Aliens being burned by water in Signs doesn't make sense because the aliens should have been able...

>Aliens being burned by water in Signs doesn't make sense because the aliens should have been able, due to their technology, to know that the water on the earth was dangerous for them
I don't get why this bothered people so much.

Let's imagine for a moment that we're in space looking for something we need really badly (the movie wasn't explicit about what the aliens were looking for, but the director said it was psychics) and we find it on an alien planet. The problem is, it rains sulfuric acid. But the good news is, it rains acid in a very predictable way, so we can easily avoid it. So simple solution: go down to the planet to look for the things we need when it isn't raining, leave before it starts raining again.

1. The aliens do not understand weapons. They evolved with strong natural weapons so their brains don't work like ours do in that regard, so the idea that humans would throw water at them simply never occurred to them.
2. Similarly, they don't wear clothing, presumably for similar reasons: they're well adapted for whatever environment they evolved in and never needed to develop that way of thinking. So they never thought to wear protective suits when coming to Earth because they don't think that way.

Attached: Signs_alien.jpg (1409x1600, 177.94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

they were demons not aliens

>they didn't think that way
>spacefaring species

That’s literally just a black person

shut the fuck up; the rest of the world kills the aliens with regular, non-holy water

they had spaceships....

>They evolved with strong natural weapons so their brains don't work like ours do in that regard, so the idea that humans would throw water at them simply never occurred to them.
Is this the same species that has achieved interstellar travel?

There's water everywhere. Even in the air, but somehow... the aliens were able to survive without a special suit.

Mayne shamylan is just fucking dumb? Most of his other movies would suggest that's the case

They sent their weaklings down without any technology so they didn't have to worry about losing it. The aliens were desperate and looking for humans for an unknown reason so they pulled up, grabbed as many as they could and dipped.

It's a bit worse that that
>it rains sulfuric acid
>planet's surface is mostly sulfuric acid
>every single lifeform has sulfuric acid in their body
>dominant species pumps sulfuric acid everywhere
>there's even some suspended in the air
I think I like the demon/holy water theory more

>implying demons can't have spaceships

UFOs depicted as a bucket of bolts crash landing on Earth has always annoyed me. Any species that can master space travel can probably land the fucker too.


>that feelio when you are high IQ so you know they are demons and not aliens

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>Similarly, they don't wear clothing, presumably for similar reasons: they're well adapted for whatever environment they evolved in
Then why use spaceships, why not just fly with jetpacks?

I think they would have worked out the benefits of clothing while developing space flight.

Did you quote Scary Movie 3?


The Earth has 37 million billion gallons of water vapour in the air anyway though

>they're well adapted to the environment they evolved in
Good thing for them that the movie takes place in an environment they evolved in, then. Not to mention space travel in general.
Was this their first space flight + invasion? Is that what it was?

yes, the concentration of water in the air is the same as in a glass of water
how can you even breathe being that dumb?

Imagine visiting mustafar as a human and being surprised when a horta throws a glob of lava at you

Explain air born allergens then

I enjoyed this film and actually appreciate it more now. But the problem with the ending is that it's so contrived, it comes across not as the divine plan it was meant to be, but the clumsy machination of a writer who sees himself as divine. Given this is Shamalama at the height of his ego, this is entirely plausible, and distasteful.

They're aliens user, but they're supposed to represent angels, not demons. They came here to help us, but instead find our instinctive hostility towards them based simply on their appearance and demeanor, and our own self-created fear of extra terrestrials. They're from a pacifist utopia with little interplanetary relationships so encountering violent humans completely caught them off guard. That one alien was trying to cure Mel Gibson's daughter's asthma but predictably, it got it's shit pushed in. The point of the movie that humanity is so lost we would be unable to recognize help if it ever appeared. Gibson's character becomes a better person by the end, so in a way, the aliens achieved their goal by helping a few people like him because they were turned into a common enemy.

>be Shabambylon alium
>melt on contact with water
>fly 50,000 lightyears to a planet that's 65% water, rains water, has water vapor in the air, to harvest creatures that are primarily made of water

The plot hole isn't that they dissolved on contact with water but that they didn't instantly melt the second they opened their spacecraft doors. Without space suits on they presumably breathed in the air, which means their lungs would have melted and caused hemorrhaging immediately.

Water molecules don't burn our skin, anony.

Anyways, I'm going back to bed and your argument is invalid. Good day.

