New Robert Pattinson batmobile revealed

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I like it.

So its a car.

>movie is taking place in present time

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Looks like a car you'd find in a shitty 80s action flick. This movie is DOA.

Looks amazing

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Great comment. They've always been cars basically. Are you fucking stupid?

Just a muscle car? what's the budget on this movie?

Does Batman have car insurance?
What's his premium?
Does he use turn signals?

a little madmaxian, but I like it. and the shots are great. I'm leaning towards kino on this

Nolan's batmobile was a tank, not a car

I bet you $10 that it will be some 80s-but-not-really nostalgia bait with random 'cool' things from the 80s and '10s mixed together, like gotham was.

you're a big engine

Oh neat, I can just yank an ignition wire and leave batman to call triple A

into the trash it goes

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I laughed, wasn't expecting this.

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Really nice

Unreleased CW TV movie .

The thing that is always immersion breaking is that Batman pretty much needs to have the complete knowledge of how to assemble and refurbish a car.
I mean it doesn't sound like much until you remember you pretty need a full factory with which to manufacture custom parts, and then assemble it.

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It was a comment more than a post, really.

I want to lick the sweet sweat juice between Awkwafina's toes while she says "Yes drink my aquafina" in a fake asian accent as she plays with her tits, fully clothed. Then I want her to wrap her feet firmly (almost chokingly) around my neck and pull me in to her crotch. SURPRISE, IT'S BULGING, a pleasant one if you ask me and then I look at her and smile only to find the same devilish smile seen on her natural resting face but then her face starts to shrivel and horns start to grow on ALL sides of her head. I will try to escape but fail due to an unexpected magnetic pulse between our bulges. The abomination's head will approach mine, smile gettig increasingly sardonic, flames growing around us, contrasting with the painfully chilling nails planted in my skin. The creature starts to hump me at a pace with wich I will fail to keep up and then the fiery bubble will tighten around us, molding us into one greater abomination and then tighten some more until we are in this realm seen no more. Mortals of this world will go on with their days as we go on with ours in a hellish and eternal void of pain and pleasure.

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yeah im thinking its kino probably the sexiest one to date

You can't downvote here. Go back.

This is such a great design. It's fresh, original, and functional. And stylish. I love how the engine is in the back so if he rams shit it won't explode, and the reinforced roller cage is a nice touch. That's actually a car a vigilante would want.

it kind of looks like the 70s batmobile

Or maybe he picked up a Haynes manual at autozone

Let's be real the Batman Forever batmobile is the most kino looking one

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His friend Fabricatorman takes care of that.

it even has a third stop light
safety first lads

>You can't downvote here. Go back

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This one looks most like something out of a cartoon, which is great.

Nice car desu. Zoomers here are too used to the Nolan tank


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>customized muscle car
I like it.

that was a kino toy, but the Batman Animated series beats all batman stuff, even the movies.

Too ribbed for me.

>that was a kino toy
Brehs, I remember my brother and I getting the remote control car for Christmas that year, along with a bunch of batman and Robin action figures


>RR V8
kino supremo. I always liked the idea of Bruce Wayne buying a whole racing team full of engineers and drivers just so he could covertly develop the Batmobile with cutting edge automotive technology.

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It's a classic, but the penis turbine in the center looks goofy now.

Isn't this supposed to be more detective/noir?

looks like road warrior's car. kino

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This is from the set too.

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Everything before has been pretty goofy. This one has potential.

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So you prefer a used condomobile?

couldn't care less about this movie or any capeshit for that matter but that is one fucking sexy design, almost tops the '66 version.

Batman channeling his inner familia


Corny as fuck, Batman driving around in a car is inherently laughable

That's a BAC Mono, it looks the part but it'd be a real cop-out to just use a preexisting track car as the Batmobile.

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60s one is the best

Not bad, reminds me of the 80s Batmobile during the Jason Todd era.

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lmao should he take an uber to fight crime, idiot?

why did the marketers lie so much before the set photo leaks bros?

