The Batman Batmobile

I fucking love it.

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ok, this is kino

I gotta agree op, thats way better than bat-tank

I dont have much hope about the rest of the film but so far the batsuit and mobile are great.

That is just Blade's car

It's an interesting choice to make it more of a muscle car. I like it more than the tank nonsense


Can he move his head up and down on this costume? How about sideways?

Reminds me a bit of the 70’s Batmobile, seems pretty cool but it needs the Batlogo.

Why leave the back exposed? Cover it up and you might be able to travel the streets incognito.

That's so fucking boomer. I approve.

>black gordon
>mutt catwoman
Still not interested

Looks very streamlined


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ah yes, this will be kino

I also like my cartoon characters to be white, like Jesus, a man born in the middle east... Oh no...

Catwoman is my major gripe. That chick has a HORRIBLE screen presence. She always has her nose up in the air and I imagine she has BO.

Sorry but this will always be the most kino batmobile in the history of the franchise.

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Nothing says stealthy detective-ninja more than a musclecar

Looks awesome and I know they aren't going for super realism but wouldn't it be easy to take out from the back?

Yeah i agree he should be driving something casual like a Hyundai Elantra or something

That's fucking sexy.

No... It's too tank like. The official kino order is 89 - 60s - Animated - BvS/JL - TDK Trilogy - Forever - B&R

>another tank
Not even the best batmobile in the Arkham series.

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too bad it came from the worst arkham game not only that but the addition of the batmobile and the focus around it was one of it's primary issues

this shit look like inspector gadget

Its literally just a muscle car

its very admirable they didnt try to mix the former batmobiles and tried something entirely new.

i feel like putting down the flamethrower

It's just a car, you moron. There's nothing in this car that screams Batmobile. It's just like one of this GTA cars that you can modify.

>We want the Mad Max audience

I'm fond of the mid-90's mobiles, but Returns is unequivocally the best.

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>Detective! I challenge you to a stunt race!
Very intelligent, Nig-ma.



Fucking retard

>has a literal clit
Based burton

the fuck is that shit in the front, a dildo?

wtf is a clit?



thread theme

Yeah, I hated it at first, but once you supe it up, it's a fun distraction from the main game. You're never gonna get a game where you can actually drive the Batmobile again, so learn to appreciate it.

Based Mobile dare I say

Makes the motor very vulnerable to small arms fire.

How many mid/rear engine muscle cars can you name?

I just googled this shit and WTF?? youre telling me that women have little tiny dicks on top of their pusies? That's the gayest shit I've ever heard. what is it even for is that where they pee?

Not him but you sound like a bus riding bench racer

I love it

So that's zero mid/rear engine muscle cars you can name.

That's shit

it wasnt even a batmobile game. it was a bat tank game, and the game feature wasnt even tanking, it was tankata

Where the fuck did you get Jesus from you schizo

A fairytale book

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Chevy Corvair

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You know how to read? Post your car kid with bread on hood


Fuck is the point for Batman to use something like this?Snyder's tankmobile was great.Practical and cool as fuck.

Good Lord, they're still using that fucking stupid looking cowl.


>normal car with shit stuck on it

I expected more

Post your dilation rod first

How do you type something like this? Something so stupid? I never understand it. These are two different movies. Batman has had a shit ton of resigns, this is one of them. In this one he chose a muscle car that's armored and probably faster than anyone has.

What was the point in you asking that question? What do you even want to know?

The point of batman's car is generally to get to the crimescene fast, not to have drawn out battles with an armada of other tanks in the middle of a warzone

>not to have drawn out battles with an armada of other tanks in the middle of a warzone

Gotham confirmed not in America

one of them bird deflector things

Batmobile needs to be tank, Batman is a fucking vigilante fighting against complete nutjobs.

Bus riding shitskin

Homage to the 60s car.
I like it.

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Smokey and the batdit.

Always and forever the king.

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I remember one episode of TAS that focused on batmans car mechanic and it showed a scene with batmans forst car beat to shit breaking down

Love what you get paid to do, it's the only job worth doing.

how does he get around traffic?
imagine being at the light next to the batmobile
idk if the car is more ridiculous than supermans glasses

Why is the engine exposed?

They forgotted the plot armor

Christ, your generation really are a bunch of degenerate tryhards.

Do we call him Bat Max or Mad Bat in this movie?

Came here to post this. So fucking good.

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Then the plan to kill Batman would be wait until he's in his car then blow it off the street.

Or an M1 Abrhams like in Nolans movies

Underrated. I guess you were too soon