Biggest mistake in film was showing the aliens, it was really creepy when you saw it in the reflection of the tv then they ruined it

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And that other alien fella who came to celebrate a kids birthday but was shooed away

seriously it's identical to a black woman without her weave in

All water is holy

this is like the third or fourth thread on this shit in the past 2 days. who fucking cares you fucking retards

Clearly you for bothering to notice. Also:
>waaaah we can't discuss the same topic more than once because we all live on Yas Forums 24/7 right waaaaaah

They come, not to conquier or to destroy or civilisation.
They did not expected to be fought off

it's the same goddamn arguments over and over, what more can be gleaned from this shit? also, they're fucking demons. m night said so. dingbats

Maybe this is like a fraternity's dumb initiation rite, they have to come down and steal some wimmenz from a dangerous place so they can have friends at alien university.

why are they breaking into people's homes, killing dogs, and taking little girls hostage then?

but there isn't lava in the air in that place

>Biggest mistake in film was showing the aliens
We saw 1 and in the shadows.
Don't complain about it since nobody could ever see their faces

m night is a retard for assuming audiences would consider rain as holy

not the guy youre talking to but you can ignore the thread if it doesnt interests you

>We're on Yas Forums
>You can discuss movies here
>you can't discuss Star Wars
>you can't discuss capeshit movies
>you can't discuss movies like Signs
What can we discuss again?

It's almost like there's levels to toxicity.

I wasnt here, so fuck you, incel.

If a neutral chemical like H2O burns you, diving into a planet that's not only mostly water but also has water vapor in the air constantly is one of the most retarded things one could do.

Why would demons use spaceships?
Why would demons make signs in crop fields like aliens did years before?
Why would demons use invisible spaceships?

Attached: Signspaceships.png (340x223, 26.63K)

>What can we discuss again?
Mommy Milkies

Somehow, the aliens are weak to water

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It never bothered me because I always viewed them as modern-folklore aliens, rather than science fiction aliens.

I really really doubt shamaylan or wathever his gay name is thought about any of this for more than a second

>The movie is about Gibson’s character issues with faith
>His daughter’s birth is describe as a miracle
>She drinks the water, leaves it around all over the place.
>He was a man of the lord so no doubt he blessed his house
>Crop Circles can be interpreted as sigils
>One of the news says they were defeated in Israel were water isnt plenty but faith is strong
>They got hooves for feet
>We never see any spaceships just lights in the sky
>Somehow a space faring civilization didn’t do any readings on the composition of the planet
>Came down without guns, without suits, without any type of transport vehicle to be seen
>The entire movie hinges on faith, religion.
>No but they’re actually Aliens

Just shut the fuck up

>Why would demons use spaceships?
who are you to say they're spaceships? those are literally just lights in the sky.
>Why would demons make signs in crop fields like aliens did years before?
ritual symbols bud, and what evidence is there that aliens made them in the past?
>Why would demons use invisible spaceships?
however they traveled, why wouldn't you choose invisible transport? clearly you gotta plan shit out before you start possessing people

It makes no sense because there's moisture in the air all the time. They would basically dissolve in our atmosphere.

>modern-folklore aliens
they got fucking spaceships

To be fair he didn't even bring a present. no one likes a freeloader at a kid's party

>who are you to say they're spaceships? those are literally just lights in the sky.
>however they traveled, why wouldn't you choose invisible transport? clearly you gotta plan shit out before you start possessing people
Then what the fuck were those lights that can turn invisibles?

invisible lights, duh

Then why were they all over the world? An intelligent being would be able to understand that they should send an emissary first to broker relations instead of sending a full force to "help"

>invisible lights, duh
for what purpose?
Why would demons needs these things?

I can't believe my dad took me to see this when I was 10 years old. I HATE clicking noises because of this.

how are we to understand the machinations of the otherworldly, user? they chose to travel that way. might as well deal with it

And...? People like you have a very limited understanding of intellect, individual ants dont have the slightest hint of intelligence yet they are capable of performing more complex tasks than a lot of mammals, evolution can go in lots of directions given enough time.

>The plot hole isn't that they dissolved on contact with water but that they didn't instantly melt the second they opened their spacecraft doors
This *100. What the fuck was Shyamalan thinking? Water is so plentiful the only place they'd be safe would be underground or in the desert.