I like it, reminds me of the sleeker 70s 80s comics batmobile, before the movies

Fuck off zoomer, he's always driven a car.

i cant be the only one that loved this literal sex on wheels

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It does look fairly comfortable

>Batman driving around in a car is inherently laughable
how the fuck else would he get around?

fucking BASED

boomer muscle car trash

>Alfred, Riddler has gotten away because my fucking UberX didn't come in time


Sure buddy... The Batman franchise, the thirteenth highest-grossing media franchise of all time that made around 28.6 billion in revenue for them since 1939... I'm sure they didn't have a budget for the movie and decided to go for just "a muscle car"

yuck what an abomination


It's just a muscle car. This is probably going to be the first version where he just gets in through the side.

It's 100% from the set, trust me. But it's definitely not the batmobile. I made a thread about it last week when my friend in LA sent it to me. Could just be another car he drives at another time. Like the bike.

Finally, a cool-looking Batmobile.

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trash car
trash outfit

Christ, I can't believe that's the same guy who designed the F1, which looks more like a Batmobile than that trash.

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Kind of like the 80's version. I like it.

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nigger do you even know what he was referencing?

But the engine is completely exposed. No protection at all. All it takes is some armor piercing or incendiary bullets and the engine would get busted.

fuck off boomer


its made out of invincium, retard

It's possible it has an ultra-durable iron block or kevlar weave over the pipes/wires or something.

It's made from special Wayne Enterprises metals


Why did the Burtonmobile have a large black penis?

He's gay

>Yas Forums gets duped by a shitty CGI mockup


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> large black penis
For you.

yes of course unless he's being followed by villains in which case he uses the wrong turn signals to confuse them

Its an AFV

What is this from? I saw it as a child but have since forgotten.

I'm a big guy?

>"it's just a car"
>Nolan tanks

Where do your loyalties lie?

is the whole movie gonna have the piss filter?

Benis :DDD

It's made of Wayneium duh, what are you a retard or something

It came from Matt Reeves twitter account you fucking moron

Mad Bat fury road

>unless he's being followed by villains in which case he uses the wrong turn signals to confuse them

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Its a fuckin Tamiya


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for me it's the Batcopter

Didn't really like the batsuit but this looks really good

the adventures of mark twain


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fuck me so much of a lost opportunity. those DAMN WB execs jumping the gun

Thank you.

Check 'em

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still the best by far

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it's not long enough

I love how every Batman car makes you think that Batman has tons of cash to put on his car.

This desu.

Bruce Wayne is a Billionaire, and yet we're supposed to believe the best he can do is a souped up hotrod? This isn't Drive.


my nigga

like a mix between camaro and challenger
i could get behind a musclecar-batmobile
get this shit outta here though

I loved it. That batmobile chase was awesome as fuck too.

i think the front looks too boxy imo, not very aerodynamic. it would work if it was set in the 80s but if its present day, id like to see something more similar to a F1 car.

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Literally a penis

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does The Batman take place in the 1990's ?

>norm reference

nigger you're the one who needs to go

Looks like something from robot wars

More like the Boomermobile.

>attempt to try and fit in
>fail to recognize reference
Perhaps you are the faggot that is new here.

>we're in the final minutes of Matt Reeves' Batman.
>as Commissioner Gordon is putting away Classic Riddle, he informs batman that Arthur Fleck has escaped Arkham once again.
>Batman replies "I'm on it"


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That's just a Lambo Countach

Fuck that. Put Phoenix in the 3rd. He'll be 8 years older by that time and would look more appropriate.

Are your minds so melted by porn that you look at a long object and immediately think “penis”?

only newfags are this obnoxious

That sentence looks like a penis lol

What year does Pattinson Batman take place?

Batman driving through Gotham kino scene when?

>reading up on the original 60's tv show batmobile
>built on a Lincoln Futura concept car that cost 200k in 1960's dollars which is more than 2 million in todays dollars
Fucking crazy times, man.

Guys, I’m scared.....I might like it.

It hasn’t been confirmed yet but I’m personally thinking 90’s or late 80ms given the car design.

Who knows, someone said the 90's. I'm just saying the 8 years for Phoenix to age a bit more for it to look more appropriate. Plus it'll have people more so forget and let Joker as a movie age. No sequel. Keep it for this Batman series, finish it off heavy, put that Joker in it.

