
Best Captain edition


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>tfw no romulan sister-gf

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bros I gotta get a vulcan gf

u began thread too early u greedy fuck

That isn't Jellico.

is that sheridan?

It's not John Sheridan that's for sure
Gtfo of our galaxy space spiders

It's him faggot.

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Do you know what I love about Discovery and Picard? What massive fucking own goals they are for the writer's political message.

The federation is a post-scarcity socialist utopia where every sentient being from every conceivable background is perfectly equal. It also never starts wars of aggression and captains are willing to die before breaking the prime directive and they will still help out warp-capable species if they ask for it.
Not to mention the crews and captains of their ships just fly around space dabbing on authoritarians and intolerant species.

But what do the writers do to show everyone how woke they are? They turn the federation into an authoritarian shithole where people can be poor (without money) and racist who won't help refugees (just so we know fuck drumpf).
Also, their metaphors don't make sense.
The Romulans are refugees right? But they're also the space racists and the bad guys (and disturbingly infiltrators seeking to subvert the federation).
Also, the federation is implied to be incompetent self-serving and authoritarian, but every single person in a leadership role is a woman. So what, are women incompetent?

I just don't get it why destroy your own ideal outcome to show people how woke you are by implying refugees are evil subversive infiltrators and women are incompetent?


broblem, hu-mon?

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Because the writers are too dumb to realize how dumb they are.
Either that or one of the writers is a secret redpilled genius that managed to bamboozle all the other sjw "writers" just to fuck with their message.

You started a thread early to ensure that your thread would be the one we post in because people post in the one with most replies. Don't play innocent with me.

is great

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You are over thinking
They never watched a single episode of star trek and are trying to make a series from footnotes

Are you ready?

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>watching DS9
>crew hiding on a stolen Breen vessel sneaking into a facility to blow it up with an IED
>what possible choice of crewman can we bring along to build a home made bomb
>it's O'Brian

>its a "barclay being a coomer" episode

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Barclay & Geordi hit a bit close to home.
t. someone who got caught mastubating by his sister.


my sister caught me several times, she just rolled with it and mocked me over it.
>oh we know what you do in the shower, user
Yeah yeah, fuck off. I know you had a vibrator too, bitch. Glad I stopped fucking her when i turned 15.

Ready to ... ?

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Ready for the plundering

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Unironically Kirk. He walked the thin line between doing good and using force when necessary best. Picard was a good diplomat, but I wouldn't want him in command in a war. Sisko was too emotional. Janeway too double standardy. Archer brought a fucking dog to a diplomatic mission with a species he didn't know the culture of. Pike I don't know much about... who's left... I think that's all the main captain roles of Trek.

>that episode of DS9 where it shows that officers could set up transports
Why the fuck do officers walk when they can just teleport everywhere? Especially pregnant Kira.

Murder machines

>He doesn't know the transporter is just a lazy plot device
Only works when the script requires it bro, been that way since TOS. ENT tried to subvert this but gave up because that's retarded and they need to advance the plot

This is now a very hetero friendship thread.

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Don't infest TOS with your off-topic AIDS, you anal muncher.


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Discovery season 2 = tng season 3

Starfleet regulation 34.5.1-6;
All away teams should have full tummies before going on an adventure!

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Am I the only one that preferred Sinclair over Sheridan?

Which one is which?


One is the Cook, one is the Connoisseur.
I can't tell either.


you're the only poster that makes me happy and appreciates peyton


Sinclair had a commanding yet calm and understanding demeanour. I also felt like he was truly friends with Garibaldi, and he also really was focused on peace and being neutral with the other races.
Sheridan is great but he’s more of military action hero.

I just watched the show recently for the first time, when I got to season 2 and Sinclair was not around I called bullshit and almost bailed.

Glad I stayed on.

Real bummer what happened to the actor playing the role.

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holds me down
rapes me
troi tells me to grow a pair

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sexual terrorist

Sheridan stole my boy Lennier’s waifu so fuck him

I sense you're upset


oh no wait

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Remember that episode of DS9 where they decided the Defiant had a full holographic communicator?

I don't get this meme.

It is not a meme, it is canon.

How did Sisko get away with poisoning an entire planet?

>episode where Quark thinks he is dying
>sells his body to Brunt
>cancels contract
>loses bar and all possessions
>gets given shit by the station
>has bar next episode
How? Did he buy it back from the FCA? He said he was suing the doctor for malpractice, did he get the money from it?

