Lmao Star Wars? Who cares about that shit, nerds will still see it lmao

Lmao Star Wars? Who cares about that shit, nerds will still see it lmao

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I have never been this shocked and appalled in my life


I'm 100% okay with the current state of Star Wars. Fans deserved this shit for the way they treated Lucas.

100% Based

No one should be surprised by this.

Star Wars is for fags anyway, watch Dune instead

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>Yes, I've never seen any Star Wars movie in my life. How did you know?

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I'm 100% okay with this but for different reasons. The people who remained fans AFTER what Lucas did to Star Wars (running it into the ground and then selling it to Disney) deserve this for not letting go of this soulless corporate cash grab earlier.

The Virgin Virgin Abrams vs The Chad Johnson

NOOOOOO! Really?

star wars is the capeshit of fantasy genre
lotr is capeshit of fantasy genre

Given the fact that Disney executive don't care about the people they hire to run their shitty films, why should I ever want to watch another star wars film?

Which is why everyone involved in production should be fired and blacklisted from hollywood including the storygroup and the whole sequel sage should be made part of legends written off as the most expensive fanfic in history

Then remake the sequels in animated form on clone wars level quality based on georges original script

I dont want them to make more live action since its all just nepotism and money laundering anyway


he really is just like me

If by "Star Wars Canon and History" they mean "shit not in the movies", what's the problem?

Atleast he's honest unlike the rest of Lucasfilm and Jew Jew

>why should I ever want to watch another star wars film?

you shouldnt its broken beyond repair the high republic shit is proof of that they dont intend to learn from their mistakes

>Yes, I've never seen any Star Wars movie in my life. How did you know?

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Surprising no one.

imagine my surprise

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No, he actually meant the movies

Brave and stunning

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So this basically confirms that his trilogy is dead in the water, right? Why would he make three more movies about a franchise that he doesn't care about?

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>(running it into the ground and then selling it to Disney)
Lucas Arts remained a well oiled machine until the handover, and the Prequel hate belies gigantic toy sales (which have subsequently fallen off so dramatically as to single-handedly bankrupt the last major dedicated retailer) and strong viewership of spinoff series (Clone Wars) and computer games. What Johnson did could and should have been buttressed with existing EU (read: Lucas canon continuity), but didn't, with half-measures by equally benighted boardroom suits all sticking their fingers in, likely to sabotage Abrahm's move to a competitor after completing Nu Wars (DC comics). This has been known since before TLJ's release -- old news. Dilate Rian.

>Given the fact that Disney executive don't care about the people they hire to run their shitty films,

It shows

I watched the original trilogy and got the fuck out.

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Star Wars's fanbase doesn't understand that Lucas already fucked everything over with the prequels.

What continuity is it ruining when George revealed that the entire Star Wars storyline would have been prevented if the Jedi were competent and did their FUCKING JOB.

George Lucas had to actively made the Jedi stupid in order for the events to happen. And he also had to make Anakin's life miserable with the whole "You can't get married rule" which only applies to him and him alone.

There was a point in time Lucas could have made something that worked with the franchise well, but he ignored Zahn and his writing in the Thrawn Trilogy in favor of his own stupid concepts.

So Rian not following the stupid "Prequels logic" miindset that the 5-12 year olds were brainwashed into thinking is true is still a positive and thus still makes Episode 8 entertaining

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>damage control

>Pretending that the prequels didn't fuck over the franchise at it's core
>Pretending that Lucas didn't ignore what made the OT good and created more questions about WHY he OT even had to happen

Even something as fanfictiony as HISHE pointed out the incompetency of the Jedi and how Anakin would have been able to live as a Father with Luke and Leia on Naboo with his wife Padme.

Based Rian making nerd seethe years after the movie came out. Could you fags be more pathetic?

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Really? Because it seems like it's the Rian shills continuously seething in these threads.

You shouldn’t.

SPBP, fuck loreshitters

$, simple as.

Disney don't want the creepy incel demographic

crap take

Ok damage controller

>Proceeds to make a bad film and get heavily defensive about it


Embarrassing autism

Based Rian for singlehandedly killing Star Wars.

Zahn is an excellent writer though.

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This. I heard Knives Out was good but I have zero interest in watching a movie made by someone who clearly doesn't give a shit about whether the movies he makes are good or not.

I can understand why Hollywood keeps giving the same hacks more and more opportunities to fail, but I don't know how fans can just magically forget a writer/director's past work and get hyped for the next product. People genuinely believed that all the questions in TFA were going to get satisfying answers. From JJ fucking Abrams. How the fuck can you possibly forget history like that?