Even though I don't think anything in Fleck's head at the end of Joker was real.

How fuckin unoriginal and gay are you? That wouldn't fit Batman at all. This would..

It’s clearly 70s inspired. Adam West style but grittier. Culture is moving on from 80s nostalgia onto the 70s and 90s. Just look at all the thots wearing bell bottom jeans again

Year one.


Matt has said his version will be on the 2nd year as batman
Idk what year but based on the looks of it it looks 80s or 90s. So Joaquin's joker fits imo

>tfw born in time to presence batman boomer kino

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This version of the joker doesn't feet to go head to head with batman, just can't imagine it


>we're in the final minutes of Joker 2
>Arthur Fleck has just been broken out of Arkham by Harley Quinn(now played by Rooney Mara)
>"Mister J, Bruce Wayne is back in town!"
>Fleck replies "Time for him to get what he fucking deserves"

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>BAC Mono

>Criminals go up a curb / speed bump / off road
>Batman can no longer follow them

The best batmobile since Burton.

The theater erupts in AHEHEHEHEHE's with some AHOOHOOHOO's

You niggers are forgetting that The Batman is not a reboot. It's suppose to be the same Batman that Ben Affleck played and that Batman had Jared Leto as his Joker. Although they could retcon him as one of the Robins who went crazy or some shit like some early fan theories suggested.

>It's suppose to be the same Batman that Ben Affleck played

looks nothing like that and that design sucks

Kino! This will be the soundtrack btw.


You've said this before, and never post a link. You also said this movie was just the bastard version of Affleck's. Same script but rewritten. Yet you never post a source. Weird.

Would be kino. I think if they really want to include joker in Reeves trilogy then they can bring Joaquin's joker in strong cameos and that should be it, especially since Joaquin said he's interested to explore joker's character. No need to recast because joker is overdone, several jokers in less than a decade is not a good idea.
Some seem to be excited for Depp as joker but nah, i like Depp but stop recasting joker every damn year till people gets bored & will stop getting hyped over joker.

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How are you capeshit brainlets not sick of them rebooting the same fucking thing every 2 years

A lifted, offroad BAC Mono would be the tits, just like Ariel did to the Atom to make the Nomad.

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You don't get sick of your mom bringing home a new dad every 2 years?

This, Batman is at his best stalking rooftops, sewers and crime scenes on foot. People seeing him drive around ruins the mysterious urban bigfoot/pseudo supernatural presence he can sometimes have.


How about another joker BatMAN?
Joker: Knock knock
Batman: who's there
Joker: not your parents
Batman: you motha fuka
*pic related*

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How will Joaquin go against batman?

looks like a fucking dragon dildo

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This is Batman only a year into his work. Chances are the criminals haven't resorted to armor piercing or special rounds since he's still new to the fray and all they dealt with are cops

Only good thing about this movie so far.

More like basedmobile

Movie seems decent so far except for massively miscasting catwoman

Bitchin Camero

Looks like it could work, depending on the mood/theme of the movie

>Oh, my folks drove it up here from the Bahamas
>You're kidding
>I must be, the Bahamas are islands

Looks more like a clit

Nah, we need a remix of this

>>Oh, my folks drove it up here from the Bahamas
>>You're kidding
>>I must be, my parents were shot in crime alley

None of the Arkham Batmobiles?

He would blend in better driving that rather than a fucking anti gravity tank that can shoot missiles you stupid fucking brainlet. Kill yourself. This design is kino

That's the point. He is meant to be stealthy. He is meant to blend in the shadows. If he drives a regular car at night they would identify him so easily.


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>Commissioner Gordon is putting away Classic Riddler
>he informs batman that Arthur Fleck has escaped Arkham once again.
>Batman replies
and you'll never have to

If only he had access to something like Wayne Enterprises...

60s kino is back.

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Is this a shill thread are are people actually liking this. I can't tell anymore

I like the idea of a more street Batman, but it seems the hi-tech looking armor is at odds with that. It's at odds even with the cowl.

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I'm still waiting to see Zoe Kravitz in the catwoman suit

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