Post Japanese kino for our hikki brethren

Attached: chad autist.webm (890x480, 2.33M)

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holy mother of cringe

Attached: yeah haha! i love being a kaiju hahah- REDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.webm (624x480, 2.94M)

Attached: cafe scene.webm (746x420, 2.24M)

Do Japs really..?

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>bites ear
is this a power move?
will women respect me if I do this


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Europoors BTFO'D

dexfag cope

Why are Japs so based?

They are autistic as shit and hate the baka gaijin

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Heh Imagine if Europeans fought asians in the 12th century. They'd all literally be wiped out.

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Who was in the wrong here?

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Is that the back street girls live action? The fuck?

This show had some great moments but goddamn they don't know when to let a joke die.

Why do the Japanese keep making live action anime adaptations when most of them flop, with a few exceptions like Rurouni Kenshin and Gintama? I mean, I like quite a few of them (Mugen no Junin, BLEACH, Shingeki no Kyojin Parts 1&2) but I'm an odd case and if they even fail domestically then why bother continuing the trend?

Because its fun. Plus the Cromartie High movie was alright, not groundbreaking but fine

Stop watching shonen shit.

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Pretty sure Both Death Note movies were deemed successful.

Stop not wanting others to have some fun, nergigante ass nigga

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>shonen shit
Get some taste.

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just shut up and go back to the echo chamber with your pretentious shit


>he thinks Evangelion is what people who actually watch anime consider as a good anime
Have you only been watching anime for a year? Be honest.

Is it wrong to be in love with Nana Komatsu?

Based. Slice of life CHADS lemme hear ya

>Hahaha you sad your mom died and thats why you're a shutin? Let me open that wound even more

why does Japon not understand subtlety?


They do, they just also understand that sometimes it's pretty based to go really over the top. If you don't like it, you can stick to your kike-regulated Hollywood garbage

Nope. I dont even like most shonen. In fact I like the seinen genre more, but Im tired of bastards like you keep running around screaming
>shonen bad!
Its annoying and pretentious as fuck

Japanese are actually an alien colony that are trying to pass as humans but they can never get the nuances of human emotions right.

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>doesn't like shonen
>lists a bunch of shonen shit
>asks why adaptations of shonen shit are shit
Based retard.

>They do, they just also understand that sometimes it's pretty based to go really over the top. If you don't like it, you can stick to your kike-regulated Hollywood garbage

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ok kike

You just don't get it.

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Hell nah. Japanese tiny swords wouldnt even put a dent into that armor. A medieval armor like that can take 4/5 dicklets from japan with ease.

That wasnt even me, retard.

Only thing a dexfag is good for

dumb wojakposter

Subtlety is for cowards.

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What level of autism do I need to enjoy saturday morning nip sentai shows?

Start with W, OOO, Fourze and Drive
Kuuga, Agito, Blade and Kabuto are too kino to start with them



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>nip literature: nothing is said straight
>nip tv: everything is spelled out 500 times
maybe they think tv shows are for brainless plebs and old people

They do. Ever seen a Korean movie?

For me, it's Rin Aoki

Thanks, I'll give it a try.

>these pals enter your local bar and slaps your gf's ass
what do?

Enough self-awareness not to take yourself so seriously

Ask to become a squire

>Korean movie?
I'm not a fag so no.

what does Korea have to do with that statement?

>Prison School
Fuck I forgot about that. The ending still enrages me

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She cute

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Guys please... its just a comedy skit...please... dont...

>defending Jews

What happened?

They're a contemporary example of a country which produces movies with no subtlety.

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katanas were made to be incredibly sharp... they would go through that armour like a hot knife through shit

they would shatter on impact because they were made for use against lightly-armored opponents, out of incredibly low-grade steel, because those were the conditions the japanese found themselves in. they're great swords for the reality of japanese warfare in the 15th-18th century. they would be no match against europeans, who had access to far greater quantities of high-grade steel.

>hey would go through that armour like a hot knife through shit
they were designed to cut horses' legs off from underneath them and massacre unarmored opponents. Samurai would rather use blunt objects to fuck up a truly armored foe. Probably the Kanabo or shit like that.

Do japs study in high school their entire life? Everything they make is about high school.

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Watching the main character get cucked is not entertaining

Fucking dumbass

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> watching the main character bounce back from impossible odds is not fun
Dont care, didnt ask, plus your gay

imagine being this much of a weeb

Almost all of them get traumatized in highschool because of work load and the pressure of the future on your shoulders. They believe if you aren't out of school into a fantastic job you are completely fucked forever. Most of their society helps to perpetuate that reality too though. I wish the Japs could just go back to drifting, riding motorbikes and writing shows like Metabots or something. Their insane work culture is becoming more and more of a complete shit show joke.

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>I wish the Japs could just go back to drifting, riding motorbikes and writing shows like Metabots or something

japs use Korea as the go to defense for criticism

This should have been a porno

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Looks like brap kino is back on the menu boys

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The Nips have Zombie comedy on lock. The West has never produced anything in the genre as great as Wild Zero and One Cut of the Dead



kek he couldn't even kiss her properly, japs are such betas

what the fuck

Great post haha

Lol seethe more art house hoe

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Thats a god damn lie. Japs hate koreans and vice versa.

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>historically average euro was 170cm
>average jap was 150cm
>autists are arguing who would win

This is so stupid. The point of wearing armor is not to run.

What show?

for me, it's dvdes-836

i wish i could take big ol sniff behind her cute ear :)

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This. You can make fun of american wagies for sometimes working 60-70 hour weeks but at least they get payed good money for it and have opportunities for social mobility. In Japan it is expected of you to work yourself to death for your company and be grateful for it because even looking for a better job elsewhere can be considered "rude" towards you current employer.
>You dont want to work on saturday to get ahead on your project? You better be committing suicide then, you dishonorable fuck.
>What do you mean you want to have social life, work is all you will ever need.
You know how in those HS animes the parents are rarely around? Thats just reality, they are at work, doing 12h shifts so they can be good citizens.

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Parasyte and Gantz were surprisingly good

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The Hero Yoshihiko, it's a parody of 90s RPGs.
Pretty good show.

that's part of the joke, the hammy soundtrack didn't tip you off?

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"Fuck your trees Eddie Murphy! Darkness!"

can we get som asian feet in this pleb thread?


>maybe they think tv shows are for brainless plebs and old people
Are they wrong?