/jazz/ - I am Jazz thread

How are you enjoying this TLC television series, guys (male) and girls (female)?

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Other urls found in this thread:


**gets hit in the head with bead necklace**

The man from the east
Make offerings to his gods
With what is down south

Why did Jazz not bring the phone with his recording to the recording studio instead of sperging out about it and crying?

How is the new episode?

Ehm, can I get your attention for a moment, please?

Fuck trannies, fuck kikes, and most importantly, fuck jannies.

Thank you kindly for your attention.


>new Jazz thread
>jannies on suicide watch

Why do they hate us and not want us to be able to talk about our favorite show?

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Its good. Probably my favorite one so far this season.

And fuck all the journalists who want us to listen to fake news.

Why do these threads keep getting pruned? The last one too.

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Maybe they think this general is offensive and shadenfreudy?

Insecure pozzed tranny jannies can’t handle the bants about their mental illness

because this is tv, not politics.

If you go to politics, they'll say they're not tv.

Clearly there's no place that this should be discussed, so stop doing it.

But I am Jazz is an educational television show about transgenderism.

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Doing it for free
As dilation time draws near
Janny prunes the thread

This season needs more Mo.

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Doesn't matter. It's a politically charged show and thus does not fall under any board's jurisdiction.

It cannot be discussed on 4channel.

>ywn be in the middle of a twin sandwich

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The twins looks short. I suspect they're well hung. A lot of short people are.

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This show is offensive to beautiful transwomen like my wife who fucks me with a strap on!


No they’re not you fucking faggot. Boy sized body = boy sized cock

We're something inbetween, just like Jazz.

A lot of manlets are hung, bro. I shower at the gym every day.

>jazz is something in between
No. Jazz is a mentally ill man that cut his dick off. He’s not a woman, he’s a eunuch in a dress

Cope, manlet

>overexposing of lgbtqrstbraap on media is pushed AND THAT'S A GOOD THING
>reality tv ends up exposing the harsh facts they didn't intend to show while promoting this crap
>to our delight of watching clown world as it really is and enjoying the hypocrisies of watching the world burn

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He's not a woman but he's not a man. He's a eunuch freak. I would throw rotten vegetables at him if I saw him on the street.


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[fat arm flabs explode beads, they now become whips]

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my favorite irony of last night's episode was Jazz hiding in the closet.

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She's a perfectionist.

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He’s got male karotypes, chromosomes and had male genitalia. He is a man.

How can he be that smug and that cute at the same time?

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well, since trans+drag was too much, he had to step back into the closet a bit

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Women can have Y chromosomes.

I live for Jazz threads.

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Dilate, tranny. You’ll never pass


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>people who describe themselves as perfectionists in the first place

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It's a pretty comfy place full of good people who mean well.

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Yes, I do.

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>mutt genetics
>prolapsed lips while eating
>eating tons of caloric food inside a parked car
is this an american thing?

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What is timed dialation

No it’s just a mentally ill teenager thing

Some user, who appears to be in the know, said Jazz uses a lip enlarger.

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The only thing you pass as is a mentally ill man in a dress

>real women are acting natural just sitting there and enjoying the ride
>the narcissistic eunuch emulating a woman is trying to play cute and trying to get attention from the ride to himself
gee, can you guess who's the fake one?

I'd fuck the center girl but don't know her name so my research is hampered.

it's just ugliness, if he used that thing it would swallow to no end

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So rundown of the last episode?

today, I will remind them

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A man in a dress pretending to be a woman pretends to be a man in a dress

The wonder of science. So glad we chose this timeline.

Am I the only one who isn't turned on by thick lips and finds lipstick outright gross?

jazz envies and models his behavior on these types of whores

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Checked. This webm made me do strange things with my hands, like I was playing an invisible accordion.

very concise. and accurate.

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I'm like that too. I want girls to have normal feminine lips and moderate, tasteful make-up. Kinda the opposite of pic related.

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do americans really?

hahaha now you made me do it

Minus the fact that she's burned the coal, this bitch is over 30 talking like that. The 19th amendment was a mistake and has doomed western civilization, you don't get trannys without women

I actually find girls hotter without makeup, like, having some imperfections is fine, no need to hide it but if it's moderate, I don't mind.

Based as always.

On what planet is this thing considered female? It's not this one. The guy isn't even fucking trying.

blessed post, oy vey

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Yes. They can have the ones in the sperm inside their wombs.

