Bond postponed until November

Bond postponed until November

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When was it supposed to release

Mid april

May but it got Corana'd

April 10th

>woke bond
better postpone this shit indefinitely

Only fatality to Corona so far

>thorough evaluation of the theatrical marketplace

Plenty of Time to Edit

More Time to Die
Here's the source. Imo they completely fucked it up and probably cost themselves a hundred mil at the least.
theyre running out of steam from the Billie eillish and marketing funds and this is an unnecessary delay seeing as bond never did that well in China anyway

They know it's going bomb

No Time To Die Another Day

They just screwed a bunch of theaters out of money that were presaleing tickets.

Maybe the Bond producers have some weight to renegotiate the release of a movie, but imagine how many blockbusters are gonna crash and burn this spring

they probably pulled a music artist thing. tons of people like madonna or beyonce or whatever will see the presale tickets are crazy low, then cancel the concert due to "illness" or some other bullshit because cancelling looks better than playing to empty places

Corona will be in full swing worldwide by the time the original release date comes around

>no apology either
uhh thanks?

Probably right. I expect more reshoots and test audiences to start now that they have until November to "fix" it.

just dump it on vod and recast the damn franchise like you shoul've done at least two movies ago


Most bonds release in november so might as well, even though this one took like 5 years to get done

>"We're sorry to that one person who was actually looking forward to this inevitable trainwreck."

What the fuck.

Corona-chan is delaying the pain

Aha, Billie Eyelash campaign for Oscars derailed. Suck it, shills

November is even better for the Oscars

For a first release. It’s out of steam by then with the public

What if Covid19 is worse in november ?

Hopefully we'll all be dead by then

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Thank you corona-chan

did someone say No Time to Dine?

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NOvember Time to Die

if they release it now it'll tank as hard as birds of prey. releasing in november, it'll only tank as hard as dark fate

>Bilbo escumlish
>Craig Bond
They are the real virus here, not this thing that started in some wuhan factory testing dog pussy sex doll prototypes against the real thing.

>"No, Mr. Bond, you misinterpret me entirely. My virus was never designed to wipe out humanity. It was to bankrupt the entire pedophile-laden industry industry."

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lol underrated post

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Was Blofeld the good guy all along?

Habbeningbros were right

*Film industry. Fuck.

>released in UK two weeks before US
How inconsiderate, don’t they know I’ll have to avoid Yas Forums for spoilers during that time?

Can you imagine if Blofeld destroyed our industry industry? We'd be ruined! It's one of our most important industries...

arguably the smart phone has destroyed the industry industry. There are no new technologies on the horizon as every man of action is now a docile little lemmings too busy entertaining birds to invent anything of worth.


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Great, now they have time to make a new theme song.

That's five (5) years between movies.

Tbh it looks to be a shitshow, so whatever. I wasn't dying to see it or anything.

Just how bad are they expecting this virus to be? Seems more like an excuse to get in some reshoots or something.

Haha good those commie globalists can loose millions thanks to chinks and jews.

Why it has to be November holy fuck?

Seriously, they could have at least gone for a September release.

Wuhan clan ain't nothing to fuck with

>5 rewrites
>3 hours long
>director fired
>soundtrack composer fired
>press tours cancelled
>release delayed by 7 months
No bond film has ever flopped, the least successful outing made back three times its budget.
>"We're going to do things that people have never seen" - Daniel Craig
Now I understand what he meant. All along he's been planning the ultimate subversion: creating the first and last Bond flop as an explosive send-off to the franchise, tanking Eon once and for all.

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>first ever Bond theme to open at #1
All for nothing. The release of the song essentially serves as marketing for the movie now, and in 6 months time they'll have to start the marketing all over again

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They're not actually worried that the audience will be sick, it's just quite likely that big cities in the USA, UK and China (biggest markets for this crap) will close a lot of their cinemas in April.

>director fired
You talking about Boyle or did the true detective guy get fired too?

I'm kind of glad, DESU. I grew up with the Bond films always getting November/December releases, just in time for the holidays. A spring release just feels off.

>Director fired
>"They fired Fukunaga?"
>Remembered that Danny Boyle was the original maestro.
>He probably didn't side with the political script bullshit.
Ah fuck. It would've been aces.

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R.I.P. Godzilla vs. Kong.

iirc Boyle was the one that brought up making a bond for the metoo era so he was probably fine with whatever they may have wanted to do

I heard Boyle's script killed Bond and passed the torch to the next generation.
Studio wanted nothing about it.

