Oh no no no no no

oh no no no no no

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>inb4 he's the joker

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What is this original funny reaction supposed to be?

thats exactly the role user. i’m surprised no one made a thread about this yesterday. i was going to but it was to late at night

i am excited if true.

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We Got This Covered is not a reliable source. They make up all their stories.

>meanwhile amberthot is getting fired from aquaman

Ladies and gentlesirs, we have found the Fiddler.

He's damaged by Amber

he would be a pretty good joker honestly

I can hear "I'm da Jokah, baby" in his voice in my mind so I believe it

What the fuck why is there articles every day about who’s being eyed for the new joker and new Batman who fucking cares. Does every actor need to get a turn as the joker holy shit fuck capeshit

yes, the joker!
amber should play harley!

is johnny one of /ourguy/ or not ?

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oh boy more of this
i can't wait

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Either that or The Riddler. He would make a great Joker, especially if the movies aren't "realistic" like Nolan's and The Joker is a complete psychotic batshit insane lunatic with gadgets, laugh gas, no clear motive etc.

I could've sworn that people praise batman's rogues gallery
why does the joker have to be brought back to the spotlight for the 20th time

Being the Joker is now seen as the most respectable role in capeshit after Heath and Joaquin nailed it.


The Riddler is Paul Dano

I forgot how terrible this movie was


Because he's his most iconic villain that's also his biggest moral foil? Batman's C tier villains suck and you can't do Mr. Freeze, Killer Croc, Ivy, Bane (well Nolan tried but it was shit), Man-Bat etc. without fully embracing the comic book silliness. Scarecrow, Two Face and Penguin have already been done countless times too, the only good ones left are Mad Hatter and Zsaz who could probably be adapted into a great standalone detective story.

I want to lick the sweet sweat juice between Awkwafina's toes while she says "Yes drink my aquafina" in a fake asian accent as she plays with her tits, fully clothed. Then I want her to wrap her feet firmly (almost chokingly) around my neck and pull me in to her crotch. SURPRISE, IT'S BULGING, a pleasant one if you ask me and then I look at her and smile only to find the same devilish smile seen on her natural resting face but then her face starts to shrivel and horns start to grow on ALL sides of her head. I will try to escape but fail due to an unexpected magnetic pulse between our bulges. The abomination's head will approach mine, smile gettig increasingly sardonic, flames growing around us, contrasting with the painfully chilling nails planted in my skin. The creature starts to hump me at a pace with wich I will fail to keep up and then the fiery bubble will tighten around us, molding us into one greater abomination and then tighten some more until we are in this realm seen no more. Mortals of this world will go on with their days as we go on with ours in a hellish and eternal void of pain and pleasure. mmmmm

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he is

I wish they would just embrace the comic book silliness again, not like Batman & Robin but more like Batman 1989.
I would love to see a proper Batman vs Mr. Freeze film.

I agree but you'd need a competent director and cast that know their shit that would prevent it from becoming just another generic capeshit flick and make it into something meaningful. The Arkham games did a good job but those are games, it's harder to translate Batman to the big screen.

He's the new Batman screencap this.



The Riddler.

Willem Dafoe Joker so I can spam HARK memes



I bet het he would embarass himself more than Leto, but it's just fake news anyway

Eh...? Joker movie was prequel for The Batman

please tell me that's edited

most movies are

cheeky ass bastard

imagine his black mass look but with joker outfit/colors
could be kino

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and more hair, obviously

James Franco as joker
@ :30-:35


nice try faggot I recently rolled septs

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and i love dystopian/post apoc movies but this looks like shit
no wonder i never heard of it

Harry Osborne is James Franco's only good role

Why would you be excited? He hadn't been in any good movies for a long time. Amber Heard should have finished the job.

>the joker
>the riddler
>the purpler
>the zoomer
>the boomer

because Johnny Depp is the only actor that hasn’t played the Joker who actually is a lunatic, and can bring the psychotic nature of the joker.

that said however Joaquin’s Joker will always be the best. and Depp could never top it, but come close. hoping we get a “Jokerverse”

>Joaquin’s Joker will always be the best. and Depp could never top it
You surely meant to write jack nicholson.

>dude Joaquin's Joker was the best!
Can we just put aside the debates over the movie's quality for a moment and agree that Arthur is not the fucking Joker?

He has zero similarity to Joker. Joker would not kill a man for laughing at him, he would appreciate the joke. He would not care about justifying his actions as anything more than "because it was funny". Phoenix even admitted he didn't give a shit about making Arthur anything like Joker.

The movie gains nothing by saying it's about Joker. You could make a few small changes and it would work almost perfectly as a Rorschach movie. Fleck has far more in common with Kovacs. But it wouldn't get the same brand recognition and memes I guess. So instead we have to pretend that Joker has always been this sympathetic victim of society since comic writers aren't capable of writing villains that aren't """relatable""", meaning that their motivation comes down to "I was sad once".

DC are such fucking idiots.
>let us have 6 different Jokers in the span of a couple of years

yeah im thinking hes back

zoomer spotted. gtfo


not a zoomer but ok lol

nah I definitely meant Joaquin :)

Probably the riddler

>Johnny depp as joker
*mad Joaquin Phoenix noises*

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he should play the scarecrow a non-burlap scarecrow to anoy purists

pre-Sparrow Depp was legit, he then fell into some sort of "aloof" typecast that gives him this bland as hell character in every movie

Do we really need a new Joker every year? Prime Depp would have made a decent Riddler though I guess.

Just get Willem Dafoe already for fuck sake!

We already had those versions of joker
>cartoonish clown
>gangster clown
>psycho clown
>faggy punk clown
>sad man clown
What kinda clown depp would be next? Drunk on meth clown?

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how about regular clown?
like he just does clown things

>real fag clow
but Andrew Scott would be perfect for fagfag clown