Let's discuss Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning. First and second movie talk welcome of course

Let's discuss Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning. First and second movie talk welcome of course.
First of all - let's talk about the subtitle. The beginning of what? Werewolves already exist. Our main characters from the first two movies aren't even born yet. None of the werewolves is the one who bites Ginger in the first one. What is this supposed to be the beginning of exactly?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It doesn't signify the beginning of the "curse" either because it already exists. Hmmm... The subtitle signifies the beginning of the bird necklace tradition.

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The title is ironic. The beginning is actually the end (of the franchise).

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Feels like a tropey fan-fic. In theory it's not a bad idea, but in execution it just comes off as a remake that misses the point of the original.

GS1 deleted scenes - drive.google.com/open?id=1Jer2xztM3PxEo_rmhDi1Bo3YWIgmn4nX

GS2 deleted scenes - drive.google.com/open?id=1giWxTk7aYn15KBQ6jea38nE-SYJPd36g

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One of the writers ended up doing nothing of note, the other got an additional writing credit for Far Cry 5 lmao. What a bunch of hacks

wasted years?

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drunk and sad, as always I guess

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5 more months till the 20th anniversary. Will we get a sticky?

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Oh god I wish I had booze/money for booze/transport for booze. I have a lot of weed and I know it's not AS bad for me but it's not the fucking same. Booze has that feeling of pure warmth and everything feels fun and significant again. Weed anymore just makes me tired and hungry. Which is weird because a decade ago I vastly preferred weed.

Thanks for reading my blog. What are you drinking?



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cheapest beer I could find in the store, one that is on sale curently

pls don't abstain from making a thread just because one stays up for a long time. i missed having abyhreqd yesterday

we better get bluray releases

a thread*
i really should proof read and stop day drinking

should have had a productive day, going for my daily jog, lifting a bit and studying for my final assessment on this course next Monday. none of it had happened.


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Gotta consider burnout as well. This one barely got going, was on page 9 with 2 posters for half an hour. Regardless, I don't think I'm gonna make a new one till the weekend.

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why do these movies get shilled hard here? is it just one person?

>it's a "newfag doesn't know about the IP counter" episode
Wow they sure re-run this one a lot

yeah it's just me, myself and I but you can join if you want to

It's the beginning of the Fitzgeralds being cursed

There already is a Bluray release of all of them

The Ginger Snaps Yas Forums lore is as follows:
It all started with one autist back in 2017 making
>tfw no platonic Brigitte gf in high school
>wasted years
threads. He started with modest 20-40 reply threads. It expanded from there. Now years later we have half a dozen autists making these. There's also the webm thread autist, but he doesn't make these threads, just gets a shit ton of people to watch the movies.

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Wasn't that only in germany

Ye. There's no official blurays for 2 and 3 outside of Germany. Torrents are literally the only way to watch those in 1080p right now outside of shilling out a couple hundred euros for a german trilogy.

I wish I could drink some Absinthe with the sisters. B would be hesitant but maybe the history of the drink would intrigue her? Ginger would just be down to party no matter what.

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>started with modest 20-40 reply threads
on a VERY good day. it was always a comfy sight though.

based 90s gothfu poster

I hope the user who said they were going to watch both Ginger Snaps and Silver Bullet for the first time posts today. I definitely hope they dug both or at least appreciate /ourgals/

It's a shame we never got any novels based on these films.

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has anybody read based Ernest's books about the movies?

We have an user that posts chapters in the threads sometimes. Hasn't shown up in a while tho.


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The literal definition of /ourguy/

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It's raining here. At least there's that.

It's just a slightly windy dreary winter day.

I feel like these threads have fallen off somewhat directly as part of their recent absences on the board. We had a long ass thread and for some reason it was decided that we should handicap our posting simply because one thread was a slow burn that went many hours.

