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Other urls found in this thread:


Only an incel would get triggered by this

>where i want, when i want, with who i want
your jail cell says otherwise

>I am a whore
fixed it for u

um, wouldn't it be with whom?

>with who I want
>not whom
Yes, I'm triggered.

damn harley quinn sure got btfo, can't wait for her to see this post

Wish i could sleep with who I want.....

>not whomst
Go away burger.

chapo faggot needs to shitpost to feel better after bernie got btfo i see

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Only a tranny would be ok with such hamfisted politicking in a script....must be why the movie tanked LMFAO

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>not whomest

it's gonna get worse, most seem to be pretending nothing has happened, which is arguably the case for bernie

nu-harley is dogshit

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yet another planet if the apes remake.

ESL retards spreading a forced meme because they can't handle intermediate English.
the world is populated by fucking dunces

if all women are whores why are you still a virgin?

Whore is not a compliment, liberal.

Because they're only whores for Chad you stupid idiot

i thought HQ was just crazy, for Jokah, not a crazy thot.
projecting much?

me too but i had to stop after seven courts of home invasion eleven of trespassing and three of rape

where did he say that all women whores?

quit responding to this apple phone poster bait.

Attached: miss mann.png (469x269, 175.42K)

Based Russell Williams

all women are whores

based retard

Samara Weaving just played a better Harley Quinn than Margot Robbie did in Birds of Prey

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Too tryhard. On the other hand, that "Oh." was perfect.

having crabs probably makes all that harder.

I'd still fugg Margot full force

>Too tryhard.
It's not "too tryhard" when they're self-aware.

lol...'women philosophers' everyone

nobody has crabs anymore because sexually promiscuous women all shave and wax their vaginas now. It's been nearly eradicated in the United States.

based finan

It was jarring how she was invincible the whole movie until she ran into this guy but also kinda refreshing

Why can't women stop reducing themselves to a bunch of fuckable holes?

Attached: 30a697bzoav01.jpg (520x868, 112.63K)

don't sleep on the road you bloody abbo

Because men keep trying to control those holes, that's how they can take back control

what the fuck is this shit

guns akimbo

>gets raped

Whats so bad about being a virgin

You get turned into oil or something apparently.

powerful if true

nothing really, just glad i'm not unattractive like you

If you’re posting here, you’re already unattractive enough to normalfags.

why is this not a problematic character or whatever?

how many languages can you speak?

inb4 "only the one that matters hurrhurrr o say can you seee"

it's not deep at all
don't you feel the same way?

seriously though, why is it that Americans don't know more than one language?
even second generation immigrants tend to only speak english

Live Laugh Love

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Why does female empowerment ALWAYS end up with them talking about the disgusting things they do with their cunts?

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There's a reason why you don't learn about any "women philosophers" in antiquity.

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don't your know that patrice o'neal bit where if a woman gets to define herself it always comes down to a couple of holes?

>not whom’st
Smdh tbqhwu senpai

>$750m box office


>i can't get laid despite whoring myself obviously

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I’m only one case but it is not a focus in our education until high school and even then it’s an elective. At least it was back when I was in school.

I studied Latin & Italian NJT didn’t retain much. I can read/speak some Italian and Spanish but I wish I studied other languages earlier in life.

Why do women get some kind of feeling of liberation by admitting to submitting to a lot of men? Wouldn't abstaining from sex entirely be the more "liberating" choice as they are putting themselves above the whims of men? Most young guys just want to fuck and then have the woman fuck off afterwards anyways.

If you have to ask this question you're a retard. America is a huge, geographically isolated country. English is already spoken all over the world and our prominent neighbors are Canada and Mexico, one of them is also filled with English speakers. I think it's good to learn a language but it's pretty fucking obvious why it's not a priority. Of course Euros learn more languages because they share a continent with a shitton of other languages.

>facebook/reddit memes are now openly shared here
This place is dead

because oatmealchads like me are too busy for women

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>Because men keep trying to control those holes, that's how they can take back control
How does that explain their rabid hostility to sex dolls? If the holes tactic is a self-defense reaction then they should be glad those men are finding new holes, but the bio-holes are saying fucking mecha-holes is rape and should be banned.

"I sneed where i want, when i want, with who i want."
Seed as Feed.

>no whomest'sts

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what's her name?



>Joker offers her to black thug
>she was clearly down to fuck by Joker's orders, not by her own will, like she says in OP's quote
What did both of them mean by this? HONKA HONKA

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what if you asked her "what about that 5 year old kid"?

a woman has to fuck tons of guys to be strong and independent

Have sex incel!

Bend over.