>it rains acid in a very predictable way, so we can easily avoid it
Still, you would've thought they'd at least put a protective suit on just in case wouldn't you?

you posted this thread yesterday

You don't know if they have lungs or not you pleb

>more complex tasks than a lot of mammals
What the fuck are you smoking user
Name one complex task ants can do better

How hard would it be for them to wear a Hazmat suit that blocks water
Or even regular waterproof clothing

you need to bone up on ufology

There's lots of water underground

>humanoid spacefaring aliens can't grasp the idea of weapons and not going to a planet full of an element that hurts them
It's a stretch and you know it

Plot holes aside I really enjoyed this movie

An extremely easy way to fix this issue is to have a plot point where they say the water of the town was contaminated with something. Mud or algae, something not harmful to humans.
Or say that fluoride killed the aliens.
Boom....problem solved. Is that easy.
They even hinted that the water was bad with the little girl.

This is the most retarded plot hole on earth

>the water was holy because his daughter spit in it
that's fucking retarded. Also blessing his house didn't do so shit if the demons could still walk inside it no problem

this is an unsatisfying response

Based and christpilled

No its absolutely not if you would just use your imagination for a second im sure you could come up with multiple reasons why they behaved like they did.

Now factor in that they are supposed to posess a mind that evolved entirely independent from us or our environment.

you mean infrared mutt

They can build structures for example.

Very few mammals do that.

it's the demons they were burned by holy water

Just because it's retarded doesn't mean that it isn't the plot. They're demons and if you had an IQ of above 75 you'd be able to connect the dots and see that everything alluded to the "aliens" being demons

Water has all kinds of organisms in the water, bacteria and shit. Theres hormones and medicine people flush

Very easy plot hole to fix

If they could think of protecting themselves from vacuum with a spaceship they could think of protecting themselves from acid with a suit.

Technically if demons come from outer space that also makes them aliens.

>go to a planet
>see it's full of toxic elements
Why didn't they?

Who said they think at all? Maybe the first 5 million aliens sent to space died until their hive-mind opted to try vacuum protection? Maybe their entire species learns like an AI?

but we never see them in space. we only see lights in the sky

>imagine the excuses for the plotholes
Yes, I could do that but honestly, I don't care enough about Signs to do so.

>factor in that they are supposed to posess a mind that evolved entirely independent from us or our environment
They were able to exist in our environment without any protective elements so theirs can't be that different. They also had ample to time to observe humanity. It just doesn't add up.

>Technically if demons come from outer space that also makes them aliens.
T. Ancient Astronauts Theorist

The popular theory is that they were in danger or dying and needed humans quickly

That’s the obvious answer and that’s what HG Wells did, Shamalan’s problem is he has to try to make it look like an original idea so he can’t use microbes.

>they were slaves ordered by a higher evolved species
>they were drones of a species that learns by trial and error
>they were desperate
>their knowledge is incredibly specific and they simply never encountered water in its liquid form
>its part of a ritualistic behaviour

Just some ideas.

Its really not plotholes when it comes to aliens.
It would be a plothole if their behaviour seemed familiar to us.

They were breaking into a house. Human or alien I'd fucking kill them.

Dude, there's like humidity in the atmosphere. If you wanna just get down to it, there's a lot of water/ice/vapor in this planet, and they should have know that toxic shit was abundant to the point we pump it everywhere.

They must've known that H2O is toxic to them. Before just going out into an alien planet's atmosphere they must analyze its contents to make sure it's breathable for them.

Its stupid, whatever, argue that they could not have known WE'RE not killed by water, but you can't argue against how stupid it was they didn't know this instakill shit was lying around everywhere.

>It would be a plothole if their behaviour seemed familiar to us.
Why? Since there are no known alien species IRL, for all we know, aliens might follow similar evolutionary path and respond to stimuli in a similar manner as we do. Especially if they are humanoid.

>they were drones of a species that learns by trial and error
I’ve heard that theory about irl greys before, that they’re biological android drones produced by a probably mechanical probe sent by a distant or possibly extradimensional intelligence, it supposedly explains a lot of weird observations by contactees.

Iwish they had replace the water with coke or pepsi
A global soda. Something sold everywhere.
Have the girl leave pepsi everywhere

they killed a few people and a dog and you call them good?

how many species on our own planet work like we do? dolphins and pigs have been shown to possess far more cognitive ability than their meager little lives should account for, yet there it is.

a sentient pig or dolphin would be incomprehensible and we're basically next door to it


even Indian water?