Captain Sisko. I'm Maquis.

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Human rights only apply to humans, even in trek

But it was a Marquis planet. They WERE human.

This is stupid!

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The greatest hero of our time

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If transporters existed, would you use one /trek/?

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Communists arnt human


Maquis, sorry.

>Computer, initiate user's transporter sequence Alpha 1
>Drops me off at some fast food place

What he did was the equivalent of shooting tear gas at a mob to clear them out. The planet was fine. The invaders were repelled with no casualties. All was well. Great power play by Sisko.

>planet was fine
>would remain uninhabitable for 50 years
t. Magical Negro No.13414514

Hello Sisko!

>cleans jizz out of the holosuite.

Rom the jizz-mopper

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I think if I'd grown up in a society that is familiar with the idea of consciousness being merely a result of the composition of atoms then sure.

Unfortunately the idea of "being disintegrated, stored, and rebuilt somewhere else feels very abhorrent to my primative brain.

Why were these guys such turbo autists when the Federation was capable of engineering telekinetic mind readers from scratch?

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>expecting any continuity out of TNG

star trek

Fuck off.

Delete this

>turbo autists
Wouldn't they be triggered by those bright colors?

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Based Bakula

Glad to see another man of culture in this shithole.

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Those were the kids with super powers. The autists are the ones that got pretend uniforms in

Watching the patrick picard show is rock bottom.

He was perfect for the role, if that shit show Discovery gets more seasons than Enterprise I am going to riot.

Not if you're only watching it for romulan booty and you pirated it so cbs doesn't get any money.

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VOY is the most TOS-like of any Trek spinoff.

>if that shit show Discovery gets more seasons than Enterprise I am going to riot.

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you have to set priorities:
ass > everything else

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>He was perfect as the bland, pig-headed autist

to go to Risa, and go awol

friendly reminder that Gul Dukat did nothing wrong

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Imagine having this opinion

>bland, pig-headed autist

Nice bait, here is your reply.


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What's the smartest thing Archer did?

We get it dude, the role should have been filled by a black woman fine..

This guy gets it.

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Ultimate patrician move is just keeping up to date on the Rommie incest via webms and /trek/ posts

Uninhabitable to human life only. The planet was fine for anyone or anything else. Pay attention.

Fuck you

Who is the Dominion an analogue for? They seem quite reasonable and it's really the Founders who are ''''bad guys''''.

WRONG. It was inhabitable to all HUMANOID life. That meant nobody, not even Cardassians, could live on it. Fuck off, magic negro. Dax literally calls you out and you're like 'oops, guess nobody is ever gonna know lmao'.

the founders are israel

Sisko should be prosecuted for war crimes. He easily rivals Insaneway.

Most everything you wrote is wrong (PCD is still shit)
>The federation is a post-scarcity socialist utopia
Its not post scarcity, all we've seen are basic needs are guaranteed. Land is an obvious scarcity.
>where every sentient being from every conceivable background is perfectly equal.
higher rank officers in starfleet have bigger rooms. There are elected councilmen and presidents in the government
>Not to mention the crews and captains of their ships just fly around space dabbing on authoritarians and intolerant species.
They almost universally stay uninvolved in such issues per the prime directive and the no-wars-of-aggression policy as you stated, unless said species' behaviors start impacting the federation directly. They never tried to democratize cardassia or even force gender parity on ferenginar.

>Who is the Dominion an analogue for?

Not everything has to be an analogue for something.

Nope, you're an idiot. Pay attention.
>Major, I want you to send the following message on all Maquis frequencies. To all the members of the Maquis resistance. This is Captain Sisko of the USS Defiant. In response to the Maquis's use of biogenic weapons in their recent attacks, I am about to take the following action. In exactly one hour, I will detonate two quantum torpedoes that will scatter trilithium resin in the atmosphere of Solosos Three. I thereby will make the planet uninhabitable to all human life for the next fifty years. I suggest evacuation plans begin immediately. What are you waiting for, people? Carry out your orders.

>I thereby will make the planet uninhabitable to all human life for the next fifty years.

The only terms of 'Dominion' in RL were the British Dominions. Fucking Leafs ruined everything.

They could arguably be analogues for the Bongs.

>Land is an obvious scarcity.