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i can just imagine jazz emulating this type of individual, even the ahmir thing plays into it

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Hip hip hooray

shoop in jeanettes face and fix the "on" to "in" and I'll add to my jazz folder

oh for fucks sake

Isn’t this cultural appropriation of gay culture?

Wait is that a wig?

>the tranny in the inhouse discord says it doesnt matter if hes not perfect, hes hotter than most women
>calls people "chasers"
>apparently trannys now think if you're harassing them this means you're interested in them in a the way children in grade school tease who they like
>two weeks later....
>they attempt to blackmail members saying they wanted to meet him and fuck
>wont provide screenshots of said conversations
>people start telling him to fuck off and kill himself
>members for three or more years got banned
>the quake live community was already so small
People honestly dont understand how mentally ill these fuckers are until it's too late. Dont make the same mistake.

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I used to think it was all memeing until I actually worked with one of them...

Fuck he's getting cuter
Noelkino when?
That jaw ruins it a bit tho

He would be hotter as a guy desu senpai

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XXY? I guess so.


the overexposure just obscures his acne and features

>ywn suck out your lips to jazz levels

What did you expect, It's a show where they torture trannies.

Is there a link to the previous thread? Missed all the webms from this weeks episode. :(

i dont know man she seems honest
like i dont have a problem with a hambeast saying she likes tall men if she admits shes a hambeast
if she wasnt maximum goblina i'd try it

Just download and watch it you turbonigger

Watching this shitshow alone without the banter in the thread is just depressing.

jazz's costume falls apart after he is hyped up as the star of the drag show
he ends up whipping her audience with a loose cord and smacking several in the face
some kino moments were had

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The only similarity is that there's a Jew whipping strangers.


>That jaw ruins it a bit tho
The penis ruins it for me entirely, because I'm a normal non-faggot man

It's their love of black cocks that makes people American.

It's the remains of what was once a penis that ruins it. A benis is fine if the boi is cute.

Are the brothers retarded? Aren't they in college?

clown world college

>tranny knocks on your door tells you to vote bernie
wat do?

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And ari?

Look, s e n p a i. I'll let you in on something: Jazz has an option to go to Harvard. THAT fucking Harvard. So, do you think being in college in America is an accomplishment, again?

>trooned out on his wife
>master's in nursing

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Tell then to wait a moment, put on my suit, and quote to him with a glass of champagne in my hand.

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more or less repeat this webm speech

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Haven’t trannies been crying for 3 years that trumps gonna have them rounded up and murdered? None of this shit has actually happened has it. Why are trannies so hell bent on telling the world that it hates them, despite the fact the world keeps turning around and saying “we don’t give a shit what you do”

>Harvard vs liberal arts College


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And yet you're here

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I'am 5'10 but have a 8 inch dick.

Absolutely Gein-ian

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It's almost like attention seeking has something to do with the whole thing

Pretend I'm not home, trannies are crazy and he'd probably attack me or try to eat my dog or something.
They do it because they want attention, same reason trannies do anything.

How do they come to these conclusions?

>my existence is in danger (or worse)
>(or worse)
What's worse than not existing anymore? Like having your arms and legs amputated I guess.

Being forced to use the men's restroom when you're clearly a beautiful lady.

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I was thinking this during the stream. Jazz could straight up appear misogynistic to other trannies.

Mental illness


I know what you mean. The chat yesterday made me laugh out loud during my engineering class.

hilarious, any webM material of this

Its literal insanity in their heads. With Trump people said world war 3 would start, he wouldn't make it 4 years, immigrants would be rounded up, etc.

Wonder what their neighbours think, every parent in the area must be fucking paranoid.

post webms of jazz thinking acting like a drag is feminem lol its so fucking pathetic and embarrassing

fuck that kind of thing is what they meant jesus

I think they were counting on Bernie's fed-funded bottom surgeries. Now that it's looking less likely, they fear.

Trannies and their supporters are insane. Their Trump Derangement Syndrome is off the charts.

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>Drumph kills all trannies
>Stuffs Chinese with snakes and bats
We will never have a president this baste again.

I had to bail before the episode ended last night.

Can anyone fill me in? What happened to red hair, Jazz's song and the drag show?

wtf?! I love zognald now!

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Well said.

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Fucking kek. He'll be detransitioning soon.

>I'm going to take a break from social media.

>I need to get some things sorted out in my life and focus on my mental health and wellbeing.

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Can Jazz be said to posess a Cloaca?