>how many species on our own planet work like we do?
A lot. Mammals are variations on the same blueprint and that's we are able to understand their behavior.

If I throw a glass full of pollen on your arm will it melt off to the bone?

So what exactly were the aliens or demons even attempting to do by walking around naked and shooting knockout gas on people?

They might not have a concept of privacy or territory

one wanted to go to a birthday party. another wanted to run naked in a corn field. one had the munchies and raided gibsons pantry, also that one was a pedophile and wanted a boy of his own

Except the bad news is that there’s sulfuric acid in gaseous form, just like there’s water vapor in the atmosphere on earth.

Kino about the political and existential crises caused by the discovery of extra-terrestrial life when?

The water had STDs
The girl had herpes.

You know, I can't remember any proof of the aliens actually being evil, it seems that it's the humans who freak out and attack them.

I mean I can see a dog as a hostile alien to them

The alien plot doesn't make sense beacuse it's not a sci fi story. It's a story about regaining faith, with shoddy alien invasion cosmesis

If you invade that alien's farm of course he is gonna try to murder you

>The water had STDs
>The girl had herpes.

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>the rest of the world
All we know is that the Middle East was the first place to start repelling them. i.e. a holy land with very little water.

The aliens are demons, the water used to kill them is holy (as all water is holy to some degree) and the bat that Merrill uses is a sword.

>bat that Merrill uses is a sword.
that bat didn't had the form of a cross as any other sword

this film traumatised me as a kid. i used to leave glasses of water in my room and never open the curtains

isn't there water in the air anyway? Why didn't they burn up just being exposed to our atmosphere?

>film traumatised me as a kid
Poor little boy

It didn't need to. It's usage was subtly symbolic.

I just re-watched the scene. Merrill holds the end of the bat at the demon, as if to threaten it with a thrust. Baseball bats could not do such a thing. A sword could. He wields it as if it were a sword.

Attached: Signs.png (546x605, 264.66K)

lvl9999 mental gymnastic

>Invade Earth
>Start by sending pairs of nudists to harass farmers
>Nudists get splashed with water
>Call off invasion

>lvl9999 mental gymnastic
How is it mental gymnastics when I literally explained it to you? Are you American? You're certainly stupid enough.

Same. I had abig jar of water
Slept with lights on


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They don't understand weapons but they understand man-made barriers?

>why do they use spaceships?
There are no spaceships in the movie. There are only lights in the sky, which are a symbol of the end times.
>the water isn't even holy!
All water is holy. Jesus is a water deity. They were also defeated in the Middle East where there isn't even much water, implying other holy attacks.
>what about the crop circles?!
What makes you think they're alien symbols? They're demonic sigils. There are even sigils drawn on their bodies. And they have cloven hooves.

Strawman. The original point was if water kills them on contact, and there's water in the air then why didn't they die?

>muh simbolism
You are just one of those idiots who integrate movies with their headcanon, instead of sticking to what's on screen.
You aren't smart, your thoughts aren't deeper, you are just an olympic level mental gymnast

It wasn't holy air

>demons from hell were unleashed all over the planet just so one guy in rural Pennsylvania could regain his faith

The movie was literally a movie about God having a plan to save this family and help the father regain his faith.
Not just for him, but he was part of God's plan like everyone, yes.

Honestly never heard of them being demons until these threads, and if it's true then I like the movie a whole lot more.

Fuck you guys, here's a real question:
What the fuck did they do to that dog?

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>The movie was literally a movie about God having a plan to save this family and help the father regain his faith.
Yes, with shoddy alien invasion cosmesis.

have sex

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That they made crop circles and that there were lights in the air implies those circles were intended to be seen from the air.
I guess demons come from above.

I would legitimately be having too much fun killing aliens with a super soaker to even consider any greater meaning. God’s plan was stupid.

vaccum of space kills u

build protective layer around so u dont die

water kills u

dont build protective layer around u and u die

The water was full of estrogen from birth control
The aliens were such mra incels that the touch of of female hormones burnt their bodies.

>That they made crop circles
They're magical demonic circles. Never heard of the Lesser Key of Solomon? They're used for summoning.
>there were lights in the air
That's just a traditional sign of the end times. It's a cosmological symbol that big shit is happening. The falling birds are a symbol of the same.
Why are you so dead set on them being aliens when there's nothing in the movie to suggest it compared to all the evidence of demons?

