What really happened

What really happened...

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Disney wishes they did this with Mulan

virus is the theme of themovie and releasing it now would be too on the nose

Whatever. It's still gonna bomb.

maybe they'll take the opportunity to fire Hans Zimmer and get a real composer in there

they should bring back David Arnold

they fear the woke they inserted into this.

>shelving a movie

never a good sign. even stranger considering eilish just made the theme a huge hit. the film must be completely fucking broken.

No one will care about the movie by then, it’s a confirmed flop

they'd be idiots to not do that, no composer is going to turn down a job where they have a guaranteed 5-6 month window to get the music done

it will just be more relevant by then.

hopefully they organise some reshoots to salvage the fucker

If Billie can release a music video for it around October that will get it back in the headlines.

Why dont they just say corona?

It's trash and they need to guarantee no competition

there was all that viral rage marketing about ooga booga we 007s in shiet now then it dissappeared and got shelved not sure if related

Billie is overexposing herself so much that no one will want to see her by then.

People probably aren’t going to movies due to Coronavirus.

They basically are.

The real reason it's being delayed is so they can shoot some more scenes with the new nigger Bond.

>Chinse eople probably aren’t going to movies due to Coronavirus.
Fixed it for you. If you think they give a fuck about the non-bugpeople market think again.

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Is this Daniel’s last Bond film?

>the name's Virus, Corona Virus

The girl drawing makes me laugh for some reason

>rampantly editing down the woke shit, because they finally realised it's not selling

you just made me lol kind sir, thank you for blessing this board

How do white guys manage to find the most mutated chinks?

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>no time to die was delayed because of pandemic (aka perfect time to die)
Thats poetic.

>implying hollywood even cares about selling movies when they just spew propoganda as a money laundering vechicle

All the other Bond movie's came out in November but this does strike me of panicked execs.

can't get those chink-bucks if all of their theaters are closed

because we don't know any better
now give me an ayylmao gf

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they said goodbye to chink bucks the moment they pushed a black as bond

Those scales will do her no favours when the impetus of blunt force trauma wrecks her torso.

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you think thats bad

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>How do white guys manage to find the most mutated chinks?

They literally all look the same it doesn't make a difference.

Smart move

>tfw find her cute
how fucked in the head am I?

They need time to come up with an excuse to fire Milkie Eilish and get Radiohead to record a song for them instead.

uhhh radiohead offered them two for spectre, they were just as bad


Aw thanks kind stranger here have some reddit gold :)

They're scared that coronavirus is going to stop people from going out.

but coronavirus will be 10x worse in November/December

Good songs and too good for Bond.

Phoebe something something fucked up the script, so they need to reshoot.

shes probably a doctor tho


>>Billie is overexposing herself
I wish she would overexpose herself.

might aswell watch bestiality videos

Bond's always been a spy fantasy for men, I don't know why the powers that be think people want otherwise. Might as well do a 50 Shades sequel where the guy takes a woman to his book club and they have a wonderful time.

Prob not enough niggers in it.

Nicely put. The silly bastards would rather lose money hand over fist that stop virtue-signalling to each other.

>blames virus
>massive earthquake destroys CA
>all theaters destroyed
>"ohhh we had no idea that was going to happen"
>everything is fine by November

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Nippon-tier teefs

>Blood sample, shaken in a centrifuge not stirred.

Is this movie going to kill that Godzilla movie everyone is forgetting that’s still coming out?

They pozzed the franchise at a moment they thought they would get away with it like Star Wars did. But since then all pozzed movies have tanked massively at the BO. They're saving time to tweak things up and control the damage, probably doing some reshoots.

But those two songs are fucking stunning.

Godzilla vs. Kong can't catch a break.

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ffs her looks are the result of extensive plastic surgery.
The mutant fish woman in the previous pic would also look gorgeous if she spent a fortune on surgery.

Should get Evanescence to write a Bond song, fuck Billie Milkers


That's dumb. This would've sold due to the controversy. Controversy always sells.

fuck that woman can sing. I didn't know they were still around, didn't they disappear after having those two hits in the early 2000s? How old is she now? She looks young but this can't be? I'm genuinely confused. Or was she just extremely young when they started out?

In 4 months their main markets will be in the throws of corona, meaning that less people will go to the cinema, meaning they’d make less money.
It’s a business move.

China concerns

She was in her early 20s when they had those charts hits. They've had a few albums since then with really strong songs, look up Lacrymosa, Lithium and Snow White Queen. My Heart Is Broken (the one I linked) is my personal favorite. And yeah she's one of those singers that sounds even better live than on a recording. I would love to see what they would do for a Bond theme. I think she's like late 30s now.

top 5 gayest bands ever, you guys are fuckin faggots


>What really happened...
Rethinking their WOKE marketing strategy seeing how that shit is increasingly driving audiences away.

Someone's insecure about something. Hm, I wonder what it could be.

not to mention who they partnered with

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She's a bitch and a soulless Lacuna Coil ripoff

Ya pretty sure this American singer ripped her entire existence off of some italian literal who

Your band sucks, fuck off. Whiny ass rock garbage.

>user posts a band suggestion
>in come the spergs because they cannot cope with someone liking something they don't like

I feel sorry for teenagers who grow up living on the internet.

Spoilers for the film? What ahppens

Don’t be mad because nobody else likes your hot topic band. Go cry to your live journal.

Thanks for proving my point and projecting your own feelings on to others.

>hot topic band

Are you all retarded? They're doing this because Coronavirus. China is a major 007 market.

>not a hot topic band

Never really hear of them these days, thought they were just hot in the early 2000s for like a year or two. Anyway, fine, I give up. Your band is awesome. There are you satisfied? Can we stop talking about them now?

>rampantly editing down the woke shit, because they finally realised it's not selling

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Wait, I was making fun of Evanescence, what band were you saying is good?
I’m also not the original guy who replied to you.

This fucker is just covering his ass. As a matter of fact theyr later said they would go back to traditional advertising. If you think the jews care about anything but money, you need to learn more about them. Agitation, divisiveness is used to create publicity and make money, but sometimes it fails hard.

nigger cringe
back to soundcloud kid

c'mon kid. Now reveal the shit hop, crap music you think is worthwhile. What shit rapper that has a 'lil' in his name is the one that you think is amazing. Share it with us. Don't be a pussy now. Stand by your music..go ahead..

>plot is a viral weapon made in china
>what would you like to drink sir?
>ill have a corona ice cold-winks at camera-

too based for this gay earth