You know they're exploring space, right? Well space has these things called planets and planets are actually made of land wow isnt that something

never understood why they charged the lady changeling with war crimes.
what "war crimes" did she exactly commit? simply being the general or commander of a war and troops is not a war crime.

>Land is an obvious scarcity

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And yet the spoonheads couldn't go on it and Dax specifically suggest it was an illegal act because it wasn't cleared by the Feddies.

>simply being the general or commander of a war and troops is not a war crime.

You would be surprised

Are we talking about the same woman who said "I want the Cardassians eradicated"?

>Land is an obvious scarcity.
It was then when I knew you were a complete retard.

Star Trek Cruise update - Tophat Gowron Edition

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>And yet the spoonheads couldn't go on it
>Dax specifically suggest it was an illegal act because it wasn't cleared by the Feddies.
Sure, but in the end they backed his decision because it was the best choice. Deal with it and next time, actually know what the fuck you're talking about before posting.

i'd concede that point, but the federation, klingons, and romulans didn't give a fuck about the millions of cardassians that died.

Bad writing. Someone pointed out in another thread that Sisko was written pretty inconsistently, and even though I like DS9 they were right. When they introduced the Maquis they specifically showed that Sisko had a more nuanced view of how they were treated by the Federation, and how he wished he didn't have to have to fight one of his friends who had joined their side. But then the writers had his character do a 180 because they thought a "muh Eddington" white whale plot would be fun.

>>And yet the spoonheads couldn't go on it
Provide proof, the Captain's log literally ends
>the refugees were resettled on other planets
>The Cardies would put on the planet we torpedoed
Smh. I'm just gonna stop replying to you quasi-intellectuals.

Klingons don't consider the wholesale slaughter of innocents honorable.

Maybe they should stop doing it then

Did you know land is not equal? Did you consider that perhaps an apartment overlooking starfleet headquarters, or picard's château might be more desireable than a prefab cubicle in suburban mumbai or on some remote terraformed backwater? How about on a spaceship, 'land' is obviously at a premium there.

You fucks are pretty dumb

Not him, but he has a point, whilst land is abundant in the UFP, not all land is equally valuable, a penthouse next to Starfleet Academy is more valuable then a mansion on Earth Colony-5 for example. That said, "Picard" is written by a team of morons and poverty of the kind depicted in the show is not possible in Federation territory.

everybody appreciates peyton

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>dude Klingons are super warriors and honourable and shit
>but yeah there is an even BETTER more POWERFUL super warrior culture and they're even MORE honourable!
Surprised Picard doesn't have a super duper ultra gigamax warrior culture alien.

Shouldn't Sisko be prosecuted for war crimes as well?
>attempted genocide against Macquis
>started the Dominion War that caused billions of deaths
>bamboozled Romulans into joining the war so even more people could die
>sent help to Damar, so his rebellion could cause even more damage against Dominion, which caused the deaths of 800+ million Cardassians
>in an alternate timeline where he disappeared, there was no Dominion War at all
I'm sure I forgot something.

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No, they probably don't but that's not the point.
Federation, Romulans, and Klingons didn't give one single shit about Cardassia, Cardassian Liberation Front, or the slaughter of all the Cardassians.
The only people sent to help were a Cardassian and a Bajoran.

After the war ended, nobody gave a fuck what happened to Cardassia and them having 800 million killed. They certainly wouldn't have used that as a reason for arresting the female Changeling for war crimes.

>you're the only poster that makes me happy

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klingons being honorable is a meme anyway.

Wrong again
>Captain's log, supplemental. Resettlement efforts in the DMZ are underway. The Cardassian and Maquis colonists who were forced to abandon their homes will make new lives for themselves on the planets their counterparts evacuated. The balance in the region will be restored, though the situation remains far from stable.
Every post you've made has been wrong. Every one.

>After the war ended, nobody gave a fuck what happened to Cardassia
What are you basing that assessment on? The Federation sent Industrial Replicators to Cardassians after the Klingons invaded for fucks sake.

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I baited you. Get fucked.

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basing on the fact that nothing in the treaty of bajor had anything to do with the cardassians. if they cared, they would have written reparations into the treaty or had them been signatories as well.

Jojo Krako did nothing wrong.
Any Okmyx supports need to get

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why does he look so crazy all the time

In addition to the wonderful Peyton List, they should've taken a cinematographer and a couple of writers from Mad Men too.

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Is that from the VHS game?


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YFW a drunken Nana photobombs you, while pressing her boobs into your back.