Jazz acts like a gay man in drag and nothing like a woman. It should offensive to somebody, I'm just not sure who.

Biological women.

No, that's an insult to cloaca-having creatures. Jazz has an open wound.

the correct term is octopussoir

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it's offensive to humankind

How would you feel if your son came out as your daughter, Yas Forums?

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Based brother

If you try to bring arguments to the table at this day and age, you're being an unsupportive bigot and therefore abusing your child.

I'd kill myself.

every fucking time

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Woah...hold on just a second... wait wait wait...question... what in the FUCK is dilation?


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holy based


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He’s AGP I remember in one episode they all discussed whether they liked girls or boys and Mo said she liked girls

this is not even funny anymore
I am genuinely scared when looking at this picture
an ominous feeling I can't explain

Based pupperposter

That's what Margot Robbie looks like now?!

is this dog ok

this looks like it could actually be a shot from mulholland drive

chubber pup, love you

>If you try to bring arguments to the table at this day and age, you're being an unsupportive bigot and therefore abusing your child
This is so true that it hurts. We live in an age where you literally cannot reason about trannism AT ALL, no matter how respectful you are and how reasonable your arguments are. Children are encouraged to threaten to commit suicide in order to get their parents to give them puberty blockers and estrogen.

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When will this shitty show finally end?


Doing fine

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If only you have lived and seen the things I did regarding these people. It's disgraceful.

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fuck off back to kpop general or reiko's discord and dilate

anyone else got a severe case of shrunk dick while watching this?

imagine watching that and actually saying "yeah, I want THAT."
that alone convinces me it's mental illness

Sounds about just right

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I feel physically ill now

>After a long day of hanging tranny degenerates I like to come home and reflect on all the good I am doing for the world

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>I need to get some things sorted out in my life and focus on my mental health and wellbeing.
That doesn't mean what you think it means. In normalfag speak, he's saying "I got called out on being a fetishist, I'm quitting social media, doing a bunch of drugs and going to gay clubs to get fucked. Then coming home to play video games poorly"

>even though you care about us, you don't actually care about us
>even though you help out, you're not helping enough
>even though you don't misgender me, you still don't respect others unconventional identities shitlord
>even though you stand up for us, you're not really standing up for us enough
Never give these folks an inch

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>Those manly-proportioned meathooks


Jazz buys street drugs from negroes.
Maybe that was why Ahmir was around?

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>Why did this mentally ill person not act logically?

This. It’s a work of art in motion. The theme is dissolution.

what do you anons think it is
probably plebit tier weed
personally I go for dope and coke

That feel when your absolutely powerless to stop it and if you did your wife would call the cops on you

pot is probably a better alternative to all the psych meds they have him on
inb4 dudeweedlmao quentin.jpg

Literal fucking witch.

I'm pretty sure it's weed. Though this is probably the least harmful of the substances he regularly consumes.


Some trigger happy new mod is destroying the board. I've gotten banned more in the past 3 months than the total amount of previous bans through 11 years of browsing.

I got a 3 day ban last week for "off topic discussion" after making a thread to discuss the Ken Burns "Vietnam War" documentary. Whichever mod it is, and whichever jannies it is that is helping him is absolutely fucking retarded and is destroying this board beyond repair. It's getting to the point where we need to label each thread specifically to make sure their retarded asses realizes that we're discussing a TV show.

This is beautiful.

>yeah, “sis,” you’re a complete whack job
Based Ari, sitting there letting Jazz redpill himself.

>This swamp is filled with alligators, water moccasins, timber rattlers, coral snakes, snapping turtles of sufficient size and ferocity to amputate a limb - all deadly, yet I find not a single one of those as loathsome nor as terrifying as this creature next to me. Look at him - a parody, a caricature of a woman, his every mannerism an exaggerated pantomime of womanhood. Hell, I bet even the bacteria of the water could kill him, soaking into that festering wound that I can smell even here, even over the powerful stench of the bog, his bitter, surgical smell, equal parts rot, betadine, and madness, wafting to me on the winds of our passage, a thread of the wrong, the unnatural in this vast tapestry of nature.

>If I pushed him in, would the world condemn me? Honor me? Would it even notice? I’m still young. I still remember a time when I acted with clarity, certainty, but now I just don’t know. I am lost, no clear way forward, surrounded by uncertain paths and unseen perils in a world rendered senseless by the existence of this creature they call Jazz.

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holy fuck Tilly knows what's up

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