To those who have actually seen it, what are your honest thoughts?

To those who have actually seen it, what are your honest thoughts?

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You’re asking a board who were clueless as to who James Lipton was. The average age here is probably 16.

I’ve only seen clips of it but I thought it had some neat cinematography and it felt very much ahead of its time in filmmaking style.

it's literal Klan propaganda, zoomie.

Great period melodrama but the racial controversy tends to blur its acheivements in scale and narrative for some. Heavily inspired "Gone with the wind".

Intolerance and Broken Bossoms are still better, though.

More like "The BASED of a Nation"

He was some literally who though. Birth of a Nation is a famous film
But Griffith was against the revival of the KKK, which started a little bit before the release of the film

I cannot get past the first 20 minutes.
Not because of the politics.
I just cannot take the silent movie, the piano, the black and white, the grain and smoke rings,

Above all, I cannot stand the editing. I just cannot expect what they want to do the next shot or even what they are doing in this shot. They don't show me what I expect to see in the next shot.
When a guy talks to a girl they didn't show me the reaction of the girl in close up.

>But Griffith was against the revival of the KKK
I really wish this disinfo meme would end.

half the board here don't watch films, the other half don't watch films made before 2000, i hate this place so much

>this movie has nothing to do with the Klan
imagine being this literally retarded

a great film pioneering story telling through its honesty about niggers


>reading comprehension
At 3:50 he says "The Klan at that time was needed" implying that it wasn't needed post-Reconstruction
>this movie has nothing to do with the Klan
When did I say that
That's true, but I figure some people here have an interest in film

>the Klan at the time was needed
>you have bad reading comprehension though, I'm just trying to remove him from his literal Klan association and reason for making the movie!

not as racist as people like to exaggerate because of muh slavery and blackface. Just a standard story of love and loss within the civil war with a fed up half nigger rising up and failing and the KKK becoming a policing force to combat the revolt and with Lincoln's death being the true Birth of A Nation

That's not an issue with reading comprehension you fucking ESL retard, he's extrapolating what you're basically attempting to say; to distance Griffith with the Klan.

Boring museum piece

This is probably bait, but I don't care. The Klan was created during Reconstruction as the white Southerners' response to all the Republican policies that gave blacks more rights. They were successful at keeping blacks out of politics for the time being, and then the organization kinda just died. Fast forward to 1915 when Birth of a Nation is released, and a resurgence in the Klan happens in part due to the film. The film, which depicts the original Klan. The original Klan is not the same as the resurgence that began in 1915. Many of the modern KKK cliches like the burning crosses weren't even established until 1915

It's not bait to say that Griffith was a Klan sympathizer you fucking zoomer.

>The original Klan is not the same as the resurgence that began in 1915. Many of the modern KKK cliches like the burning crosses weren't even established until 1915
That's literal disinfo, Yas Forumsnigger.

Ok. So I guess the KKK was just as strong in 1913 as it was during Reconstruction

I saw It when i was an innocent 15 year old, who still had never coomed or used drugs and didn't gave a shit about politics, and found it to be absolute kino.

that's not what I said but you're delusional if you think there weren't cross burnings or lynchings or other "cliches" before 1915.

Too slow and boring (except for the famous cross-cutting sequence). The only good silent movies are comedies.

I didn't say anything about lynching. Of fucking course they were lynching during Reconstruction

Look, you're entire MO is to just either excuse the film or distance Griffith from the Klan. No version of the Klan was a good thing, so what's the argument?

My argument is that 1. There is a difference between the original Klan and the revival. Neither are very good, but it's ignorant to say that they are exactly the fucking same, and 2. That Griffith didn't support the revival of the Klan, which he didn't. You can say it's still bad for him to have thought that the original Klan was good, but BoaN was not made as KKK propaganda (although it was later adapted by the Klan to be used as propaganda)

>but it's ignorant to say that they are exactly the fucking same
But who cares? What's the point in bringing this up unless you're attempting to hand-wave?
>That Griffith didn't support the revival of the Klan, which he didn't
except he did, that's what I'm telling you. He was a sympathizer to the Klan.
>it's not propaganda because it was depicting a different Klan!
This is a smoothbrain response. Last (you). Go back to your containment.