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>That small nod acknowledge

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Op is a Jewish nigger in that case.

What is she doing with a pack of Pakleds?

Where are his teeth?

Space hag UTTERLY and PERMANENTLY btfo

One day, I'll take that cruise. And that will be me and Peyton List.

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>that episode where Worf fights Jem'Hadar and actually wins some fights
>when previous episodes showed that the Jem'Hadar know to instantly kill a Klingon you smash their ridges.
Wtf? How did they not kill him like that? Also, why do the Breen look like Leia in disguise in Jabba's palace?

Federation is based.
>Okay Romulans, we're coming to rescue you. Use your fleet to get infrastructure ready. Our ships are more suited to transporting civilian
Then billions of Romutards died. Now the Federation is the undisputed master of their area of the galaxy. Cardassia crushed, Romulans routed. Klingons gone. Firengi forgotten.

>tfw "cool and comfy"

Honestly, as long as it's after 300 posts. It's OK.

New threads should only be made once the existing thread hits bump and/or image limit.

Why is everybody on this cruise ridiculously out of shape and/or a boomer? Did all the ENTchads not show up?

>Also, why do the Breen look like Leia in disguise in Jabba's palace?

I've always wondered this and never gotten an answer. I'm sure it's gotta be a reference its so similar.

Breen? Tholians? Gorn?
It would be cool if they were expanded on instead of just ruining what’s already there.

>New threads should only be made once the existing thread hits bump and/or image limit.

The only correct response to this violation of the NAP is to start a new start trek thread for every reply.

Hasbreens. Tholian Disassembley. Gorn forever.

>almost an incredible get.
I suppose with the current state of things it’s a “pick your poison” scenario. which thing from Star Trek do you want completely ruined forever?

Isn't the head of the Romulan Empire some half human thot? Or is the Empire just gone for good?

>and then we told Romulans we would rescue them
>and they believed us

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Does picard even reference what the klingon or cardassians are up to?

no, not even once so far

Why did the head of the Hologram creation thing make Holograms in his own image? Pretty egotistical tbqhwyf.

>a supernova that threatens to destroy the GALAXY

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Sloan put a bomb inside the Rommie sun. Those retards fell for it.

>klingon or cardassians

funny frog my friend!

>Then billions of Romutards died.

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they are working on Star Trek: Damar as we speak

This but unironically

Because he was egotistical

I'd love to see them try if only for the explanation of how damar isn't dead.

>the dominion cloned him in one of their alpha quadrant cloning facilities beforehand

>ywn see the spinoff where Dukat, Damar, Ziyal, and Kira lead a righteous crusade against the Klingons on their stolen Bird of Prey

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>Potatoes sets it on level 14, wide dispersion
>kills himself and 200 people above him
Why was this fucking horrendous trauma never brought up again?

Cardassians are in the Federation now. Elim Garak is actually the President of the Federation.

He didn't just want to die, he wanted to take Keiko (who was three decks up) with him.

>Bashir's parents are both high caste (i.e, pale) pajeets
>his dad is mixed race in the show
Julian is literally mixed race, between a Sudanese (which is literally white under US definition) and an English woman (obviously white in most cases). So, he's basically white.

Yeah but who gives a shit

Captain Sisko is a very bad man

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Picard was pretty good at war though. He fucked the borg into submission.

space you fucking nigger, and land on earth is not a fucking scarcity

He invented the Picard Maneuver as well

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None of the spinoffs are remotely like TOS. Berman, Braga, Taylor, Piller, Behr: none of them are even familiar TOS much less fans of it. Moore is the only TOSfag to work on any of the shows with any real power.
ENT doesn't even try to be a prequel to anything but TNG until Coto's running the fourth season.

doesn't look very scarce

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I would design a transporter that alway reproduces a Tom Riker transporter clone. The original me would remain, and another me is transported to where I need to be. When a sufficient amount of clones are produced, we would pursue different fields and eventually man our own starship. Then we would get one vulcan female science officer to share.

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>boo hoo I live in a comfy trailer out in the great outdoors with a replicator and I smoke weed errday

I'd try and fuse people and animals together, just to see what'd happen. It'd be cool.

that's all I'd need in life to be happy

>I've been sober for two weeks, you have to let me back in you life now.

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>a version of you dies every time you use it
No thanks.

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If there isn't cool and comfy addition /trek/ after this I am going to be very disappointed.