Why? That makes it even dumber.

Everything has to be hard sci-fi or it's SHIT. SHIT.

>Why would demons use spaceships?
Why not? Why would demons not use spaceships how else would they travel around space?
>Why would demons make signs in crop fields like aliens did years before?
to attracted aliens.
>Why would demons use invisible spaceships?
because they can lmao?

Watch the baby monitor scene with the understanding that they're demons. The sounds they pick up sound like Hell, not aliens.

Haven’t seen the movie in years so correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t there a scene where they see news footage showing a bird flying into something in the sky which heavily implies it’s a cloaked spaceship?

See Lights in the sky and falling birds are Christian symbols of the end times. Of course they try to make you assume it's a cloaked spaceship, but you're supposed to be able to put everything together afterwards.

In other words M. Night tried to have it both ways because he sucks.

It's a movie about religion. He just knew if he didn't outright say it people would assume it was an alien invasion movie because of the times we live in. Of course, some students of the occult would say there's no difference. Pic related is a 'demon' Aleister Crowley claimed to have regular contact with.

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The bird didn’t just run into nothing. It clearly hit a physical object in the sky.

I’ll say this about his movies: they’re pretty well made but they exist inside this alternate reality bubble that immediately pops when you try to prod it with any kind of outside logic.

>advances species of extra terrestrials
>walks around completely naked

Or you could go the lovecraft route amd say it's for a reason incomprehensible to humans.
Where the fuck is that Lovecraft meme that's like the doge meme and it says 'niggers' at the bottom? I wanted to post that here.

why not?

Them making underground bases already blows 90% of mammals out of the fucking water

Link to the fallen birb shit? I'm unfamiliar with thay reference.

That something awful interview is completely fake by the way. I know someone posted it here yesterday.


I'd prefer her to leave bepis everywhere.

>You are just one of those idiots who integrate movies with their headcanon, instead of sticking to what's on screen.
You aren't smart, your thoughts aren't deeper, you are just an olympic level mental gymnast

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So water is the quickest way to kill the alien-demons but Mel Gibson also simply chopped off the fingers of the one that was trapped in a pantry. If that’s the case, wouldn’t good old fashioned bullets also do the trick?

Ayy lmao

What weird observations? I've never heard anything that could convince me that they're anything but bio but with crazy advanced tech.

Ayy lmao


Some of them were probably shot to shit, but they trade force for stealth.
Wish they'd have shown what was happening across the world during the war, but I understand the journey was with the characters, I just still like to imagine it sometimes.
The scenario is unique.

Yeah but see . Even if you want them to be demons, the movie showed that they could be harmed by other methods than water. Not once did anyone try to just shoot them? In a rural farming area in Pennsylvania where just about everyone would have at least a hunting rifle?

>Why are you so dead set on them being aliens when there's nothing in the movie to suggest it compared to all the evidence of demons?
Everything in the movie suggests that they are alien, tho. Everything is just ufology shit 101.
Just stick to what's on screen

Demonfags utterly BTFO

biggest mistake was greenlighting this piece of shit in the first place

>Magical crop circles
>end of times
>blah blah
Watch some episode of X-Files

I think it's supposed to be taken either way, along with the "swing away" stuff and the boy's asthma being there, like the girl's hypochondria, to save them. Either it was the universe just happening to fall into place or it was God.

Based God sending down the least effective alien invasion of all time so Mel could get his faith back and the rest of the earth could have fun squirting them. Also: somewhere on earth, some guy 100% incapacitated one of the aliens and then repeatedly raped it.

And that makes sense given the conversation between Joaquin and Mel when they're on the sofa after the lights appear. It's up to the audience to choose what they believe.

yes, it's a story about a man trying to reconnect with God. This happens during an alien invasion.

I bet that butthole was rough, considering the aliens don't contain water.

If only they could have mastered the technology of raincoats

>the idea that humans would throw water at them simply never occurred to them

I pin-point this statement as particularly retarded in an already pretty dense take

Here, breathe this bag of mustard gas, don't worry, it's just vapors really

They were looking for psychics? Source me, sempai

Were they???????????

So what was flying around the air? Specks of ice? Water sparks?

It was a silver knife.
Lethal for demons

Kek good thing the owner of the house was chopping veggies with his silver blade kitchen knife when the alien walked in.