Why does Hollywood want to make promiscuity as some kind of virtue?
Vices are not empowering. That's in parts what makes them vices.

But I'm not. Stop projecting.


>im a virgin therefore everybody is.
Incels should be shot on sight.

I never understood the difference.

That anime profile picture is not what you actually look like, you balding speedrunner faggot

Whom is when it's the sentence object.

>badass men often disregard women
>badass women are just common whores
peek into the female mind

Attached: Yes I understand perfectly.jpg (750x600, 48.39K)

>Wouldn't abstaining from sex entirely be the more "liberating" choice as they are putting themselves above the whims of men?
Modern "liberalism" is not really about freedom, it is about feeding your vices so that you become easier to control.


Is that Harry Crane?

Is she saying she's a rapist? You can't sleep with whoever you want unless that person also wants to sleep with you.

Because men aren't whores


I never viewed it as politcking, I thought she was just being a whore.

They are retarded, slut culture and women liberation is the biggest self-own in woman history. Imagine feeling liberated that Chad can fuck 50 whores like you at day and doesn't have to marry, take care of you or even care and also be happy you have to work instead of being at home, which is still what most women wants.

You people are the dumbest fucking assholes on this planet, you have no basic conceptualization of other peoples' suffering.

>incels inciting violence against other incels

I have no idea why DC is pushing so hard to make her into some sex symbol

She started out as comic relief and a joke for all the abused girls who sticks with their wifebeater.

Because a good chunk of stories produced by Hollywood have zero interest in doing what stories are suppose to do, explore and attempt to explain the human experience. What you see a lot of now is people using art to reinforce and push their own beliefs. They're not asking questions, they're making definitive statements. In essence, they are producing propaganda.
It's not so much a question of "good and evil" in the traditional sense for these people. Instead, what's "good" and virtuous is what they believe, and what's "evil" and a vice is anything that doesn't share their views. Regardless of the particular actions or characteristics of a character, they are viewed as "good" or favourable if they express the values of the propagandist. The character could cheat, lie, steal, murder, be unfaithful, and even commit genocide, but it's alright because they represent x y or z ideology.

It's actually pretty fucked. If you want one of the most clear examples of this take a look at Marvel comics. Several key figures and writers for the company have flat out said they associate more with the villains in stories. Hell, look at the "heroes" these fuckers create. They're inconsiderate, petulant, and self-righteous despite often times being straight up Mary Sues.

>She’s Slim Shady
>She’s back. She’s back

kek, the incels ar SEETHING

Joker literally uses sleeping with her as an excuse to kill business associates. She wants to fuck the guard to make sure he gets skinned alive by Joker.

No that would make them smart because what you just described is evil and evil isn't stupid.

Who did it? I did it.
To whom was it done? It was done to him.

facebook memes are fucking based

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>with who I want

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It all started with her first costume change. At that point it became clear that the point of her was missed.

>happy you have to work instead of being at home
This shit I never understood. By the 1950's homemaking had largely been trivialized by technology compared to what it was 50 or 100 years ago. The life of the homemaker was being made orders of magnatudes easier.
I'm not saying doing something like looking after a kid is easy, cause it's not. But the kid isn't around all the time, especially as they get older. That means the wife and mother had more and more time to herself. How the fuck is that bad? They didn't think to themselves, "Hey, I can do anything I want with all this free time I have now, maybe I'll try a new hobby, refine a skill, learn something, or just spend time with friends". But they fucking didn't.

Holy shit it makes me mad.

The Peak of the mountain.
I'm going to take a peek inside.
Are you american by any chance?

The thread was visited by people, most of whom were virgins.

Didn't even break 200, you fuckig retard, get fucked.

female philosopher: my holes

>unless Big J tells me not to

so shes a rapist?


I don't deny this isn't this case but isn't the underlying problem here men's fixation on women's holes? Their shitty argument wouldn't work if men didn't place such a high value on sex in the first place. Let's not act like virgin, incel, and beta are not terms used predominantly by men. Women have always been master manipulators and they tend to stick to the few things that have worked since antiquity.

Nah, you are just a pathetic slave who believes that women are the ones who decide the value of a person.

I agree but isn't the part about them associating with the villains the result of what you described at the beginning? The villains are the ones that have interesting development or are attempting to explore the human experience and ask questions while the heroes are just caricatures or highly simplistic. I can understand why someone would associate with Loki or Thanos rather than Thor or Iron Man in Marvel films.