>Harry Potter and the Existential Crisis

never go to sleep

Sleep doesn't disintegrate you into atoms and rebuild you somewhere else, genius.
It can't create another identical copy of you, or send you into the mirror universe or fuse you into Tuvix.

>lower states of consciousness are the same as a complete cessation of physical existence

>falls off the wagon

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People maintain consciousness and continue conversations while being transported. If anything being transported is less invasive than going to sleep.

nude Kira or fuck off

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Based murder-suicide O'Brien

So what's stopping someone from teleporting a torpedo into your warp core and obliterating you instantly when your shields are down?

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Firing a torpedo should do just as must damage, plus it's pretty easy to interfere with transporters.

Transporters convert somebody into energy momentarily, they aren't taken apart.

>i'm not sober
>ima get fucked up, trick my friend, and ruin our friendship
[ clueless boomer applause intensifies ]

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Happens sometimes when the plot says teleporting is possible

No it doesn't. A ship still has a hull and some ships have extra armor.
A fired torpedo can miss or be shot down. A teleported torpedo is instant and 100% accurate.
And if it's pretty easy to mess with transporters, how do you explain boarding parties?

As was discussed a few threads ago, this is bullshit. Many, many episodes show people being in a state of non-existence for 10 or even 20+ seconds while the operators try to get them to materialize after a catastrophic explosion or something of the sort has destroyed the place/ship they were. In TNG it's revealed that Scotty was struck in a transport buffer for years.

>Scotty was struck in a transport buffer for years

I loved that episode. Mysterious ancient space tech way beyond any known capability is the coolest.

literally wtf is she doing?

looking cute?

is relieving yourself into your own shoe some sort of fetish?

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>an intermittent poo jumping from sidewalk to sidewalk

Let me introduce you to some new thangs, new thangs...


It's possible there's a difference between a normal transport cycle and an emergency transport. It's headcanon, of course, but it's the only possible way to reconcile the half-a-dozen instances where we see people conscious whilst transporting. Unless we just disregard those, it wouldn't be the first time that some piece of transporter lore has to be ignored.

Let's be honest. Given the technological capabilities presented in Star Trek, the way battles are portrayed make little sense. In a more realistic execution of the setting, battles would be a hellscape without extensive automated countermeasures to stop sudden transporter attack. Good luck if your defenses are hacked. You'll probably eat a sudden photon charge while standing on the bridge. Your enemies wouldn't even need to use anything as complicated as a photon torpedo to implode your ship. They could just send a tiny bit of foreign substance into your warp core to make the whole thing go nuclear. Forget about visual range ship-to-ship combat. It'd be more efficient to lob clusters of photon torpedoes across star systems and hope a few hit. Why even use photon torpedoes in the first place? Just send a warp capable object into the center of the enemy ship and watch it the enemy explode into space dust. The list goes on and on.

What? They are very obviously converted into energy and exist within that state for the duration of the transport. It's literally called matter-energy conversion in the show, you moron.

Star Trek is Space Fantasy, it's not scientific.

Someone needs to make a Virign Sisko vs Chad Sheridan pronto

>how do you explain boarding parties?
Most ships don't take boarding action until the enemy ship is significantly damaged typically resulting in a loss of power which affects systems.

Technology exists in Star Trek simply to help tell a story of people traveling to other worlds. Of course most of it doesn't make any sense which is why getting autistic about the technology is a complete waste of time.

>K-fags are even trying to shill their gookshit in /trek/
for what reason

Why are you acting like I don't know this? Someone was asking was they don't just transport photon torpedoes all the time and the simple answer is that the technology in Star Trek is not portrayed in a realistic manner, militaristically speaking. It was the first sentence of my post.

>Why are you acting like I don't know this?
because you obviously don't

It sounded more like you were griping about it and were the guy who made the post about transporting torpedos to me. My mistake but to be fair it was kind of unclear.


you're not wrong

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>Let's be honest. Given the technological capabilities presented in Star Trek, the way battles are portrayed make little sense.
First sentence. Cope.

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Voy is based, I'm mocking the fags who shit on based Voy.

Frakt or Friktion

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>still doesn't get it
let it go, man

There's probably a sanitizing beam that cleans the holosuites after each use.

>If transporters existed, would you use one /trek/?
Nope. I desire to live with a soul.

> Based

Not enough nuance. The actors were based. Did their best with the writing that was given to them.

