Just rename the show Lalo vs Gustavo

Just rename the show Lalo vs Gustavo
No one cares about Jimmy/Saul and Mike's character was killed with one random outburst

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Yeah Lalo vs Gus is more compelling. I wonder who wins.

Based take. Lalo is such a Chad. Drips confidence like a muhfugga. More Mexicans should try to be like Lalo to be quite honest family.

Only seen season 1 because it was boring as shit. Does anything actually happen later?

This nigga who obviously is going to die? Hope mmmmmmmike kills him just to piss you off

generic crazy charismatic cartoon villain
generic cold composed cartoon villain

pleb opinion, if anything BCS should focus on Saul and Kim and stop this ridiculous cartel storyline.

I would be happier if neither of them were in the show. 2 fucking cartoon characters in a serious drama about loss, integrity and personal relationships

> if anything BCS should focus on Saul and Kim and stop this ridiculous cartel storyline.
ew, I skip their scenes at this point
so fucking boring

That gringo? He got lucky last episode. He honestly isn't that's strong is he? I know he bested Trevor but who would win in a fight: gringo gramps or Frank the Irishmen?

no you dont, you're pretending to be a zoomer for (you)s


I'm honestly very invested in Kim and what happens to her.

Gus looks too old, it ruins my immersion.
He's easily the weakest returning character which is interesting because he was one of the better parts of breaking bad.

>I'm honestly very invested in Kim
How much of it in her feet? Personally I'm all in

Objectively wrong opinion.
The taco mafia adventures are lame and shit. The shootout with the brothers and nacho late last season was some of the worst action television I have ever seen. Lalo i fun because of his flamboyant antics, but we all know how we will end up anyways.

BCS is best when its about Jimmy's law chicanery and Kim being a cute.

I prefer her armpits

I hope LALO beats Gus
hes just too based

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Nope. I've tried to watch past S1 several times and it's an utter snoozefest. Why did Saul need an origin story? What's the point of a prequel where all the returning actors have aged to shit? Where's the tension when we know Saul, Mike, Gus, Tuco etc. aren't going to die? They're just there for member berries.

It's really a mystery who will eventually win

fuck you! dont spoil it for others.

Left has a similarity with Cavill.

100% this
get the lawfirm shit to fuck, chuck was boring as fuck, fuck mesa verdi, i think kimmys hot but shes also skippable and nothing is lost.
There are so many faggots on this board who will claim that Chucks story was deep and Im a pleb but the chuck story was boring and obvious, he was basically an ugly sister trope.

nacho is also against Lalo. if lalo finds out what nacho did to Tio

this is my point exactly
you should go watch a soap opera, that's all they have drama personal relationships and mundane plots.
You think saying "i dont liek the most enjoyable part of the show" makes you look deep?
You sound like the guy i used to work with who claimed to watch 3 movies a night.
No one is impressed.

I'm looking forward to the "no law firm or chuck or boring shit" fan edit in about 3 years time.

If you want cartel splosions watch Breaking Bad

>dont liek the most enjoyable part of the show
Why would anybody who doesnt care about the main plot still be watching this show 5 seasons in? The shows about Jimmy, Kim, and Mike. Not heckin ebin gus. Particularly since you already know how the cartel shit ends up

I would enjoy watching the life drain out of a zoomers braindead eyes

I mean you do sound like a retard user, I think they may be onto something

why does this show trigger Yas Forums so much?


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t. 2 movie-per-night watcher

Most of the board is unironically too low IQ for it so they chimp out


lads is he going to die
if he dies I set up a stream and do an hero, I swear

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Show me more of jimmys courtroom antics, let’s see him start up money laundering and getting rich as hell, it can be with the cartel or just the regular scumbags, who cares

Why the fuck would you want to remove best boy and best girl from this tv show? Are you retarded?

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Zoomers and other season 6 Breaking Bad bandwagoners need the rope.

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Smoothbrain. The main Jimmy storyline has always been the best.

>No one cares about Jimmy/Saul
says you

his father is gonna get killed by Gus, but he will live

>Remove Kim Wexler

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If he actually is Ignacio, then probably not
Gus doesn't strike me as someone who would actually carry out a threat on a family member, but who knows. Maybe he did do that and I forgot.


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>during BB they put effort to make Gus look ruthless but fair and show how he dislikes involving civilians
>BCS Gus threatens Nacho's family on first occasion

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maybe Mike had an impact in Gus?

It could be that his interaction with Nacho and father and the fallout that ensues causes him to be move cautious towards civilians. You know, character development?


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okay now I'm in love

I hope the two of them have a Whitecapsesque argument to finally sever their ties. It'll be hard to watch but if the writers pull it off it'll be kino.

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What is this expression meant to convey?