>What continuity is it ruining when George revealed that the entire Star Wars storyline would have been prevented if the Jedi were competent and did their FUCKING JOB.
I never understood this position. I don't think there's anything wrong with the Jedi being fallible because they were in a state of ruin in the Original Trilogy. Obi-Wan says they were the guardians of peace and justice for a thousand generations but also says they were hunted nearly to extinction by one of their own and the Empire. Someone must have taken advantage of some sort of weakness in order for this to be the case.

Just my two cents.

>What continuity is it ruining when George revealed that the entire Star Wars storyline would have been prevented if the Jedi were competent and did their FUCKING JOB.
How the fuck was this not in the OT? Obi-Wan tells Luke that things were good, Jedi were in charge and the galaxy was peaceful, and then things suddenly went to shit because of Vader.

>So Rian not following the stupid "Prequels logic" miindset that the 5-12 year olds were brainwashed into thinking is true is still a positive and thus still makes Episode 8 entertaining
>actually trying to say that TLJ respects the lore of the OT in any way

I've seen one SW movie my entire life and it was shit. I'm only here to dunk on starshit nerds. Your pet franchise is trash and you're pathetic for caring about it.

As far as SW goes, at least Rian did what he wanted, which is how George has always done things. JJ's latest attempt is a cucked pile of shit with no soul.
Knives Out is fine.

That's why the Disney shit is not canon, just like the JJ star trek films.

But the inherent conceit of the story is that he couldn't. It's dumb to take issue with that. Not every monastic order is perfect. One of the imperfections of the Jedi (if you see it that way) is that attachment is forbidden and so relationships like marriages must not be.

It only really becomes problematic in the case of the defiant and impulsive Anakin, and seemed to be working well for the Jedi for thousands of years up to and until that point. Thus Anakin's dilemma is being torn between his adherence to the Jedi Order and his love for Padme. This dilemma isn't an example of bad writing just because you don't like it.

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Yet, he still made easily the best of the sequel trilogy movies. Almost like just giving the fans what they think they want doesn't actually work.

It shows.

Based Dunechad


2. The rule only applies to Anakin and Anakin alone.

Stop trying to defend movies that destroyed this franchise at it's core and could have been avoided if Lucas had listened to Zahn.

>knives out was good
Fuck no it isn't, it's just the only semi-entertaining movie that's come out in forever. It was pure and utter trash.

>entire mystery revealed in like 15 minutes with some minor mysteries nobody cares about left
>characters COMPLETELY flip their motivation, nice, decent people one scene, randomly idiotic assholes the other (no, it wasn't for the money)
>Daniel Craig supposed to be some good detective, solves literally nothing, contributes in no way whatsoever to anything
>HUGE plotholes
>for some reason we have to sympathize with Martha because muh immigrant but she is not a very nice character and the family WAS pretty nice to her

Before the film came out he was really nervous and talking about how he wanted to get it right because he loved Star Wars. Then it came out and people hated it, so his cope was "heh I don't even care" mixed constantly trying to defend himself (because that's what people who don't care do, right?). It's the same shit Boyega tries to pull ("lol i don't care but let me spend all day trying to defend myself in a twitter slapfight").

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>giving the fans what they want doesn't work
The 23rd Marvel movie made 2 billion dollars
Giving the fans what they want is the only thing that works

>Actually using Marvel movies
>Which completely change how the comic storylines works

You must think Thanos wanted to snap away half the universe because of resources, don't you?

Yeah, had nothing to do with Thanos wanting to impress Lady Death and make Death his girlfriend.

Marvel "fans" are not the reason why marvel movies do well. If you want to see what "Giving the fans what they think they want" looks like, just look at the complete shitshow that is the comic book industry.

Maybe, just FUCKING MAYBE, the point was to show the Jedi were indeed flawed and not near as perfect as they pretended to be ?

>Not incompetent idiots who caused their own downfall despite common sense would have figured out all this shit

The fucking state of the prequel fanboys right now is hilarious.

>at least Rian did what he wanted, which is how George has always done thing

Rian wanted to be the KOTOR2 of the movies so bad but hes simply not intelligent or talented enough for it

>not being a based time traveling chad

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You're kidding right? Fans are perpetually shitting on constant reboots, events and chasing demos that dont read comics. And yet every few months it's the same shit.

Could you explain to me how they're incompetent?

>He cares about Star Wars "lore"

Nu-Dune 2020 will be indistinguishable from star wars and capeshit

>continuity? topkek
he deserves everything he gets

>claims for 2 years straight that he loved the whole canon behind Star Wars and Luke Skywalker
>finally admits he’s a subversive hack who didn’t care about the originals only when it became popular with his small but obsessive fanbase of contrarians (yes they actually exist on film forums)
Color me surprised, at least now Disneywars can be officially attributed to being written by people who hate Star Wars.

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How were they incompetent?

>2. The rule only applies to Anakin and Anakin alone.
No it doesn't. Nobody took Anakin aside and told him specifically that he could marry. If anything, the only exception to the rule is Ki-Adi Mundi. He was allowed to have multiple children as his species was in crisis.