The writing was extremely hit and miss. Unlike TNG or DS9 that was fairly shitty for the first couple seasons and hit its stride, VOY suffered very rough arcs and not the best writing.

I am not going to reflexively say VOY BAD in all its aspects, but taken overall, I can't say VOY BASED.

Too late, you were already photographed at least once in your life.

Indeed. The baryon sweep (same thing that Picard had to run from in the Die Hard episode). All matter, including spooge, is baryonic.

People go on about 'Insaneway', when Sisko did more personality shifts than Janeway did, except not in the situation as Janeway.

Why do you keep using that weird pepe gif then? I've seen you reply with it various times in these threads with no other commentary and had no idea what opinion it was supposed to be conveying.

>Indeed. The baryon sweep (same thing that Picard had to run from in the Die Hard episode). All matter, including spooge, is baryonic.
Makes one wonder if there's one of those sanitizing beams everywhere.

Need to clean your quarters of dust, lint and viruses/bacteria? Push a button right before you leave your quarters for work...

That is unless their air filtering system filters out 100% of all particulate matter.

I reply to it whenever somebody says Voyager is bad, because they are speds, like the apu.


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The difference is that Avery Brooks is actually batshit insane and chews scenery like it's gum. My personal pet theory is that Avery Brooks thought it was real and that DS9 was a documentary, and when they tried to drop a hint by changing to the 1950's set on Paramount's lot, we got "Far Beyond the Stars." Maybe to this day Avery Brooks still haunts the lot thinking that the documentary is still filming.

Kate Mulgrew on the other hand is an accomplished and sane thespian who had her character written by a team of schizophrenic monkeys. Then she got fat and totally rocked that CSI parody on Adult Swim.

>Too late, you were already photographed at least once in your life.
I'm not african american or native american. I don't believe that.


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As usual, it's down to a cast of good people. People say Voyager is shit because it's rather boring. Bar SoN and EMH, there is literally boring characters bar Janeway. Who cares about Kim, Belana, Paris, Neelix or space native american.

The number of the beast is 616; 666 is a mistake. A retcon.

Janeway was based. She should have committed MORE crimes, not less.

Honestly I've always said I want a show about a Section 31 ship, equipped like a battleship, fuck loads of armour, sensors, 50 phaser banks, 500 torpedo tubes, quantum torpedoes out the arse, particle whips and they go around wiping out secret threats to the Federation.

>personal pet theory is that Avery Brooks thought it was real and that DS9 was a documentary
absolutely based
this would explain a lot of things

>She should have committed MORE crimes, not less.
based. She should've been balls to the walls insane. Have her genocide entire races, enslave races who didn't have anything she could use to replicate coffe with and steal incredibly advanced tech.

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I like Voyager's characters and the series has a number of standout episodes. I think it comes down to a combination of actually watching the show before judging it and personal preference.

If you dont have even the most basic economic knowledge of what 'land' is and what gives it value, i dont see why anyone should bother arguing with you.

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That's a master shop, fract!

star trek sucks
only the enterprise is cool

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Paris, B'Elanna and Neelix are better than most of the DS9 main cast.

"CUT! That's a wrap!"

"Wrap WHAT, Garak? Cut WHAT? Your web of deceit and Cardassian LIES?"

"Avery, for the last time, I'm not really Garak, my name is Andrew and you are the only thing standing between me and Craft Services."

"Craft Services? Is that what the Obsidian Order calls its treachery and deceit?"

"For fuck's sake, Avery."

"Quit CALLING me that! I am the SISKO! I am of BAJOR!"

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>Following the highly rated appearance of James Doohan as Montgomery Scott in TNG: "Relics", it was reported, in 1993, that Doohan had been urging Paramount to add him to the cast of DS9. It was also rumored that William Shatner had expressed interest in participating in DS9 in some capacity. (Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Unauthorized Story, p. 15)

What the fuck! We were robbed.

Attached: 1582610822715.jpg (720x542, 50.61K)

What ever happened to Seska's mongrel baby?

>I am the SISKO! I am of BAJOR!"

Attached: benjamin-sisko-a638caf1-05fb-4f61-bbaf-4f6a54ebc97-resize-750.jpg (685x853, 60.1K)

>What the fuck! We were robbed.
It is becoming more and more obvious that original Trek succeeded despite CBS's and Paramount's efforts to sink it.