>he doesn't support the Klan
>just the old Klan
>then me made a movie about it
>but like bro, it wasn't meant as propaganda
fucking wew.

>except he did, that's what I'm telling you. He was a sympathizer to the Klan.
Show me where he says this

>he literally doesn't know anything about Griffith

Absolute kino

user, why do you think Yas Forumscels like him?

It's retarded to just dismiss the film as just propaganda because that's not what it was intended as. It was only used as propaganda later on

>It's retarded to just dismiss the film as just propaganda because that's not what it was intended as
It literally was though, you complete fucking imbecile.

lol why don't you enlighten me then on what the film "intends"?

Amazing quality, unequivocally the greatest film of that era technically and near prescient vision from Griffith with regards to the American negro and their toll on society.

No it wasn't. It was intended as a drama with a large scope. I don't understand how anyone can actually watch the whole thing and say it was nothing but propaganda

>I don't understand how anyone can actually watch the whole thing and say it was nothing but propaganda
Because it is propaganda, your bait is low effort.

You haven't watched all of it, have you

I guarantee I've watched it more than you have, which in your case is zero. This is a big dog-whistle meme that Yas Forums does about Griffith on this board.

>movie is literally Klan hero worship about the "bygone" days where now blacks are kidnapping white women and need to be murdered
>this isn't propaganda though!

No, I've seen all of it, many times. The only people who would say it's nothing more than propaganda are Twitter leftists or retards who haven't watched the whole thing

>muh leftists leftists leftists
>wahh wahhh stop being mean to Birth of a Nation
I can smell you from here and your bullshit.

you literally aren't fooling anyone, retard.

I liked the first half a lot, the cavalry coming through the smoke during the burning of Atlanta was really something. I also liked the second half because the racism was so over the top it was hilarious.

>Above all, I cannot stand the editing. I just cannot expect what they want to do the next shot or even what they are doing in this shot. They don't show me what I expect to see in the next shot.
>When a guy talks to a girl they didn't show me the reaction of the girl in close up
holy shit, is this autism?

>if you like Birth of a Nation, and recognize its place as an important film, and see past all the retards who dismiss it as propaganda, you're Yas Forums
I hate this place

You can like the technical aspects of the film, sure. But it was literal propaganda.

you instantly starting crying about leftists you fucking stupid faggot. Of course the basic conclusion anyone can draw is that you're a Yas Forumstard.

Except that it wasn't. An example of a technically well made piece of propaganda would be some Eisenstein shit like Strike, a film that was made by a filmmaker who was instructed to make a film that pushed a very specific ideology. Birth of a Nation is a character drama about the faults of man that wasn't used as propaganda until well after it was released

I wasn't whining about all leftists. I was whining about Twitter leftists. Do you really wanna defend those faggots?

>Birth of a Nation isn't made to push a very specific ideology
>it's just a character drama
You literally can't be this retarded.

>that wasn't used as propaganda until well after it was released
Literally wrong though? I'm not sure who's paying you.

>I'm just whining about some boogeymen, not all boogeymen
Get a life.

What a terrible thread, holy shit. Birth of a Nation is fucking kino though

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go back to Yas Forums already.

Its not bad. I watched it in class for film history back then. Did change my view of "old movies' being boring.


>you can't just like this movie, that's racist
Go back

>you can't bring up that it's Klan propaganda written and directed by a literal racist
Imagine being as upset as you are.

I just said it was kino, faggot

>i-i-it's kino and fuck niggers amirite? HAHAHAHA


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Elaborate cinematography and action for the time, funny as fuck to watch too, especially the part where Congress is controlled by blacks and goes to shit

Seriously kys. I'm talking about the movie for its technical aspect. No where did I even mention pol u fucking tard

>Elaborate cinematography and action for the time, funny as fuck to watch too, especially the part where Congress is controlled by blacks and goes to shit

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While claiming that Griffith was somehow against the Klan is a serious stretch, the Klan had been disbanded by Forrest, the former Confederate who had developed it into the organization we recognize today. It is unlikely that Griffith was anything but sympathetic to the Klan. It is also unlikely that Griffith realized that his film would instigate race riots, and create a new Klan.

