Best animated film ever made

Best animated film ever made.

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porco rosso is objectively better

in your opinion

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I still don’t understand why. Sure the visuals are nice but it has no plot.
>they go to the market
>her parents turn into pigs
>she fucks around at the ghost hotel for a while
>she goes home

So you claim.

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It's brainlet's/homo's favorite Ghibli

>in your opinion

Um sweetie

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Mononoke is better and has better animation

High praise indeed.

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are you on some meme shit or what

I think both this and Totorro ask the question "Why do you need a plot?" Spirited Away is the closest any movie/tv show has come to feeling "dreamlike" for me. It's difficult to explain, I'd have to rewatch because it's been a while. But it definitely affected me in a way I was not expecting at all.

That’s not the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya


While this works as an argument, learning about the Miyazaki directing process really sours it for me.
"I'm just going to keep drawing whatever I feel and hopefully a story will form"

>something bad happens
>main character goes on an adventure to make things right again

Praised by such critical audiences as women and children.

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but that's not a pic of Akira, user

that fish is ripped

Not for me, I think that's proof of his genius honestly.

It's about human trafficking and sex slavery. The Ghost Hotel is a stand-in for a brothel.

You know what they say. Height, fish, frame

I guess its part of getting older, but I really can't stand to watch animated shit anymore.

Here is a picture of him spitting on Ghibblifanboys.

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I unironically didnt get it

Mildly the same but I'm excited to go watch Tokyo Godfathers next week

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>such a fucking brainlet that themes about growing up and entering the world on your own fly straight over your hollow skull
>in a children's film

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So was she being prostituted to big slimy monsters or not?

I liked Porco Rosso and Wind Rises more than Spirited Away. Now that I think of it, I liked even Howl's Moving Castle more.

i thought it was about pollution n shit
the river spirit covered in muck and garbage, etc.
gluttony having bad consequences, and so on

The plot of that movie is bad though.

It deals with that stuff but also it's about a little girl who is suddenly separated from her parents and forced into this strange world where she has to work to survive and earn her place in life by herself. It has a lot to do with transitioning into adulthood.

Wind Rises is shit. There's nothing remarkable about it besides the animation.

Those are all evils of the adult world

is this movie okay to watch with kids? What's the minimum age?

Shrek 2 is better, don't (You) me

I'd say anyone at least five years old could watch and enjoy it.

5, seriously.

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I believe you meant best incest series ever

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It's scary as fuck.

But user, you're right

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Based. Shrek 2 is peak kid's movie.

The only scary part is No-Face, when he shows up and when he eats everyone but they survive. I guess the giant baby might be a bit disturbing too. Am I missing anything?

This isnt even the best Ghibli movie, yet alone best animation.
The best Ghibli is objectively Princess mononoke, which had a fantastic plot and storyline, with complex characters that are all fleshed out.

It's fucking Ponyo, pleb.


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Nope. Laputa.

... and Ninja Scroll is the best anime.

This man gets it.

It's not even the best Ghibli film

That belongs to the Cat Returns

One of the worst Ghibli films. As shallow as a Disney flick. What do people see in The Cat Returns? It's completely unremarkable.

It's the most fun and charming, and none of that dumb Jap grey endings shit.

The upbeat tone the entire length really elevates it. The other ghibli flicks usually have their somber segments, or portions where the main character fails or loses hope, before it gets later restored. This isn't a bad thing, but the contrast is really noticeable when compared with a movie that is optimistic the entire time.

Is this actually good? Heard mixed things about it.

Great film but I like Mononoke better

watch the secret of kells it's beautiful

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It has vore. Automatic negative score.

Mononokechads know we're the best because we have best taste

>Ghibli shut down
>no more Ghiblifest
Too bad, wanted to take my dad to Porco Rosso and Mononoke

Kiki's Delivery Service

Why are anime so melodramatic? I've tried my best getting into them but I can't stand the constant emotional manipulation. I do like this movie and Perfect Blue though

that's not lupin III

This. It's the only masterpiece Ghibli has made

I want a cute flat chest daughter.

>Ice Age lost to this pretentious shit
18 years later, I'm still mad

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You mean The Animatrix

Japanese cartoons are gay

I like Ice Age but it's nowhere near as good. Strictly speaking animation, it's no comparison which is better. I am normally the type of person who prefers a more traditional, coherent narrative like Ice Age, but Spirited Away is something much more special than that.

Unironically don't get the appeal. Boring and lame film. Fuck weebs

>throwaway cgi garbage lost to the greatest animation of all time
yeah you don't say


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