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I finally got around to watching Ginger Snaps(original) a few nights back as part of a "modern cult film" double feature I put together for myself. Not so much motivated by these threads, more just reminded. I have to say, I was taken aback by how fucking good and emotionally resonant this movie is. I didn't expect it to be on this level at all, to be this worked out and this "total". Great script, great performances, great look. Especially the the aesthetic and the tone/symbolism really got to me, the stylized way in which it's shot and presented(whoever worked on the lighting and look of the sisters' basement needs a fucking award of some sort) and the look of the sisters made me think more of the edgy(in the good sense) indie films that were coming out in the late 90s and early 2000s more than any of the other horror from the period. The whole "lost childhood" theme of it actually kinda fucked with me too, emotionally. I expected to watch a decent funny horror movie, not to spend the following day pondering the death of innocence and all the ways in which a person is going to spiritually/emotionally die between the ages of 15 and 17. That final shot of Brigitte and Ginger's corpse in the basement is just crushing. So yeah, great movie. Thanks for the reminder, you weird fucks.

This is what it's all about. Great review. Glad you liked it user.

Nice review, sounds hella frickin' based.

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Do you have a wallpaper-sized picture of that lower right image of Ginger? I really want that to be my background.


One complaint though: the music. The score was decent and occasionally even great, but I could have really done without the nu-metal shit(as appropriate as it might be for it to be part of a late 90s HS setting).
I get that this is horror fest material and not Cannes material and that they probably couldn't have gotten fucking Thurston Moore to record a soundtrack of abstract guitar noise for it, but the mallcore vibes of some of the OST tracks really do cheapen the scenes they're playing in.

tl;dr and i don't believe you're not just another waifu assburger writing fake stories to weirdly shill this 2001 b movie because you want to fuck a pensive white girl

Agree on this. These threads are always filled with metalheads but those moments where it comes in feel really dated.

Get better material. It was shot in '99 and released in early 2000, not 2001.

Fair enough. Aside from the opening them I never really considered the music one of GS's shining points.

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I'm a metalhead but I agree that the way metal is used in movies doesn't work 99% of the time. It usually just seems like "oh they really liked this song and just awkwardly crammed it in this scene" But when it works it works greatly!

2001 was more aesthetic, the truth is i know it's a 2000 movie and don't care. the fact that you also know but feel the need to correct me speaks to your obsession, you motherfuckers are legit creepy posting these threads i.e. not in a cute or ironic way. have sex.


I'll allow you to shit on the licensed tracks for the first one, but if you shittalk the soundtrack for 2 I'm going to be contacting the authorities.
This is pure survival horror ear-kino right here.

>*Family Guy intro ends*
>*Scene opens in Peter’s house, where the family is on the couch watching TV*
>*Ding dong*
>Lois: I wonder who that could be at this time of day?
>*Peter opens the door*
>Brigitte (voiced by Emily Perkins): Hey Peter!
>Peter: Holy freakin crap, Lois! It's Brigitte Fitzgerald from the Ginger Snaps series!
>Lois: Is that really...Oh my God, Brigitte Fitzgerald!
>Brian: Holy shit, Brigitte? I thought you enlisted in the military and got shipped off to Iraq!
>*scene where Brigitte is in werewolf form fighting Islamic terrorists while Nine Inch Nails plays*
>Brigitte: Hehehe, yep, but I’m back. Those Arabs sure were a meal I could really WOLF down!
>*everyone but Meg laughs*
>Chris: It’s great to have you back, Brigitte!
>Meg: Whatever! It was great to finally have some peace and quiet from those stupid puns...
>*Brigitte uses her werewolf powers to throw Meg into the roof*
>*Stewie turns towards the audience*
>Stewie: Personally I prefer Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but Fox can’t negotiate for shit.

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Holy s*it is this real????

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>But when it works it works greatly!

Oh yes.


Yes. Seth is a GS fan. It will be in the next season.

lmao and checked

Normal words, but a wolf girl!

I think both sisters would like Velvet Acid Christ. Ginger would like the more dance/drugs stuff, Brigitte the darker more introspective stuff. youtube.com/watch?v=-9BV9x1qccY