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That the cast enjoy working together and that comes across in the final product.

she wishes she was in patrick fabian's place

she jelly of based Howard

It's a fucking travesty how little screentime Howard has gotten since Chuck died. Literally no subplot at all for the guy yet we got 9 hours of verner veegler acting like a retarded faggot

S2 and S3 are actually really good. The rest is shit.


You think all of it is shit?

The most intriguing thing about this season is figuring out if the asian girl in Nachos harem was supposed to be autistic or just a methhead.

I think the show as a whole is very good. Its weakest season is probably season 1.

not him but I think it's the best drama in years, my only real problem is the retarded Gus/superlab shit because of how more tonally grounded BCS is compared to BB and those things were introduced when BB was cranking up the cheese factor

It sucks but it makes sense. Howard is very much a part of Jimmy's past self at Hamlin-McGill so why would he be showing up?

Reminder lalo can’t die until breaking bad
Jimmy/saul, with a bag over his head in the desert, asks walter and jessie if lalo sent them.

S4 was also boring. Did we really need an entire storyline on how the lab was built? It's clear they ran out of ideas after Chuck died.

But Gus mentions all the Salamancas are dead

Anyone else hate gus in BCS? I liked him in BB but in bcs he just makes me cringe. Like the writers think he's smarter then he really is.

That just means that Jimmy doesn't know that Lalo is dead.

The cartel shit is necessary because Saul is in deep with them at BrBa so unfortunately we have to see them connect the dots.

>Ran out of ideas after Chuck died. That seems like the exact opposite of what happened. Season 4 was a transition season away from the Chuck plot threads to Jimmy and Mike entering in to the criminal underbelly of ABQ. You already see that coming to fruition in season 5 so far. Season 4 did a really great job of establishing the pivot for the rest of the series.
This pivot is the reason why Howard has had reduced screen time btw. I'm very curious to see how they use him moving forward.

I can't believe he's still main cast.

She wishes to be held by patrick who is being held by Nachito.

Ys i love lalo and stitch

I really like the chemistry between Jimmy and Kim.

Krazy 8 a cute

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The new characters introduced in BCS will start to disappear while BB characters will become more prominent. Goodbye Chuck, Howard, Lalo, Nacho, and Kim.

The embodiment of based.

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Damn city slickers with their fancy German cars

Saul's plot > Lalo vs Gus plot >> Kim's plot >>> Mike's plot

I've been waiting 5 years for something exciting to happen on this show and it's still the same boring mumblecore shit it was in season 1.
Fuckin hell, Vince! Get your shit together!

God that sounds awful. I will be so disappointed if this show turns into Breaking Bad lite, the shows have 2 completely different tones

>you will never hug Kim and tell her it's gonna be ok

why even live

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>It's clear they ran out of ideas after Chuck died.
But Jimmy's story was fine after Chuck, it's the season where he embraces sleaziness for good. It's the Mike/cartel shit that had absolutely nowhere to go for a season but at least they've got it moving again now that saul and the cartel are interacting

Still need to see what happens to HHM and if Howard completely bottoms out or is able to pull his shit together and save his firm. I feel like him having a good, happy ending would be fitting seeing how Jimmy winds up

Why would anybody give a fuck about lalo and Gus? Gus wins. The end.

Why is she so cute bros?

I didn't say it's going to turn into Breaking Bad, it's just that OG BCS characters are going to start fading away like Chuck and Howard for instance. Lalo or Nacho, at least one of them, are done this season too. Kim will probably be the last to go. Meanwhile OG BB characters will get more screen time. It makes sense.

You don't have to like it, but you can still enjoy it while knowing who wins. The mystery is in how and when Gus is going to BTFO Lalo.

it means he needs some fucking sleep

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OK official cuteness ranking here we go
>based tier
Nachito's barefoot gf
>high tier
Nachito's tweaker gf
>mid tier
Mesa Verde bitch
Barefoot elevator lawyer
Stacey and Kayleigh
Krazy 8
>low tier
Fatass that blocks the pipe
Salamanca twins

Did Dean Norris have a stroke or what? His Hank now sounds like fucking Bug Bunny or some shit.

He did use that high pitched silly voice but just from time to time it wasn't his base tone. What the fuck, where's the raspy jolly kino?

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honestly he hasn't been a bad kid for now

I wouldnt mind if this show went on another 5 seasons


>Gus doesn't strike me as someone who would actually carry out a threat on a family member
no, he just cuts the throat of one of his most trusted associates with a box cutter because he had a bad day and was really upset but it really means nothing

>why do girls pretend to like star wars?

I suppose Walt was really asking for it when Gus threatened his family and infant daughter.

you also know that kim eventually goes her own way, why watch jimmy's plot? you know that mike eventually says "fuck it" and works for gus, so why give a fuck?

in romeo and juliet they literally tell you they die at the start, why give a fuck

you mean the 50% skylar+walts unhappy relationship?
Both shows have had more than their fair share of suck