>Stop trying to defend movies that destroyed this franchise at it's core and could have been avoided if Lucas had listened to Zahn.
It's not that I have a dog in the fight against Prequel vs OT purism, I just think this particular complaint is dumb, since it's the central idea of Anakin's story. You're basically saying it's bad because you don't like this concept, not because of the way its been executed.

Also did Zahn try to weigh in on the PT? Never heard about that.

same here.

I'm thinking Rian is based now, fuck Star Wars and fuck Star Wars faniggers

He was unironically exactly what star wars needed

Unironically based. You just know this pisses off the prequelshitters who needed to cite expanded material to defend their worthless trash for years.

You have to be kidding me, right? Are you people so fucking incompetent you don't recognize your own blind nostalgia?

>We sense great anger in Anakin, we believe we shouldn't teach him
>When they decide to teach him, he is constantly having mental and emotional problem which the Jedi do nothing to help him

>"I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi"
>told about a Sith in the Senate at the beginning of the Episode 2 and don't investigate into this till years later
>Ignores the fact that Jango Fett, the man who tried to kill Padme, is the original person used to make the Clone Army
>Ignores the fact that Palpatine received emergency powers RIGHT when the Clone Army was needed to fight the Separatists

>At Episode 3, they tell Anakin to go spy on Palpatine
>Jedi ignore this and puts him together with the man they are NOW suspecting as the Sith Lord.

>He pretends to not care about Star Wars lore

keep telling yourself that you dumb contrarian meme-posting frog-loving s-o-i drinker capeshit enabling yidsney worshipping cum-guzzling nigger

Because, again, fans don't know what they want.

To be fair, I don't think anybody working in the american comic book industry knows what they want to be either. They seem to go back and forth between trying to appeal to new audiences and pandering to fans.


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Lol why did you care about star wars before that? Its a shitty franchise for kids

> Its a shitty franchise for kids

This is what brainlets really believe.

Maybe they did try and it never took. It's explicitly said.

Obi-Wan and co. figured Dooku was lying to make them paranoid, but knew that Sidious was manipulating the Senate and them, but the war took priority.

They didn't suspect Palaptine was a Sith Lord, they thought he was working for or was being manipulated by Sidious. They had Anakin spy on him as an act of desperation to destroy what was essentially the ultimate evil.

TLJ needed numerous novels, comics and guidebooks to justify half of the insane nonsense.

>Assuming they did despiite no evidence in the movies

>Assuming Dooku was lying and not looking into it just in case he wasn't.

>Trying to play semantics when putting the mentally and emotionally imbalanced Chosen One next to him is clearly a BAD IDEA

Dude, you know the old saying:

"when you Assume something, you are making an ass out of you and me".

>You have to be kidding me, right? Are you people so fucking incompetent you don't recognize your own blind nostalgia?
If people didn't think that there was something wrong with the Prequels, you'd be getting very different responses. It's this particular stance that warrants explanation. Anyway, rebuttal.

>>We sense great anger in Anakin, we believe we shouldn't teach him
They only acquiesced because a well respected Jedi that wanted it so badly he was willing to defy them for it just died, and now his apprentice was bent on taking up the task with or without the council's consent. They were trusting well respected allies, and relented to keep both Obi-Wan and Anakin safe and lodged.

Also, they sensed fear in Anakin, not anger.

>>When they decide to teach him, he is constantly having mental and emotional problem which the Jedi do nothing to help him
Nah, he wasn't prone to outbursts in his youth. His mental state started to decline halfway through AOTC when he slaughtered the sand people, and got worse in ROTS. But Yoda did try to help Anakin. People keep saying that Yoda basically told him not to care, but what he was trying to tell Anakin was that the people he loved would never die because there is no death, only the everflowing Force.

But Anakin's balance had been knocked off kilter when he killed Count Dooku, which he was provoked into doing by a Sith, not by a Jedi. It's a pretty important part of his crisis, that I think is often overlooked.

Also, Obi-Wan told Dooku he didn't believe him, and honestly, he had no reason to. None of them did. Besides, it's not like the Senate would have been happy to let them investigate them. It would have created a huge amount of potentially unwarranted friction with the people who were essentially their bosses.

I need another post to keep going.

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Star Wars is just a fun remix of Kirosawa and Flash Gordon. The universe and "lore" aren't important, it's the characters and set designs.
Don't get asshurt because a director didn't read your precious comic books.

Bold marketing strategy user. Let's see how it worked out for them!
Oh wait...Oh...Oh.

star wars? that's the one with the aliens right?

Don't forget the Dambusters and Valerian. Lucas stole from pretty much everything he enjoyed as a kid and smashed it together into one film.

>Doesn't care about star wars lore or history
That's okay neither does anyone at Disney.

