So many tomboys in the 90s, like my girl Alexxx Mack

So many tomboys in the 90s, like my girl Alexxx Mack

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tomboys are hot, change my mind.

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I wanted to fuck her face in 10 Things I Hate About You

>tfw Caitlin never had her way with you

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>pic related
0% tomboy


google tomboys now a day and see how they all are dykes with dude haircuts. They all literally look like james charles. The tomboys of the 90s, and 00s are gone.

What network was this on? I don't remember it but it gives me 90s feels.

Does she look like Kate Mara?


>Ni-Ni Nick-Nick, Ni-Nick Nick-Nick! Nickelodeon!

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Oh shit I forgot this existed. I used to watch it as a kid. I wasn't sexually into tomboyish girls yet until early Avril Lavigne tho.

That's just a boy.

Tomgirls are the future, Boomer

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I haven't seen tomboys in anything, in like forever. Guess it's not popular anymore?

I think theyre just trannies now

No, they've been replaced by stronk, independent lesbians

She was pretty girly back then, that's why guys wanted her.

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Only 16% of tomboys are lesbians m8

>when you see the scruffy little tomboy you used to play footy with years later and she grew up to be hot

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>a thread died for this

He's right. If a girl likes to play with cars now instead of dolls she is put on steroids and hormone blockers and a lovecraftian human skin sausage sewed on her crotch.

Uh not monkey ones

kill yourself tranny lover

What went so horribly wrong bruhs

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It's pretty sad that this literally isn't a meme/exaggeration.

tomboys are hot, niggers are not

i’m not saying anything about them being lesbians, all i’m saying is that current tomboys look like dykes. they maybe straight but they look like james charles

Back then, you were suppose to grow out of it and become a woman and settle down to start a family. Now...

How can a sane human see this and not feel revulsion? Is this the power of leftism?

I used to think it was just ironic , but I feel like the current gen actually likes trannies

Had my first childhood fap to her.

When women fail to be woman, men, like always, have to step up to the task

I have a lowkey tranny fetish. To spice things up I jerk off to em about once a month. Don't think I'd ever fuck one irl though.

>Alexxx Mack

Claire Danes in My So Called Life was kinda tomboyish.

ella's a qt

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Let Go had a tomboy aesthetic. Under My Skin less so.

I mean. Why wouldn’t a tomboy have masculine tastes in clothing?

I don't get what you're up in arms about. Is it because her hair is too short?

hello is this the weekly tomboy thread

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I want to fuck a tomboy

omg do you none of you get what i mean? i could care less that a tomboy you know actually wears boy clothing or plays sports or whatever. the issue that i’m trying to show to show you is that the tomboys we grew up with are way different then what we grew up with.

That's not a tomboy fucking zoomer.

You're a faggot just so you know

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way different than the ones now*

sorry was frustrated trying to get my point across

Thanks to that user who notified us last night that she did a nude photoshoot.
You basically proved to me that God exists. I will die happy.

there’s a difference from tomboys you grew up with and tumblrinas in their 20s/30s who have a million tattoos and short hair not for the utility sake so it doesn’t get in the way from physical activity but to unironically look more like a man while at the same time hating men.

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This guy knows what's up. Olenik was top cute.

When it comes to "tomboys," most dudes just really want a hot chick that wears baseball caps and seems down to earth. They don't actually want to fuck men.

this, right here. very based my guy

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How? My girlfriend likes wearing comfortable clothes and thought her tree tattoo was cute

Yeah. That’s called a tomboy. I like mine cuz she’s normally chill, not fussy, fucks like a bitch in heat, and actually means it when she says she loves me.

does she look like this? b/c if so that’s what i meant about the new tom boys vs the old ones

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Gross, most of the girls itt look like liberal dykes. True tomgirls are traditional and pure, and look more like pic related.

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>tfw gf looks like Alex Mack when she wears a cap
How do I get her to wear it in bed

>didnt remove the tag out of principal

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post more tomboys/short-haired girls before the jannnys 404 this thread

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but its on topic!

the last successful thread that a couple weeks ago was on thin ice and also pretty late at night. hope this thread survives.

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Scuse me, comin through

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She grew up to be the hottest daughter. Even Dana got hotter then Karen.