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they were aliens who happened to be demons. this is obvious if you paid attention. water alone isn't enough to harm them - they stand on a shingled barn rooftop at night which would have condensation on it during a summer evening, and they walk through a cornfield which would also be full of condensation, but the aren't injured here. they are injured by the water in the 3rd act because this water happened to be water drawn from a holy man - it is holy water.

Shyamalama said they were demons and all the water in the world is holy

>they were aliens who happened to be demons.

>has a drawing of a goat's head on his back
ok retard


Our bodies are full of chemicals and elements that would kill us in largd doses. Hell you can die from drinking too much water. Get over it fags, the aliendemons were desperate and underprepared due to some offscreen event. We know that radiation can kill but a few of us still dove into the Fukushima nuclear disaster waters.

Intentions are irrelevant.
Only what's in the actual movie matters.

Occam's Razor, user, Occam's Razor

No alien technology is ever shown
The word alien is literally never said in the movie

On tv they say people are fighting the aliens with regular water. I think M simply didn't take any of it into account

No theyve said they found a weakness. They dont mention water

If he did say that it makes literally no sense and sounds like him just retconning his own story to seem deeper than it was

>due to their technology, to know that the water on the earth was dangerous for them
They did know. Its pretty clearly stated that they chose places far away from water to avoid the danger. The real issue is why they would eat humans who are made of water. maybe their final cooking process wuld involve drying us out entirely.

I fucking hate ppl who make the water complaint. They exolicitly say in the film that the aliens are there to scout.

Attached: flinteart-Glomgold-1200x676.jpg (1200x676, 67.85K)

except for back in act 2 where they clearly state that the aliens are only targeting places away from water.

why did that alien cure the sons asthma if they're evil demons?

the waters of life, god aint that beautiful

Man I FUCKING WISH aliens would come into my house. I’d either get killed or I’d fuck their shit up like firecrackers up your asshole on 4th of July. One of two possibilities exist: we meet aliens and they’re so advanced they fucking btfo our species and planet in an instant or we fuck them up. I wish an extraterrestrial nigger would come over here so we could find out. BITCH. I’m just sitting here SHAKING waiting for a scrawny little gray assed faggot to poke it’s big head into my door frame so I could show it what a 12 gauge slug does to a lump of meat. And I’m not taking about no gay ass humanity fuck yeah bullshit cringe I mean I just want some pompous ass aliens to land out here so we can shoot, rape, and kill them to once again confirm our superiority at life.

Oh so it makes sense then. Lawl

>aliens are there to scout.
Then why didn't the leave when they realized that earth is FULL OF FUCKING WATER

Even if they where, that doesn't explain shit the question, why they attack.

They can clearly see from space that Earth is a water planet. Why the fuck wouldn’t they turn around and go somewhere else? It’s like if humans dropped down naked onto the surface of the Sun

Wasn't it also part of the story, that they planted humans there, so they can harvest them?
Maybe I just confuse this with another alien story.

did the aliens underestimate us, thinking with all our weapons water is the last thing we would use since all human civilization is on land? Are the aliens so "alien" that conventional fire arms wouldnt work on killing them due to a biological healing factor like what the fuck

>son has asthma attack
>sits on his father (a priests) lap
>father gropes the sons chest suggestively
>son grinds his ass into his dads crotch, grabbing onto his pants tightly as if he is being penetrated

Was this supposed to be a metaphor for how priests use their sex to bless little boys?

Considering Mel Gibson could easily cut off the hand of an alien with a kitchen knife, they can't be that tough.

>One of the news says they were defeated in Israel were water isnt plenty but faith is strong

If they were demons they would have thrived in Israel

man is in gods image but despite being humanoid they do not resemble man, they were false prophets coming down from the heavens in biblical light only to torment the living world

This based and redpilled

If they wanted to help, they chose the most retarded approach to do it. Imagine I break into your house to fix your door without telling you. Yeah, fuck you you ungrateful cunt for calling the police. I just wanted to help! You obviously aren't worth my help for not trusting an intruder.

Mel’s character in Signs wasn’t a Catholic priest, retard. He was just a regular Christian pastor or something.

>He was a man of the lord so no doubt he blessed his house
Yet they still managed to break in
>Crop Circles can be interpreted as sigils
Who made them? Someone had to summon them after all.
>One of the news says they were defeated in Israel were water isnt plenty but faith is strong
They attacked in multiple areas. Also you don't need an ocean to kill them.
>We never see any spaceships just lights in the sky
Why where they in the sky when they had no wings?
>Somehow a space faring civilization didn’t do any readings on the composition of the planet
You think demons have no knowledge about the earth?
>The entire movie hinges on faith, religion.
As a character arc. Why would just because the story is about a priest who lost his faith, also have to be about demons?
>Just shut the fuck up
Imagine being such an apologist.