Ignore the retards. This film, along with Gone With the Wind and Paths of Glory really changed my mind of black and white films being "bad" because they are old. If you have the time I seriously recommend Fires on the Plain. Impressively well made for 1959

>my zoomer buzzword! I said it again! Do I fit in?

The revival started in earnest after this movie. The director regrets giving the movement power, but the source material was literal propaganda, you dunce.

Who are you quoting?

>It is also unlikely that Griffith realized that his film would instigate race riots, and create a new Klan
Why yes, the film where Klan members are literal saviors for the white race, I'm sure he didn't intentionally MEAN for this to have a message to instigate a return of the glorious bygone Klan to save America. I must be insane.

Why would a Jewish man be saying that?

Chapotraphouse absolutely seething since reddit quarantine.

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The dude is sperging out. I dunno if he missed his meds or the tard wranglers didn't administer enough electroshocks

Was the follow up to this movie any good? I know Griffith made "Intolerance" right after.

nobody outside of redditors and Yas Forums knows what a chapotraphouse is, retard. Go cry somewhere else.

By this logic Spike Lee is guilty of trying to foment race riots, which is obviously not true.

Wow, strange how that means everyone on Yas Forums knows about it. Hot take you got there.

>strange how that means everyone on Yas Forums knows about it
they don't because nobody fucking cares like you do.

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that's an absurd analogy.

nice FB meme.

user in the film, America is lost without the Klan, and only when they return is the country saved. Please tell me what the message is?

Yas Forums is the most popular board on the entirety of Yas Forums, no matter how many crocodile tears you shed. Ah-bloo-bloo.

>this is good for some reason
fuck off, shill.

You're degenerating into being completely illogical. I'd prefer you keep crying for my entertainment while pretending you're above it all.

No, you haven't actually watched birth of a nation. If you did, you'd know that America is fucked after the Civil War, which it was, and that the whites in the south were better off after the formation, not return, of the Klan

>Yas Forums is da most popular board hehe don't you look silly willy me lol

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>and that the whites in the south were better off after the formation, not return, of the Klan
Do you hear how fucking ridiculous your doublethink sounds? The Klan are the protagonists in the movie, zoomie.

Tell me about your hot centrist takes and how you wish you could just discuss Marvel in peace, user

Everyone hates Yas Forums faggot.

>they're the main character, and we empathise with them sometimes, that means they can do no wrong
What a nuanced way to watch a film, retard

If everyone hates it, it would logically be the least popular board on Yas Forums and no one would be visiting.

Griffith himself also said the film was really against interracial marriage. The film also portrays Lincoln pretty positively.

Literally everyone is basically a centrist when compared to a Yas Forumstard. The entire site is then.

Christ almighty redditor, the Klan characters are framed as fucking deities, ascending down from on high and out of history to save white America. They are literally framed as angelic and holy.

>all your traffic has to be positive attention

explain. if a movement is made even if the director never intended to, does the blame then fall on him?

But the largest percentage of Yas Forums visits Yas Forums, meaning by your logic, most people are Yas Forumstards. It's funny you believe that you're in the majority when the reality is YOU'RE the ones that don't belong considering you're pretty vastly outnumbered. Now, I get it, you're brown and sad, but frankly, you should be able to reason through this and head over to Reddit where you can feel safe espousing literally nothing views.

>Griffith himself also said the film was really against interracial marriage
oh phew, looks like he's in the clear.

Comically, you've probably blamed the ills of every board on Yas Forums and then claim they're not very numerous. You really don't have a consistent view other than "I'm angry, angry at Yas Forums"

>he thinks one of the newest boards on this site that gets constantly mocked for almost a decade, is the "majority" of posters
Do you say other dumbshit things like Yas Forums isn't for anime and is a right wing website?