Finally got around to watching ENT. Please tell me trip and t'pol end up in a living relationship

> We were robbed

In practice this would have been terrible. Between Shatner, Avery Brooks, JG Hertzler and Marc Alaimo they'd chew up the entire set like a bunch of Langoliers.

mfw some half cardassian baby is out there plotting to rule and conquer the kazon

It really is, honestly star wars is harder scifi than star trek (predisney anyways)
>no time travel
>no replicators
>no transporters
>no trivial WMDs introduced every episode then brushed under the rug forever after
>no telepathy other than the force
>no omnipotent beings unless you count the force
Star trek just has lots of technobabble which is sometimes extremely loosely based on actual science so it somehow got the reputation as realistic. Please dont cite EU counter-examples

fuck the Kazon, fuck the caretaker, fuck the borg, fuck species 8472, fuck Q, fuck jannies and last but most importantly fuck tuvix

I am looking for things.

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is bajor the best place in the galaxy?
literally had their god aliens deny nogs to build a shed on their planet.
blows up a school of shitskins and aliens

Attached: Kai winn.jpg (240x320, 15.89K)

>honestly star wars is harder scifi than star trek
>proceeds to list a bunch of things that don't make any sense

>honestly star wars is harder scifi than star trek
You win the award for dumbest post ITT

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>is bajor the best place in the galaxy?

I've got the most recent and updated Taste Wiki before the thread dies and a new one comes.

Attached: Taste Wiki (March 4).png (630x669, 47.05K)

Yeah except star trek features large amounts of pseudotechnical dialogue and has previously marketed itself on its adherence to some scientific principles like the alcubierre warp drive.

Its a show that always wants to have its cake and eat it too.

Worf is the only honorable klingon. He strives to be honorable by his own noble standards, not what other klingons think.

Dukat's half-bajoran daughter is so tragic. I want to see a bajoran-cardassian hybrid that can be loved and accepted by both worlds, and perhaps unite them as friends.

Tamarian Pussy tastes like water from the river Temarc


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>when your commanding officers keep pulling you aside to get lit and you've only been there a month but you're starting bridge officer shifts next week and you don't even want to be fucked up all the time at work but that's what it takes to make this wild bitch of a ship reach warp 10

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>and has previously marketed itself on its adherence to some scientific principles like the alcubierre warp drive.
Alcubiere wasn't even born when warp drive was on star trek

I heard Bynar pussy tastes like a leaking capacitor.
Asshole smells like a blown capacitor.

Attached: Laughing Bynars.jpg (689x530, 86.67K)

Ensign VF, full stop.

this image is wrong on so many levels, it should be considered a crime

based riker9.jpg poster

lol wrong


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Yeah, im sure turning 31 even more from a hypersecret semi-rogue police so clandestine most captains dont even know they exist, to a generic paramilitary, will really make them more interesting.

If you want a fed warship show just set it to starfleet intelligence or something else that makes more sense

Gorn butthole smells like Kirk's fist.

Kazon were all retards so he probably has like 10-20 IQ on them.

what is Riker9.jpeg's endgame?

for the last time, i'm not VF

>land so shit no one wants to live on it

Sounds like there may be a scarcity of desireable land


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Attached: riker.jpg (1080x1080, 1.13M)

>proceeds to list a bunch of things that don't make any sense
Yeah a bunch of scientific nonsense ingrained into star trek lore, exactly

>"Dixon of Dock Green" features a large amount of pseudolegal jargon. And has marketed itself on some legal principles such as "Policing by Consent" "Dixon of Dock Green" wants to have it's cake and eat it too.

Marrying the blankposter.

is blankposter a bland poster?

If that's the land no one wants, I'll gladly take it. That's some prime brush desert. Just imagine how much you could have hiking and camping out there. Hell, you could probably even get access to a nice off road vehicle and live it up driving like a madman for kicks. Set up a phaser shooting range out back. I bet flying crafts are cheap in the Federation. I'd have a blast out there.



Ok tell me why its softer, give some counterexamples. Try to explain how a lightsaber is less feasible than a replicator. Or time travel is harder than hyperspace'
Star wars is more dramatic and less realistic in its storytelling, but the setting and technology is far more mundane

star trek

Ok, but irrelevant to the larger position i presented

I mean, you can do that in real life now. 100 acres in bumfuck nowhere is probably cheaper than a condo in manhattan. Same way an apartment looking out to starfleet command is more desireable than a prefab box on Talos V or wherever