The little girl was right, the water WAS contaminated.

Signs II clears this up as the better space aliens (who are space Jews, somehow) arrive and cleanup our planet.

Full title is Signs II: Water for You

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>people born the year Signs came out can now post here without being underage b&

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IIRC toward the end of the movie they hear on the radio that the aliens had suddenly gtfo because they were getting slaughtered. The one they fought in their house was a straggler that got left behind.

This. What evidence do you have that they were looking for people with abilities?

I swear I remember a film where iron could fuck them up because it is magnetic. Maybe it was iron?

Shut up imbecile, you are saying that god let hell break loose in the world so one man could regain faith?
Are you saying that THE JEWS believe in the same bible as mel gibson character?
Are you saying that they are not fucking aliens?

It was just a regular steel kitchen knife. The alien at the end didn’t even directly die because of the water. The water hurt it but Joaquin pretty much just beat it to death with his baseball bat.

>hurr they don’t have weapons
They don’t use weapons because they don’t want humans to respond with nukes. The movie literally explained that.
>hurr they’re naked
They don’t wear clothes because their “skin” has high tech camouflage capability.
>hurr there’s h2o in the air
Ok so dump some water on your computer. The water in the air doesn’t bother it so what’s the problem? The aliens/demons’ skin gets messed up when it’s wet. It’s probably not totally organic.
>hurr then why did they come to a planet with water
They came to harvest some humans. They put their crop circles in areas without bodies of water, and as the movie explicitly said, they stayed within one mile of the circles. They grabbed up some people and left.
>still, so weak if water can kill them wahh
The water didn’t kill them. It slowed them down enough to be bludgeoned with a bat

He holds it out to signal a homerun you stupid fuck


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Based and xenorapepilled

They're demons, they used holy water.

>they're supposed to represent angels, not demons
Project Blue Beam reverse psychology, totally

>Lam(b) of God

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Thank you

Shamylons words
You mentioned aliens and I wondered if we could talk about your film Signs. What prompted you to take a stab at science fiction?

I stand by my previous answer, but I will tell you that I had a lot of pressure at the time to try science fiction. I'm not the sort of guy to do the next Star Wars or the next Aliens. Those are perfectly good movies, but I wanted to attempt something deeper and more universal. You know what I said about giving a Dracula movie a deceptive title? That's what I did with Signs. That was a story about a war between Heaven and Hell. The aliens were demons and the people's dead loved ones were angels. That was why I had them pray several times in the movie. It was about faith.

So the water that killed the aliens was holy water?

(He laughs). Most critics just didn't get that. My publicist tells me that you wrote a very negative review based on the water concept yourself. You guys just didn't use your heads. Water is holy in general. Many cultures revere it. Baptisms, holy water at a church, some pagan groups worship the sea or rivers. It's not a difficult concept, but some people just can't wrap their small minds around that.

I think it was the idea that aliens would invade the earth, a planet that's like 75% water, has water that falls from the sky and-

No. Bullshit. You're still being small-minded. The characters in that movie called them aliens, but it was never explicitly demonstrated what they were or why they were on earth. People are much more accepting of aliens these days, and the idea was that if demons appeared among us, they would be perceived as aliens.

The “holy water” only served to injure the alien. In the end it was beaten to death by a regular old baseball bat.

This something awful interview is fake, user.

Fire burns humans yet they live in a place where fire occurred god, get better writers.

>They don’t use weapons because they don’t want humans to respond with nukes.
Why would they believe that humans immediately response with mass destruction weapons, which would fuck up both sides, just because the enemy has guns?
>They came to harvest some humans.
Humans consists 60% of water.
>The water didn’t kill them. It slowed them down enough to be bludgeoned with a bat
It burned them like acid. That one didn't die just because it was just a few drops, which still had a bad effect on it.

kek underrated

Stop believing Angels are good creatures, they are actually creepy shit who looks abominations like pic related.

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The supposed holy water was completely unnecessary to kill the “demons” though. Sure it was the quickest way but a shotgun blast to the face would’ve been just as effective.

Is everybody here completely fucking dense?

