
Woah. That was an intense movie.

Was Scotland really that bad?

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What's with all the recent Trainspotting threads? Did Reddit Letter Media review it?

>Was Scotland really that bad?
is it still

it is still

but it's a first world country

There's more to life than GDP.

The problem with scotland is that it's full of Scots!

You must be a wee posh english uni wanker posting this same thread everyday

what's so bad about it, is it the weather? are you actually a scot/ever been to Scotland?

>Was Scotland really that bad?

>grey and rainy, the movie makes the place look like Disneyland
>everything and everyone is depressing
>monotone, repetitive and unexciting life with no future prospects other than owning a business or working in a bank
alcoholism, drugs, suicide or leaving the place those are your options

doesn't sound all that different from ex-Soviet countries, but at least you've got money and apparently proneness to complaining, just like the English


It's worse. I get a bit nostagic when I watch it. You still get junkies, but now there's extra shit on the heap.

Why do you think that Scotland has a giant diaspora vastly out of proportion to it's tiny population? Shit, when Scotland and England were unified Scotland's population was 1/3rd that of England's now it's 1/10th because for the last four hundred years every Scot who can has run the ever-loving FUCK away from Scotland either to England or the colonies.

>"It's SHITE being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the fucking Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We're ruled by effete assholes. It's a SHITE state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any fucking difference"

>no future prospects other than owning a business or working in a bank

how completely different from the rest of the developed world


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>>no future prospects

what is the oil industry

Beautiful scenery and amazing food (seafood especially) and drink. However the cities are horrible, Edinburgh is full of braindead yanks, greasers and gook tourists that hike up rent. Glasgow, junkies and faggots.

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>Beautiful scenery

Instead of posting a meme place where nobody lives, here is what 80% of the country actually looks like.

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>no future prospects other than owning a business
that sounds terrible, can you move to the states and start a youtube channel instead?


It's a beautiful place, but there is fuck all to do and most people living in it are absolutely horrendous.
They are even worse than potatoniggers. Anglos live on some of the most beautiful patches, but they still manage to wreck it by being complete and utter shit.

i like how they ruined the one friend who had anything going for him and didnt even care LOL

I dunno but they started popping up right after I watched the sequel

which was extremely good by the way


Punished Vorenus can't catch a break

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>meme place where nobody lives

Nobody lives on Skye? I didn't realise...

Sounds based

Scotland would be ok without the Scots

The Roman's should have just wiped them out

Increasingly obsolete. And the price of oil has nosedived.

>the sequel
>which was extremely good by the way
it wasn't. but I loved T1 so much that I give it a pass.
nothing will ever compare to the original. you're only young once I reckon, goes for Ewan McGregor too

unironically, it's the Scots

Scotland in a nutshell:
ugly urban areas: hopeless places where people kill themselves with horribly unhealthy lifestyles, unaware that there is more to life than alcoholism, cocaine and 72" flatscreen tvs (the wildest limit of their imagination/aspiration)

ok urban areas: alienated rat race existence where nobody does anything but work and consume, they are dimly aware that a better life exists but have no clue how to get it, will settle for a small 3 bed house and a 1.8l diesel.

fancy urban areas: gentrified english colonies where people (or their student offspring) that make 5-10x the salary of those in the category before this go out for glorified sandwiches and coffee in ephemeral hip new coffee places, go abroad half the year.

pt 1/2

pt 2/2

towns/rural lowlands: retired english people or posh english people living the good life, boomer scots working ok jobs, children of boomer scots working in service industry for nothing, saving up for a place in ok urban areas, eventually leave once they get it (outpriced in hometown)

rural highlands: english boomers fucking everywhere, younger rich english people with tourism businesses having super rad gnarly cool fun kayaking, mountain biking etc, living the "hoilund experiunce". Quiet highlanders who keep to themselves but are melting away to the south because english gentrification making it unlivable, more tourists than residents between april and october. Devastated ecology because most of the land is owned by english or quasi english aristocrats who maximise deer population above everything else so they can invite their peers up to shoot them. A theme park for tourists and wealthy nigels.

The whole country is hopelessly demoralised in all the usual western ways, but also because people here have for hundreds of years had little to no autonomy in the shape of their own lives or communities, made worse by the philosophy of calvinism which was a big part of our christianity and has disseminated into every area of our psyche at this point. So we cease to believe that such a thing is possible and live alienated, atomised lives.

yes schotland is horrible. it's hell on earth. whatever you do don't come here. it's so shit here it's unbelievable. go to london. don't come here it sucks here. trust me bro. go to london


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>wat is highland clearances

>also because people here have for hundreds of years had little to no autonomy
If only there was a way for you to vote for independence somehow...

can Scot pubs still use glass pints? last i heard they were trying to ban them for safety reasons

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You forgot the ugliness. The likes of Karen Gillan are 1 in a million.

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that's the whole point

Imagine unironically being a Scottish nationalist

I should have clarified
>at BEST you can aspire to is owning a small business that will feel like you are not actually getting anywhere with but will have to deal with all the responsibilities of
>or a soul draining office/bank job that will take up most of your time leaving nothing for anything else, eventually you retire wondering what you wasted your life on and what you are supposed to do now that you don't have to go to work anymore
of course you can always try starting a family believing it will make your life more meaningful

so what do you want in life?

own a small place far out in the country side where you can live self-sufficiently, travel to and experience other places in the from time to time, maybe pick up music or art

Sadly half of London had the same idea and now it costs 200k for a hovel, which will be deluged with the tourists coming to LARP out harry potter and skyfall, while staying next door in one of Nigel's 5 B&B's.
Imagine not wanting to run your own country.

you can literally do that right now

Scotland is practically all countryside you mong, what's stopping you

Sounds like Finland to me.

yes. it's terrible. don't come here

>I've been kicked off my land
>Shall I move to a Scottish city that would enable me to stay in Scotland?
>Fuck that! England here I come!

>tfw you will never drive around comfy Scottish highlands with your bros

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read the wikipedia again nigga

Exhibit A:
>A theme park for tourists and wealthy nigels.

yes yes it's awful please don't send any more brown people here they'd hate it

the only good things about the sequel are the intro where they're playing football and the flashbacks

I can't decide if I hate the English that genuinely believe Scots are a lesser slave race and should be beaten into submission or the Scots that think the same more

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no one in england thinks that, maybe some express boomer retards

>send brown people
Maybe you should stop inviting them?

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