Parent here. Looking after kids is a piece of piss, it's fun and gets easier with every developmental milestone. The ultimate life is being a stay at home husband with a few kids, a big garden, a home gym, a big fridge full of food and some video games.
Remember that episode of the Simpsons where Marge has that future tech house that cleans itself? With no kids around? Why didn't she learn a musical instrument, study a foreign language, get fit, learn a new skill, volunteer her time to charity blah blah blah? Because women by and large have no volition. They're only memed into doing anything, that's why they get meme degrees and are obsessed with staying current.

Find yourself an intelligent non-NPC weird woman, now keep looking because you need to find one that actually wants kids...Then cum inside her every night and love her unconditionally til you die. If she wants to work while you stay at home, the only lifestyle that can top this is if you win the lottery or something.

Don't bother, he hit the wall hard and is a fat fuck now.

>incels think a woman choosing to have sex is politicking

I wish I could sleep...

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>all these seething (You)s

eat shit whore, Trump is going to win 2020 and put you roastie cunts in their place


only an eunuch sodomite would defend such degeneracy

put me in the screeencap.

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It looks like Biden is going to get the nomination and the general public isn't as against him as they are against Bernie. There are more Dem voters than GOP all of which just want to remove Trump regardless of what Biden can or will do. It's going to be a very tough fight.

direct object, not indirect

>being this delusion

Biden is a senile moron who will get destroyed by Trump. I bet you're the same kind of dumb fucking idiot who thought Hillary was going to win in a landslide because of the kike media shoving fake polls down your throat. Fucking kill yourself bitch.

I hate women


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Women are worthless trash.

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What a strong brave women. The more men a woman has sex with the more self-empowered she is.

So she's a rapist?

user there's no need for unnecessary hostility, but go back to 3rd grade so you can understand the simple words I was using in my comment.
>remove Trump regardless of what Biden can or will do
What do these words mean user? Take your time. It doesn't matter who or what he is and he could be a piece of paper for all anyone cares. They just want to remove him. The problem was Dems felt socialism was far worse than a moron so they had to remove that guy at least. With Bernie there would have been low turnout but with Biden people will at least show up to vote which will make it hard for Trump to win. Most people's minds are already made up.

I'm a single dad myself, so I can appreciate how hard it is. Mercifully my wife was still alive when our daughter was still really young, so that made life easier. I'm usually busy as fuck, but I still find time to do stuff like go to the gym or indulge in my hobbies. It's kinda nice too, since as my daughter gets older, she's been taking more of an interest in what I do, so I care spend time with her while doing stuff I enjoy.

I've never seen speedrunner used as an insult, but boy is it effective!

Based and oatspilled
What kind of oats do you eat user? Apple cinnamon for me.

In retrospect the Arkhamverse was the beginning of the end. It's no coincidence that was almost Arleen Sorkin's last outing as the character.

This. Found my gf in college and she was really into AI and learned it on her own, now I don’t work and plow her twice a day


This is very rapey and problematic.
You can’t just fuck who you want when you want. Why isn’t she talking about consent?

You'd be surprised how many normalfags don't even notice that shit. Bring up how Get Out is racist propaganda to normies and expect weird looks


that sounds like a mental illness and dependance on others

holy based

So if she basically is admitting she would cheat why should she expect better from Joker?

No shit

I hate women, but men are so much worse

I use the term men loosely, but I really mean the beta losers who enable the behavior. Men are the real ones who enable this behavior to happen, but people are too fixated on hating women.

I go the movie I want

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>All these incels mad at this
You can literally can't have sex and it's fucking hilarious.

Attached: angryincels.jpg (1080x1055, 380.68K)

Since when is Harley Quinn a narcoleptic?


Deep in her pussy. Unless shes shallow there too.

Same here senpai. 36 hours so far.

Women like sex user, just like you

And then you'll be 30 and wondering why you can't find a good guy who will settle for you bitch

The point of Harley is that she is the Joker's orbiter. If they change characters so much, why don't they make their own?

first post Reddit post; go back

Because he doesnt want to pay for sex

Imagine a dude saying that to a woman

Why are you a virgin? Socially retarded or just ugly?


Bush is coming back especially among feminist/slut types
Crabs will be back soon in a big way

>women fuck who they want
so all this me too movement ?

original pic please and context if you got

have sex

sounds like blackspeak


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>tfw can't sleep when I want, let alone with whom I want

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That's also called assimilation and is a good thing unlike in cucked Europe where the foreigners dont even speak the language

Being a whore is inherently political to leftist radfems


And women ate that shit up when they made it sluttier despite always bitching about objectification because women are often annoying hypocrites.

>and it's fucking hilarious
why? I don't understand why men deserve ridicule and women deserve praise.

Have sex. Please.

