ITT: Insufferable Actors

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Jesse Eisenberg.

Every time I see that fuck my blood starts to boil and I see red.

i know man


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>British TV comic moves to LA and starts getting cast in Hollywood movies
>becomes unbearable
What happens to them over there?

josh gad

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Wait was he in Breaking Bad? Idk I likes that show.

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Fuck off Piers
Coogan's a legend

oooh lovely single double triple

>backs remain
>backs corbyn

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During the election I saw a Youtube ad for Momentum that had him in it. It was the most pandering, boomer shit ever. I wish I could find it because it was pure undiluted cringe.

incredibly based

Are it was that? A lot of middle aged luvvie types are insufferable without Hollywood's help.

>Are you sure it was that?

all correct

Fucken' a


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I was suprised to learn that he's not half-asian

Pic related
Channing Tatum
Mark Wahlberg
Amber Heard

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And this

alan partridge is funny, but i can't stand him in real life

>uh huh huh huh
He literally plays the same character in every movie

Coogan is a fuckwit

Both of these faggots

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>Channing Tatum
What's wrong with him?


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I went to school with a dude I hated in high school that look exactly like. Its the only reason why I dislike Jesse

>imagine being this wrong

you think they ever touched penises?

Too handsome

wow how profound...

thing is most of these "memes" are indeed the type of shit normies post, but even then it sticks out as "HI FELLOW KIDS". I can't pinpoint exactly why

My man that guy is royally lovable

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t. Vietnam fucking shit

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Quick rundown?

I see a lot of Coogan hate threads and posts popping up but I have absolutely no idea what he's like outside of Alan Partridge work besides that mid-90s series which was painfully unfunny. Is he talking lots of shit?

i find Coogan supremely funny, don't care about his irl views
0 problems with them
sort of varies, can be either (see: 50/50 vs The Interview or Disaster Artist vs Neighbours)

He's a luvvie twat.

all the time

That like/dislike ratio LOL.

I find her kinda hot in a mummy way

>he's not a part of the briegang

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I'll never understand why Partridge isn't core Yas Forums.

He's not the one who made the video user, he just said a few sentences in front of a camera

yeah I know, that doesn't affect my post though

Didn't he apologize for the "No way you big spastic!" line?

>There were two victims that day. Me because of everything I went through, but Forbes McAllister is also a victim in a way, because of course he died

Speaking to Time Out, he said: ‘I got a letter from a young girl when Alan had described someone as a “spastic mentalist”.

‘Her brother had cerebral palsy, and she loved the programme and felt let down.

‘I think I can defend everything I have done comically, on an ethical level but I’m annoyed about that: slightly ashamed.

‘You can think it’s just [Alan’s] ignorance but you have to think why you are doing it. What does it mean, the comedy that you are doing?’

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God, what a stuck up tosser

Haha what a tart

Alan partridge is a shit character for sure but coogan is pretty based mate

He's played Alan Partridge for so long he's become him he kino tho

I hate this faggot

He’s alright, just a little full of himself

Such a punchable face on this fucking simp


Yo leave Steve Coogan alone, i enjoy him & the acting, along with the comedy, he does A LOT!!!

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The books are suprisingly great, Nomad is even better than I, Partridge.

Holy fuck at that cunty forced smile. I bet a white male photographer took this image.

He always feels the need to voice his political opinion whenever there is an election, even going as far as to write articles in The Guardian.

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he was great in Tropic Thunder and The Other Guys.

Paul Dano

I am seeing an increased amount of posts written in boomer vernacular lately, as if people are fresh from facebook or youtube comments.
Has Yas Forums got a lot of exposure from somewhere recently?

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>We love freedom and democracy and peace and love!!
>But old people shouldn't be allowed to vote
>And anyone who disagrees with us is wrong

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Fk. I hate his voice

Oh fuck I hate her so much.

I loved him as alan partridge in the 1 series of knowing me knowing you and the 2 series of I'm alan partridge

I wish he would have let the character go out on a high note

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People all the time say i look like him :(
We might have gone to school together, i did have some enemies.

This will never stop being funny.
On election night I stayed up late getting drunk, laughing, and watching the Corbyn crew eat shit on live TV. Good times.

Jack Black
Apparently he's a cunt to be around as well

the second season of I'm Alan Partridge was worse than the new morning TV show spoof he did, though.

plus you are disqualified for having an opinion because you forgot The Trip and The Trip To Italy.

He was great in Stan & Ollie.

Serious question. Why are you cunts so narrow minded that you can't separate politics from entertainment?

How is it going to effect your enjoyment of Alan Partridge to know he liked Corbyn or whatever?

>and his political opinion is different to mine

It's just a woman

based Morris

leave the batfleck alone.

she’s got some big ol titties tho


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>hating on Michael Caine

I can't take him seriously as an actor
No u
KStew acting and personality is just Jesse Eisenberg but female, both are fucking hacks.

He wrote a masterpiece though

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Miles Teller and Jonah Hill

I fucking hate him so much

He makes me so fucking angry

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Seth Rogen was never funny

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don't care what opinion he has though

Where did I imply that I dislike Alan Partridge? I just said that I find Steve Coogan insufferable. You can still appreciate someones work but dislike them as a person.

Miroslav Skoro???

She has a great body overall but she's a total butter face

he went a bit crazy with the charlie for a while

If I lost Jennifer Garner, I'd be a suicidal alcoholic too.

Jeff Daniels is insufferable in interviews. Geat actor though.

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I'm glad this creepy little shit's career is dead

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my steel toed boot has some thoughts

Laura Dern, only because she's a cunt in most of her roles. I like her, though, I just hate her characters.

The Trip is Kino

she doesn't seem to have a very interesting personality

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Any gay actor

seth rogen is based u faggots

>Amber Heard

who cares user, let’s just enjoy them :)
