Ruins your kino

Ruins your kino

Attached: vlc.png (636x393, 146.95K)

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VLC is only the first horseman of the kinopocalypse

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anytime faggots on Yas Forums complain about a movie being too dark to see anything or really washed out, it instantly lets me know they're watching a garbage Yify encode via VLC on some shitbox laptop

>he doesnt use is tv's internal usb player to watch his kino

I've had it with VLC

Suggest me something superior

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never had any issues with vlc
what is the superior player and why, exactly?

I do hate when I download a file in VLC format. Fuck mkv files

MPC, its what I've used for a while and it just works for me.

MPC Black edition, its still getting updated

mpc-hc, here you can get the latest version

mpv but go /g/ and find the thread if you want to know more about it.

pick one

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i have literally never had any problems with VLC

I can live with that difference, i'll keep using VLC


>fills screen with chunks of grey
Why does this happen with VLC but not MPC?

>i have literally never had any problems with VLC
This. I have both vlc and mpc-Hc installed and use both but install vlc on anyone else’s system for them. It just works for me. Ppl who have problems with vlc probably using shit codecs, shot hardware, and/or shit rips


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As if you retards actually watch movies anyway

about to tuck in to the new Malick kino, speak for yourself

lately I only watch european erotic romance films on my 720p tv while shitposting on my main display. vlc has good hotkey customization

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is not such big deal, but i do have some occasional frame skips with VLC that completely disapeared with MPC.

These threads are a psyop by some rival program, right?


>why yes, I am kino's best friend, how could you tell?

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Is this autism?

I have never had problems with VLC except on one occasion where a shitty torrent gave me mildly corrupted avi files. No other player would run them but VLC just werked and had the occasional grey box or screen tear when it hit a rough patch.

>Ppl who have problems with vlc probably using shit codecs
where i can get the right codecs?

anti-VLC threads are made by weebfags because their trash pedo animations get fucky on it
prove me wrong you fucking fags

>he doesn't use firefox as his media player

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Personally, I just prefer MPC on every level. I watch anime on it sometimes, but I think most of my videos are live action kinos, and I'm not into lolis.

b & r

What's the difference between MPC and VLC realy?

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Literally MPC BE

>What's the difference between MPC and VLC realy?
Next to nothing.
It's just less people know about MPC, so by default that makes it cooler.
Once more people know about it and something new and underground comes out, everyone will flock to that.

Sounds logical, thanks

What's the difference between MPC-HC and black edition? I have the HC and love it.

Im using ALLPlayer, am I retarded?

BE is for chads (like me) and HC is for virgins (like you).

Borderless window MPV ftw

NPC BlackEd, like the other anons suggested

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thanks anons

Also with the lights on.

Maybe even worse: watching the movie in a room full of multicolored flashing LED tapes behind the field of view of the screen

>a garbage Yify encode via VLC on some shitbox laptop
my exact setup

answer me you fat fucks

Are you faggots literally blind or are you viewing this picture on a fucking phone? The difference is day and night.

>VLC pleb deliberately outs himself as a reddit tourist
Well, i am not surprised


>mpc-hc for video
>winamp for audio
>mfw it just werks

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yea those threads are actually made by fbi

>not using foobar

VLC has actual functionality, MPC is just a basic ass player. Maybe 0.01% difference in quality

why would I betray my old friend after a nearly 2 decade long partnership?

mpc is the way to go. vlc is for plebs, and mpv is for autists who think not having a ui is a good thing.

I'm just gangsta like that

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VLC has garbage upscaling and overall produces a worse image especially for less than ideal sources. MadVR is the way to go.

You will as soon as you have a Hi-DPI screen. Good old Winamp doesn't scale it's UI at all, making it hard to read anything.

Yify encodes aren't the problem. It's literally everything else. The screen, lights, speakers... everything. A fucking 720p DVDrip looks fine if you're not an idiot.

the absolute chad setup

>bullshit player

Back in the day, this was the only player that you could download subs easily. It was shit, though