He doesn't watch movies in his smartphone

>he doesn't watch movies in his smartphone

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there is nothing wrong with watching capeshit on your phone, since it's not really a movie, more like live action 90's superhero cartoon with budget.

>he doesn’t watch movies on his PSP

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Now if you're playing...the movie on a telephone, you will never, in a trillion years, experience the film. You'll think you have experienced it, but you'll be cheated.

It's such a sadness, that you think you've seen a film on your FUCKING telephone. Get real.

>there is nothing wrong with watching capeshit
yes there is

Movies on TV as a kid to pc as a teen now it's my phone, hopefully when I'm old and have arthritis there will be technology that let's me upload it to my brain.

Damn same here its getting worse by the time

I watch everything on my phone except if it's on youtube, animated or on netflix(because of 4k)

>I watch everything on my phone except all these other things
You're a fucking moron

Sometimes i download movies with data and mirror to TV but when im not feeling like it i just watch it on the phone laying in the bed it's actually conforble

>not being a tablet chad

Zoomers only watch capeshit and similar garbage anyways, so who cares? Nobody besides those drones watches actual TV/films on their phone.

based obese fatlord


>on his FUCKING telephone

imagine being such a soulless npc you gotta carry your juden propaganda with you at all times and consume it at every free moment

Im 28 and i manly watch on my phone because i don't have time to watch anymore and my sister is living with me and her fucking daughter which is 2 years old i hate capeshit too

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>he watches movies

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Why does no one use tablets anymore
Tablets while in bed is perfect, laptops are too sweaty
I don’t use a phone because I have no friends

>He doesn't have a media center pipeline to a large screen television where he can watch and play stuff from bed

Pic is my number and my sister i don't even know my number
>implying you need friends to have a phone
I have it for reading mangas and youtube sometimes watching some movies that are not too interesting

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I'm unironically doing that. Got a 21:9 Phone so I can watch movies without black bars

I download with data and mirror to TV which is a QLED 4k but i still sometimes prefer the phone

I don't own one, I have a flip phone


Danny is a cute girl name
Is she hot
My eyesight is too bad already to do anything productive on a phone

Yes she's redhead but it's used up now and on her 30's

I do this during flights.

I watch almost everything on my phone nowadays. Nobody uses TVs anymore

get real

that's disgusting, at least get a fucking notebook or something, nigger

I had to adapt my room for my niece and had to dismount my computer because no way in hell i would let a kid touch my rig, i do have a notebook but i don't like using it, i use to Yas Forums and play new vegas only

fucking why, get an ipad

so you own a notebook but prefer to watch shit on the phone anyway? you might just be an honorary zoom zoom then, my condolences
take a hike, applecuck

Apple pc and phone are bad but their tablets are the best, sorry for being too based for you

Not only are you wrong, but people need to stop giving their daughters man named.

nigga get on my level. do you even appreciate kino?

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Danny is probably abbreviation you retarded mutt

I don't understand, why? What the hell is your point?

you are like little baby

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Tablet chads unite

I mean, you do know that netflix and youtube don't have all the movies in the world, and that watching unavailable movies on these platforms on your phone will still look good, unlike watching them on tv. Based retard, you are.

>is outdated in a few years

enjoy your myopia

>download a low quality 200 x 144 pixels or some shit rip of Austin Powers so I could put it on my old Nokia and watch it on the bus
>accidentally end up watching it in it's entirety at fullscreen on my 1080p monitor
V:10 A:10

>his phone isn't 8" like his dick

What does your sister's pusy smell like, is it hairy ?

Is her pusy hairy?

based phonechad

Damn. And here I thought I was cool with my GBA.

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It's time to take movies... into a new reality!

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Why are you watching a boring movie?

>get real
get involved in a billion dollar cult that indoctrinate weak minded people into giving all their money for ayurvedic and isolation camps where they learn to levitate bumping their ass over a mattress
ok david

google "transcendental meditation down the rabbit hole" and see how "based" people like david, jim carrey or the beattles really are

>go out and get some fresh air user

you guys are cute. real kino is only attainable via 30 second audio clips played in succession.

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This ^10

>Why yes, I do watch all of my movies and shows on my PS Vita, how could you tell?

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I watched the trilogy of The Godfather for the first time in a Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini. For real.

Truly the most kino way to watch a film

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Can you recommend a non-boring one?

My man

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Actually I do. I don't own a TV and my laptop monitor has a shitty screen that's like looking into a mirror.

Fuck off lynch

>I watch everything on my phone except [things that are actually acceptable to watch on the phone]

That's not me in the picture, I was watching pic related in my phone earlier, that was just an image i got

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>he doesnt watch movies on his watch


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I saw it only when she was a teenager and yes it's redhead down there too because she's pale

Is it the truly kino experience user?