Rami Malek is the only reason I would want to watch this shit tbqh

>Ghostbusters: Afterlife
>Monster Hunter
Sony have a release schedule, and they've already been laying pipe to bring out other big budget films between now and November which NTTD would detract from. November was probably the earliest they could move other films around.

in 8 months half of earth's population will be dead. not a smart move

This, Boyle would have given us the Last Jedi of Bond.
Subverting expectations with pure contempt for the franchise

Is Craig the anti-architect? The Shiva to Brosnan's Brahma?

>noooo save us china!

>We're going to do things that people have never seen
Get a load of this fuckboi, I expect it is like that gay-deep-double-fisting.webm . I still see it whenever any one gestures that they like skiiing.

It might be. Apparently spanish flu worked like that, the second wave on the next flu season is what killed the most.

>£250 million budget
And they're going to have to pay for marketing twice over now.
This film will have to be nothing short of a phenomenon just to break even, and now it's coming out half a year after the hype will have died. RIP

Godzilla vs. Kong please change your release date.

not an issue, the industry plant is going to be forced down NPCs throat and they are going to gag on it til they like it.

No one was going to see it anyway after king of the monsters

hmmm really makes ya think

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2nd April UK, 10th US.

No, time to die.

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No, it has a lot of positive buzz about it. It needs to do good so please change the release date.
Bond might not get any hype because of everything surrounding it and too much delay especially considering all the marketing campaign and two trailers but it's still Bond.

RIP those people who will have died by November

Why don’t they just come out and say fuck Americans, we only care about international money

Unironically tho I'd hate to be a gadget inventor in 2020. Trying to come up with something that isn't already available as an app on your phone or USB device for your laptop.

This is like the opposite of early Star Wars screenings for terminally ill fans.
Invalids not welcome

>it's a "all the devices and spy gadgets Bond needs are convenient apps on his smartphone" movie

so what they burned some biomass and it floated on to the market? or diversity hire female patient zero took her bat soup ingredients from the market and kept em in her locker all day at work.

Corona might be the best thing to happen to cinema in years.

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We've went from having No Time to Die to having All the Time In The World


it would need to be a thing for at least a couple years so that studios stop catering to international markets and try making good movies instead

>tfw you get lost up Xinhua road and eat out of the wrong bins

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Presale tickets weren't up for No Time To Die yet

probably because of the World Cup is in the summer

You just have to know that every process can be improved - think coffee or energy transport. Every inconvenience is on the table.

This is my first Bond film since my dad died (2017). We watched every one together since Goldeneye. It's weirdly comforting to know that if he probably wouldn't have survived to see it anyway, given Coronavirus will likely take out everyone in their 60s by then anyway.

Advance tickets went on sale in the UK a couple of days ago, which strikes me as terrible planning.

Remember this, there will be some manufactered drama leading up to the release. Easy guess is a bunch of articles about how she is being bullied by evil men and a trend on twitter filled with bots voicing their support for Billie (the product)

>given Coronavirus will likely take out everyone in their 60s by then anyway.
Stop going to the Coronavirus general

New to the happening meme, eh? It tricked me once too. Corona isn't gonna make a shit even if it's worldwide. China probably just used it as an excuse to cull its population now that the one child law got lifted.

Lady Corona dabbing on niggers and chinks left right and center.


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I really liked the trailer but the more time that goes on the more concerned i become. now im expecting a disaster

Unironically though I was watching some old bond recently and almost every cool gadget he had probably is available for $10 on amazon now. Even the invisible car stunt in Die Another Day is now the choice cheap trick of trustfund youtubers.

Yeah but where's the fun in coming up with app that reduces something from 2 taps to 1?

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A lesbian called pussy galore.

Why did he take it on, bros?
Everything he's done so far has been kino.

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They should just shelve it.

*cough* Congratulations Mr Bond. You infected the entire world. Even Madagascar.

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>another purvis and wade bond
>another dumpster fire
woah who would've thunk

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>Barbara Broccoli

>Is Craig the anti-architect
the demolisher

full blown caloric deficit

I guess this is getting cancelled as well.

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Now this I genuinely hope never sees the light of day.

So is this because of lack of sales in China because of the virus?

Or is this a sensitive plot piece because the villain spreads a global virus and its just bad timing? Kind of like how after 9/11 certain shows and movies were pulled.

Damn that's an interesting idea. is the rescheduling a spoiler?
They've been really secretive with Safin and what his plot is