>All of this excuse making.

George Lucas brainwashed you will. This is the army of 5-12 year olds

>>Ignores the fact that Palpatine received emergency powers RIGHT when the Clone Army was needed to fight the Separatists
Well, this is a byproduct of the ongoing conflict. They didn't ignore it per se, they just didn't have a chance to address it until much later down the line. They were worried about keeping the Republic in tact, and then preventing the Separatists from occupying worlds out in space. Once things start to clear up, they pretty much all but say that Palpatine having so much power is wrong, and that they want him to give it up ASAP. They just don't think that he will. He was suspicious to them, they just didn't think he was what he turned out to be.

Anakin didn't say that it was a bad idea because he recognized his own mental and emotional state and thought he couldn't handle the burden. He didn't want to do it because Palpatine was his friend, and had been nice to him since he was a boy. He told him about the sand people and he was forgiven.

Also, Mace Windu did think that putting them together was dangerous. He said it in the movie. Like that other user said, there wasn't anyone else to fill the role. If you can think of a better character for it, let me know.

So when the story sucks, the characters suck and the designs suck, we can say the director is a pretentious faggot who's arrogance was mistaken for talent? So, we were pretty much on the mark.

I accept your concession.

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Sure he did, Mike. Sure he did. So back to wallowing in misery as you force yourself to watch Picard.

To compare what Marvel Comic fans want out of a Marvel movie to what Star Wars fans want out of a Star Wars movie is disingenuous. 'Giving the fans what they want' refers to the moviegoing public, not the 11 people who still read comic books

Nah, you conceded the moment you started to make mental gymnastics the argument.

he's clearly smarter than you.

You call that gymnastic? I call it watching the movies.

This isn't even subtext, it's just ... text.

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>make direct sequel to the story of the original films
>the story doesn’t matter
You are a bigger brainlet than Rian m8

Luke was good, Kylo was good, Rey was good.
The jedi island looked good and so did the salt planet.
Last jedi is the best sequel film. It's a 6/10.

rian did nothing wrong. he made TLJ as a fuck you both to disneywars, the worst franchise of modern times, and to the original star wars, the pulp that destroyed real science fiction

>We sense great anger in Anakin, we believe we shouldn't teach him
>When they decide to teach him, he is constantly having mental and emotional problem which the Jedi do nothing to help him
The Jedi are a peacemaking/pacifist order, if Obi-Wan was going to teach him no matter what, they weren't going to stop him by force. Neither were they going to kill Anakin to remove the danger. If they let Anakin on his own, he'd likely become a bigger threat (due to his potential). Training him was the only potentially good way.

>"I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi"
>told about a Sith in the Senate at the beginning of the Episode 2 and don't investigate into this till years later
Who told you they never investigated into it?
>Ignores the fact that Jango Fett, the man who tried to kill Padme, is the original person used to make the Clone Army
Who told you they ignored it?
>Ignores the fact that Palpatine received emergency powers RIGHT when the Clone Army was needed to fight the Separatists
So? He's a poltiician, seems reasonable he could orchestrate the whole thing. Who told you the jedi were never suspicious of it? They wanted Anakin to spy on him, didn't they? As you said:
>At Episode 3, they tell Anakin to go spy on Palpatine

Dunno senpai, last I heard, mentally and emotionally sane people don't like spying on their friends/mentors.
>Jedi ignore this and puts him together with the man they are NOW suspecting as the Sith Lord.
They never really suspected Palpatine. At most they suspected he works WITH the sith lord.

With that cast it's probably gonna be the same shit user

People have this weird dichotomy about the Jedi where they have a problem with Lucas' black&white morality on one hand, but also can't handle that the Jedi aren't infallible.


Lucas is the root of all evil. If he would not have made horrible prequel movies none of this would have ever happened

he meant shit not in his movie

You're opinion is not fact, user

>make shit product
>"dude I didn't fail I just like totally didn't even care lmao"

>NotHoth looked good

>and seemed to be working well for the Jedi for thousands of years up to and until that point

Pretty much. Clearly the Force is a dangerous thing to wield and forming attachments clearly also creates fear, jealousy and other shit that could create an avalanche that leads to the dark side. Guess the Jedi learned a thing or two about that through the centuries and placed those rules for a reason, not just because they're jealous of Anakin.
And if Anakin followed the rules things would've been fine. But he just had to have that tight Naboo pussy and at the same time wasn't willing to give up the free drinks status of being a Jedi.
People forget he could always just quit. Dooku did it and the Jedi let him and he was a high-ranking and respected member when he left, not an impulsive little prick that only Obi-Wan liked.

>the prequels were bad
>therefore the only thing we can do is retcon the OT and destroy the characters for a new mary sue and her friendly pet negro
>this is a direct consequence of jar jar existing