Jews tricked them into servitude by appealing to their base and selfish nature to double tax revenue and depress wages. They literally just did the same thing again in America when they got Obama elected and supported Obamacare aka expanding the health insurance industries power and granting them permission to siphon resources out of demographics that were usually uninsured: working young men.
Eve in the garden, tale old as time.

Nah it was the jews

never socialized, never went to whores.
don't like parties / gatherings.
probably ugly too.

A woman declaring her pride in being a cumdump is political, yes


>never socialized
Well pussy won't knock on your door, you can't really complain if you don't put in any effort, man.


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I will never underestimate the stupidity of the average ignorant, unaware and oblivious citizen.

Who said he likes sex? Women love sex because they get to enjoy everything we offer them. They mostly lay back and take it. All we get is access to their tits and holes.

Imagine actually praising someone who proudly mimics the vernacular of a scum-sucking bottom-feeding n*gger woman and thinking someone ELSE is pathetic. That's rich.


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>dont like sex
low t user

Being shit on purpose doesn't make it better.

Why do you keep posting shit like this, user? Why don't you try to make other anons laugh, or feel good in some specific way. Why do you feel the need to attack other anons here for not being chads? Do you have problems you are projecting?

Attached: Iwasgettingchanged.jpg (500x374, 54.46K)

>Why don't you try to make other anons laugh, or feel good in some specific way
Buenos dias senor Reddito

Who said I didn't like sex? Are you retarded?

have sex

>I COOM where, when, and who I want
Cool story bro

>It's reddit to wonder why you choose one specific type of shitposting above all the other possible choices
Go fuck yourself nigger. You know what I mean. You have no need to bring up incel shit at all here unless it's to absolve your own personal pain. Reminding everyone else that being alone sucks doesn't make you being alone any better. Choose another shitposting route next time, faggot. Racism or LGBTQ shit for instance. Don't be the James Cordon of Yas Forums.

Attached: menof2016.jpg (600x433, 133.68K)

>I'm proud of being a whore!
Not in my path

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Have sex. Please.

Absolutely fucking based Mohammad. I would bow to you if you could wipe out whoredom. I know you fucked kids, but I'll forget about that if you undo the whoredom.

>tfw only got laid after I realized that all women are whores that want to be fucked
Wish I knew this back in high school. Really helped my game.

Attached: Chad strikes again.gif (240x240, 2.97M)

I'll try this weekend, for you user

>incel pretending to have game

>I know you fucked kids, but
implying that's a bad thing

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Please. Have sex.

>men can't fuck who they want
>also we live in rapeculture
What a time to be alive.

Lel chill dude by having sex for example

I'll be thinking of you bby

so female baddies are like female comedians: haha lol I've a whore

women are cringe

>as if marrying y'all dumbasses is supposed to be a prize of some sort
How can these 'people' be so fucking delusional. How can someone say that while thinking having sex with them is supposed to be a prize of some sort, do they really think they're important? Beta orbitters killed the western society

>i'm an adult who lives in a free country
wooooow yaaaaaas SLAAAY

I have holes, therefore I am

Got 'em

>gets killed for respecting Joker's boundaries

>tfw had sex
>still hate women
What now, roasties?

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This would be a good quote if the final portrayed Harley and the BoP as homeless bums, coping with the fact that they amount to nothing

>Please. Have sex.

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uhm hello based department?

Wow that's a good shoop.

Mediocre bait but this place has gone to shit so good job.

Dumbass. The quote is from suicide squad which made bank. They really need to stop lettin 12 year olds post on here

Suicide Squad wasn't focused on her you drooling retard. Coping at the speed of light.

But women want a man who can get a bunch of women. they date up. they want a man who is valued, IE has lots of sex. Enjoy your virgin cope. theres a reason society shames male virgins and not female virgins


When it's the indirect object too.

> Give this to whomever you like

Because empowerment.

imagine not understanding hypergamy in 2020... fucking hell this website is shit

>imagine settling with someone who had previous sexual partners
I don't know how people do this

>with who I want
*with what they want

Attached: joker.jpg (647x536, 211.83K)

What are we supposed to do, fuck 13 year olds? Girls today lose their virginity as soon as boys start taking interest in them. Sadly, unless you're lucky enough to marry your high school sweetheart, you're going to end up with somebody who took her share of dicks.

Have sex

I thank God everyday that I'm one of the lucky ones

>What are we supposed to do, fuck 13 year olds?

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shouldn't it be "with whom I want"?

Despite being marketed as muh women's empowerment, normie women don't like this shit at all. This only appeals to the terminally online turboroasties who sell nudes on twitter and use special pronouns.


it's like a dude pretending he's badass because he's a huge wanker who faps WHENEVER HE WANTS