On the literal, surface level, they are aliens.
However, they are *metaphors* for demons.

Pajeets don't know what humidity is.


Sure but we’re mocking just how hamfisted and poorly constructed that metaphor was. Signs isn’t a bad movie exactly. It looks great and and has some really great tension and scares. The cracks in Shyamalan’s writing were definitely starting to show though.

It’s not a real interview.

I agree. It was an unnecessary plot twist.
They had not weapons, no armor, easily exploited weak points and for some reason they thought it was a good idea to start an attack.

Yes it is. It's right there for you to see

>source: something awful

No? All we know is “some in the Middle East found a primitive way to destroy them” the fucking cradle of Christianity, Jerusalem, etc.? Fucking alien gets burned by holy water in the priest’s house. They’re not necessarily demons although they could be that’s not necessarily what’s implied by the holy water, it could simply be God’s weapon to humanity against the Godless reptilian locusts of the universe.

israel borders the fucking med what are you on about

This xeno should have gotten a sticky before James Lipton.

>They’re probably vegetarians because they would have realized the benefits of such a diet

Is this true?

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Didn't read.

Indian water is no real water. It's liquid shit.

The aliens didn't have cloved feet

God literally delivered the Earth from evil (holy water) and the priest found faith again. Probably one of the most kino things of our generation.

truly bros who didn’t deserve what they got

Again, the holy water wasn’t even a requirement to kill them. Literally any weapon would’ve been effective. While Mel was having his little adventure, U.S. soldiers and rednecks were probably just shooting the fuck out of them.

>God literally delivered the Earth from evil (baseball)

What do you mean? Like abductions/greys opposed to Pacific Rim?

Demonfags so unbelievably BTFO itt

t. alien

>Why would they believe that humans immediately response with mass destruction weapons, which would fuck up both sides, just because the enemy has guns?
Because their weapons are too advanced. There’s a whole bit of expository dialog meant to placate the brainlets, but obviously it didn’t work
>muh h2o
It’s not the chemical that hurts them. Moisture fizzles through whatever that holographic skin or armor is.
>akshually there is moisture in the air!
Ok well I hope you keep all your electronics wrapped in plastic at all times to protect them from all that water in the air

Wow! Very interesting.

>content policing on 4channel
Absolute scum. There's a reason everyone hates jannies, and you're not even that, you're a janny >wannabe of all things.

>Because their weapons are too advanced.
Oh, nose. We are way too awesome. We can't develop simpler weapons anymore. We are too advanced for that.
>There’s a whole bit of expository dialog
I remember that. I made no sense.
>It’s not the chemical that hurts them. Moisture fizzles through whatever that holographic skin or armor is.
Literally no answer
>Ok well I hope you keep all your electronics wrapped in plastic at all times to protect them from all that water in the air
You really have no answer anymore.

>>One of the news says they were defeated in Israel were water isnt plenty but faith is strong
Why would Jews have beef with demons? They're waiting for the Antichrist, if anything they'd partner up with the demons and sell out mankind to them

>wahhh no answer
All of that was answers. You are the one who has no argument. The movie itself answered all of it and all you can say is
>makes no sense
Maybe you are just unintelligent?

Yeah. They didn’t know humanity had fucking Christ on their side.


>white supremacists attempt to harm hard working, pure, innocent POCs
If Spielberg made this in the ‘90s it would be kino, but if made today it would just be awful, racist garbo
Also Arrival exists. One of the last kinos ever made.

Did you guys forget the existence of District 9 or something?

He’s a baseball player. He was doing the “hitting it out of the park” stance.


Why does Mel taunt them so?

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They probably just snapped it up. Broke its fucking back or choked it out.

>Iwish they had replace the water with coke or pepsi
>A global soda. Something sold everywhere.
>Have the girl leave pepsi everywhere

Would have sorta ripped off another movie

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.....what the fuck do aliens or hell sound like????????? what a dumb post

Looked like stainless steel. Why would you have a silver carving knife...?

Mel didn't bless any of the water


Reminder that M. Pajeet stole the plot of the sixth sense from an episode of are you afraid of the dark?

>"holy water" is completely irrelevant
>literally any redneck could have just blown a "demon’s" brains out with his 12 gauge

>can think of space ships to protect themselves from the vacuum of space
>can't think of suits to protect themselves from the elements

That describes humans too

We have suits that protect us from water, the cold, extreme heat etc.