Lincoln is also framed really positively. Makes no sense if the film was a full "Lost Cause" idea.

I never watch television or film

The movie is literally shilling for the Klan...

yeah guess so. phew

how much of a degenerate do you need to be in order to defend Yas Forums?

Listen, I'm not going to argue about the evolution of Yas Forums because you clearly know the history of Yas Forums and know it wasn't always called that. I'll let you and your comrades come round and stomp your feet and whine and cry about right wing politics while we laugh at you. You shriek and get tranny jannies to do your bidding, but you're not going to change reality. Why would you spend your days here screaming about Yas Forums when you could literally just go to reddit and have everyone agree with your cold takes? It should be a very serious consideration, you'd probably be happier for it, while I'm gaining happiness from your inept rage at an entity that you claim is simultaneously the downfall of the site and discourse, while also not being popular. Really consider what you're saying, then find your R key.

Boring, racist shit.

That's not a contradictory statement, ESL. You don't have to be "numerous" to be on many boards.

>typing an entire paragraph to shill for Yas Forums
okay, retard.

>who cares
History matters, the charter, methods, and even composition of the first and second klan were different. I know people like you just see everything as a ideological war between two sides but the nuances between the two clans matter historically regardless of what side your are on, even to the point that many vehement supporters of the first klan because they believed it was a necessary rebellion against a occupational government hated the bougiousgie national political Organization of the second klan that cared more about immigrants than southern localism.

Not everything is racism apologetics, not everything is “right side of history vs wrong” and just discussing history doesn’t mean anyone is “defending” anyone’s reputation.
Griffith firmly fell in the camp of people who thought the first Klan was justified, largely due to a grain of truth but a pound of lies about the occupation passed down to him from the previous generation.

He also like some thought the second klan was a betrayal, a yankeefied version of the first, one that cared more about catholic’s and Jews than the “real” problem, and was just trying to ape the energy of the first after the actual occupation ended.

Understanding these distinctions is important to understanding a better picture of the man, and the work, which surely is our goal here. Not just making some autistic post hoc Ven Diagram of “ebil racists” and otherwise.
Grow up retard, history has more uses then and more nuance than a 140 character tweet about if someone “supported the klan”

>Yas Forumsfag seething

have you seen this movie? it literally contradicts itself from the civil war part to the reconstruction era.

Not him but the vast majority of Yas Forums are newfags. Its babbies first board post the reddit election after Yas Forums and Yas Forums.

Honestly surprisingly well, the melodramatic acting indicative of the time is often at odds with the more serious moments and heightened by the increased jerkiness formed by the higher FPS, but the pacing does make up for this and calling some scenes such as the cliff jump dated does ring true, but ultimately no more so than a dummy being tossed in a 60's film. The disjointed stories does speak to the idea of a grander narrative interwoven and one must appreciate the sheer scale of some of these shots and the coordination of each of them.

If you haven't seen it, it honestly is worth your time if you're actually a fan of the filmmaking process, a lot of gaffs and mistakes visible on the screen will showcase how certain things were achieved in that time. The music and hard cuts will take some getting used to, but its worth it.

zoomers dont care about context or period based history



>Griffith firmly fell in the camp of people who thought the first Klan was justified
Yeah, which is bad.

Both Klans were pro-slavery though, as a position and felt that emancipation was the main cause of their problems. I'm not sure why you need to soften the world's view of the fucking Klan for.

Yas Forums is just how Yas Forums was before. Being an oldfag doesn't actually give you any clout, and the revisionist history of those that just "want the old days when Yas Forums was liberal" back doesn't mean shit. The insane disinfo and people bawwwwing about wanting Yas Forums gone is just funny. The people that don't like that Yas Forums is edgy and racist, which it's always been, just don't belong. I don't get why that's so hard to understand, unless literally only niggers are replying to me. You're put on pedestals on Reddit, I don't get why you'd subject yourself to a community that shits on you if that's the case.

>he's a racist
>just not THAT sort of racist
I'm honestly not sure what you're goal is here. I'm not an underage Yas Forumsnigger, I'm not going to fall for your revisionism lite politik.