Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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the cunt with hair
he could see homer was a dumb cunt but decided to let him design a car that he then bet his company on

>Herb asks Homer to make his dream car
>Homer makes his dream car
>Herb gets pissed off because he was stupid enough to place his entire company’s future on Homer’s car right after meeting his step-brother for the first time
Herb was a moron and it baffles me how he even made a fortune in the first place with bad decisions like that. I was kind of annoyed with how he treated Homer when they reunited.

If one mistake ruins your company then herb was shitty business man to begin with

also sneed

Tú por hacer este hilo


simpsons predicted elon musk

Who was in the wrong here?

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and he was never seen again

>Hey Mom how come you never told me about my identical twin brother?

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How did he lose his company after making one shitty prototype car?

yeah cause he thought Homer dumbness would reflect the average preference of the dumb american population

is sneed unironically dead?

he appeared again though, he created the baby translator device and got rich again

Formerly alive

I imagine his company had been falling in the shitter for a while and this car was the straw that broke the camel’s back, still not Homer’s fault at all though.

Let’s hope so, fucking discord trash.

One of the two following scenarios, or a combination of both:
1. Herb states they were already getting fucked by foreign competitors, and it's likely this was a final ditch attempt to save the company already in dire financial straits, and after it was seen as a failure the shareholders forced them into administration
2. He already went into mass production


In homers defense I thought the car was awesome as a child.


it wasn't her son, in fact I think she wasn't even aware of his existence, being a fuck up that Abe tried to cover and all

no he reapeared later for the baby translator chapter

Too late faggots, dead meme.

Sneed feed and seed

That's not a good business strategy by any means

oh, I forgot about that one

soijack and knockoffs are the hip new shitposts


Formerly too soon

Sneed was

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Even Barney fag is an hour sooner than you guys

Homer hair twin

Sneed's feed and seed

Who was in the SNEED here?



Also in one of the recent seasons Homer called him for something, and he got his answering machine that said he was broke again.


Why sneedposters are so mean?

lisa for not releasing the bart sex tapes

Sneedposting has ruined my life. Every second of every day I think "SNEED SNEED SNEED!" I try to come up with new ways to post Sneed. I sneak it into threads that have nothing to do with it. I once made a women hate thread on Yas Forums and replaced all the women with pictures of Sneed. The mods eventually figured it out. They didn't take too kindly to that. They banned me of course, but I never let that stop me. I've lost my job because of it. I spent too long sneedposting, and my boss asked me what I was doing. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SNEED IS?" I yelled at him. He was not pleased. Shortly afterwards, I lost my girlfriend. She said it was because I was "neglecting her" and "spent too much time sneedposting." But I know it was because I lost my job. She only wanted me for my money, that whore... Of course, many other girls have asked me out since then, but I always have to turn them down because they don't know what Sneed was. Why would I date a pleb who doesn't even know what Sneed is??? So it's official. I'm the world's first Sneedcel. Laugh all you want, but you know that I'm Sneedpilled. Deep down you wish you were this Sneedpilled too. In the end, it was all worth it. SNEED!

Sneed for not releasing the Chhuck sex tapes

Chuck was in the wrong
Sneed was in the right

Sneed feed and seed

This. Homer did nothing wrong and Herb was a prick for acting the way he did.


Chuck for selling his Fuck and Suck to Sneed.

*puts arm through computer screen*
*pets Sneed*
Aww! What a cutie!!
what's his n-

wait... how'd I do that???
what the...
okay this is WEIRD


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Why are you ruining this comfy thread?

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Because SNEED

Why are you not making a CARTOON thread in Yas Forums?
Are you braindead?


always makes me chuckle.

>based schizoid brony poster

the only comfy simpsons threads have lisa and bart locking lips while bart mating presses her

I would compare the average sneedposters mentality to that of an attention hungry woman. Every simpsons thread needs to be about sneed and only sneed, and it causes them great pain to see a comfy thread in which no sneedposting is being done. This is further evidenced by the fact that sneedposters love to make simpson threads solely for the sake of sneedposting in them. They claim that it was because "simpson threads belong on Yas Forums, and yet when people went to Yas Forums and made comfy threads there sneedposters raided Yas Forums and shit up the comfy threads there too. In closing, it was never about memes or what kind of threads belonged where, it was just about attention. Similar to a child doing bad things to get attention, the sneedposter does not differentiate between positive and negative attention. It just craves attention in general.



based schizo

Herb was a year older.

Herb is one of those fellows that is good at getting to the top but bad at maintaining it, he basically needs to get a company going and then put someone else in charge.

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shut the fuck up you loser.

Herb, clearly, for being a shitty businessman and blaming his failings on Homer.

Why did you let the smithers thread die?

>A former hero, once known by the code name "Chuck"

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Marge mentions that he's broke again after she talked to him on the phone in The Changing of the Guardian

>Who was in the wrong here?
Herb for trusting Homer, but then again he underestimated Homer's stupidity.

>Herb was a moron and it baffles me how he even made a fortune in the first place with bad decisions like that
Because in the end, he was a Simpson. And like all Simpsons, interaction with their family causes their downfall.

stealth leebait thread

Why does Herb have hair? I thought all Simpson men go bald

>Why does Herb have hair?
Because he didn't have the stress of interacting with the Simpson family. But you notice he was already going bald.

Señor Huevos

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

Herb ignored warnings from his employees that Homer was fucking shit up as well

>Herb ignored warnings from his employees that Homer was fucking shit up as well
Yep. He didn't have experience with the Simpson clan. If he did, he never would've let Homer do what he did.

Its not needing experience to deal with the Simpsons its just incompetence as a CEO overall


Fuck Niggers.

Why are you like this

I hope that YOU DIE.

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Why did you completely ignore my /vp/ thread last night? And you let the Yas Forums thread archive.

>Its not needing experience to deal with the Simpsons its just incompetence as a CEO overall
Because the second he got around the other Simpsons he started acting like one.

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His company was already tanking before he brought homer in

Without me you'd miss so many shill posts, then MLP would win.

>step brother

Surely it's his half brother since he looks the same