The Jews in Birkenau had no amenities.

This "Auschwitz = 3 camps" fact is so basic only someone as ignorant as a holocaust denier wouldn't know it.

There were rail tracks to the ovens in Krema I.

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Looks fine thb

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"Only a jew could be so antisemitic." -Man in the Glass Booth

Denying certain parts of the jewish genocide isn't denying that millions of jews died.

That's an obviously forced sequel.

Yeah yeah sure ,where did they keep the masterbation machine and roller coaster?

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Literally the only time anyone brings up the falsified bits is to somehow disprove the actual history. Because obviously if something really happened, no one would ever lie about having been there, or exaggerate their experiences, or be too mentally unsound to distinguish fact from reality. It's IMPOSSIBLE otherwise.

>bongistan doesn't awful it
no way

it is not illegal to deny the holocaust in the netherlands

They ran out of their license to create more laws. Ironic.

it is not illegal to deny the holocaust in spain

almost all political alliances are out of some small sphere of mutual interest. Zionists side with the American right which is full of anti-semites, liberal democracy partnered with fascists across to globe to fight the Soviets, both the USSR and USA pilfered Nazi scientists

if you think the solution is just some demographic racial teambuilding exercise, you'll be disappointed when the reality that power is the only thing that ever matters and no matter how it's divided or who holds it, people will fight to achieve it and fight to maintain it.

"they" will always exist in a state of hypocrisy, the Art of War suggests this as strategy. Nobody will ever critique their people as harshly as their enemies, because any power clique that does this will lose. It's part of the "meta"

the "meta" of power in inherently corrupt. That's what achieves it. Favors, fucking over inconvenient persons regardless of morality, in all aspects choosing self-gain and stability over truly just about anything else. You'll be hard pressed to find any nation or government or gang or business that doesn't follow ruthless self-interest that sustains itself on any long-term.

The Roman empire never collapsed, the world is guided by eternal platonic forms that reward predatory behavior with immense material gain