What was the best part of this terribly made movie?

What was the best part of this terribly made movie?

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cute girls in sexy outfits that show some leg made it watchable, modern hollywood could learn from that

As a leg man myself I appreciated the level of quality thigh on show

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I liked the big robot samurais the most

God I want 3, 4 and 5 to abuse my cock and pee on me.

The director's cut is kino.

Her lips.


3 best parts. Browning, Hudgens and Chung are hot.

I want her Hot Toys figure just to hot glue all over it.

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For me its Jena Malone.

Why don't we get Zoomer counterparts of films like this and springbreakers?

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fpbp. the girls looked great.

Based taste

The full frontal lobotomy.

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Bjork soundtrack. And the rest as well

So, did he miss on purpose, or was he blinded by Emily's shining character?

Why was this panned again?


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>Snyder wants to do a female empowerment movie
>Casts hot chicks and puts them in sexy outfits

Wish more fucking "Female" movies did this
All the female cast members loved it too and have nothing but good things to say about Snyder but on release reddit threw a fit about the film not being PC enough.

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Yeah the soundtrack was pretty good

this shit was awful tho, and i gave it a good chance no bias

So what is exactly wrong in this movie? Yes it's a dumb movie but I didn't find it that bad.

Jenna Malone

Jean Malone

Snyder just filtered pretty much every critic in the business. Rest of the viewers followed suit, not really bothering to try to parse the films subtext, though it's fair to say that embedding the subtext under such lavish and distracting skin is what some may call, a sucker punch.

>terribly made
>Why was this panned again?
>So what is exactly wrong in this movie?

Snyder's directing wasn't the problem with Sucker Punch. It had 3 primary problems.

> Acting of some of the young female cast was weak.

> The action almost all taking place in dreams/visions meant that they had little to no emotional weight.

> Snyder simultaneously wanted to make (A) a sexy anime tribute while also doing (B) a serious emotional story about women being abused and overcoming, either plan on their own is solid and fine but doing the 2 together is bound to fail because B makes A seem exploitative.

The fight scenes.
Didn't really care for the rest of it.

>Acting of some of the young female cast was weak.
I don't think anyone going to see it was expecting Oscar performances user. We all know what it was going to be.
>The action almost all taking place in dreams/visions meant that they had little to no emotional weight.
Because most action films have emotional weight, again only Oscar films do.
>Snyder simultaneously wanted to make (A) a sexy anime tribute while also doing (B) a serious emotional story about women being abused and overcoming, either plan on their own is solid and fine but doing the 2 together is bound to fail because B makes A seem exploitative.
Not sure what you mean by this, but Super Punch was the best version of this type of movie. It was great for what it was. It's wrong to not like it because of what it wasn't.

The Crablouse instumental remix

>It's wrong to not like it because of what it wasn't.
Tell that to far left movie Critics.

>jena malone and springbreakers
>the rest of that post

russian ending

he simply failed the QTE

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Jena was so fucking sexy in that kinda mediocre film, it hurts that lame, talentless bitch Abbie Cornish was the one to have happy ending.

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there was no happy ending you fucking idiot, the abbie cornish character was a figment of brownings imagination. she was lobotomized.

the closing credits

All the girls were BTFO. Did you see them at the beginning.

That Love is the Drug music video was so fucking kino. If you hate Sucker Punch you are unironically gay

a film to watch with the sound off and the fast forward handy.

All of it.

it was ok

Such a qt.

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She was fine as fuck in the movie.

Kino. Only if this word wasnt so overused that I could be taken seriously when giving SP such a label. ANYONE that didnt like this film for ANY reason other than bad CGI is a cum infested fggt.

>using badass sexy action to divert the sexual abuse and show rhe thought provoking parallels show how they are LITERALLY fighting for their lives. Especially Babydoll who is totallly aware of her upcoming lobotomy.
This is fucking art, people. Get with the program.
This is strawmaning, right? Because nigga thinks the literal Asylum strippers are supposed to all have shitloads of CharDev and get us muddled in a story about a prison break. Which some people seem to miss.
>>Acting of some of the young female cast was weak.
>I don't think anyone going to see it was expecting Oscar performances user. We all know what it was going to be.
>>The action almost all taking place in dreams/visions meant that they had little to no emotional weight.
>Because most action films have emotional weight, again only Oscar films do.
>>Snyder simultaneously wanted to make (A) a sexy anime tribute while also doing (B) a serious emotional story about women being abused and overcoming, either plan on their own is solid and fine but doing the 2 together is bound to fail because B makes A seem exploitative.
>Not sure what you mean by this, but Super Punch was the best version of this type of movie. It was great for what it was. It's wrong to not like it because of what it wasn't.

The guy who replied to him doesnt even get a (you) because he's just a forgiver or sum shit. He just likes the movie.

Just as well Understand I went in not expecting much but got the DCut and ot was way more powerful than I expected. The entire moving comes round and the ending is moving. Babydoll decides ON HER OWN as she has sex with the HighRoller/be lobotomized RIGHT before feds drop in is so fucking insane. the only way you can improve is to use practical effects 100%

>modern hollywood could learn from that
Didn't this movie flop though?

Me playing Sekiro

It was the floppiest flop that ever flopped its way into Floptown and got assraped by The Flopary Boys.

Why should I care about how much money movies make? Not like I get a fucking cut

not really, it was a disappointment

It had the parts and pieces to be good but the plot was convoluted as fuck and if I remeber the ending right it was all pointless anyway

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The fantasy scenes are great. That's what the movie should have been.

Sadly Zack Snyder wanted to make a "deep" "serious" movie.

this movie is just Zack being a huge weeb and trying to write some wacky 2derp4you anime bullshit with waifu in it
be he forgot the most important part: 2D >>>> 3D


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*wipes brow*

Playing on my phone rather than watching it with a retarded coomer bro
Go dl some hentai or a jav if you want porn, this CG music video is fucking trash

Based, I just turned it off and did exactly that.

>just watch porn bro
Porn is for pleb faggots, learn to use your imagination

imagine my shock

imagine calling other people coomers and then advocating for porn lmao

>Her naughty nurse outfit was in the movie for five seconds and even then only in the extended cut

Why did Snyder have to tease us like that bros

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name a more kino movie song


Snyder wanted to make an anime tribute film but didnt go the whole way

He should have cut the dream crap and gone full sincerity and make the live action mahou shoujo he desired

Imagine watching 2 hours of pg12 cheesecake when you have access to the internet on your phone
I'd at least respect you for watching Barbarella, those sets are real and not CGI shit

I'm not defending Sucker Punch, I think Snyder is a hack. However it's way hotter to watch PG13 sexiness and then create my own fantasy than watching some tattoo covered gymbro pound some disgusting slag with fake tits.

I cum so much harder with stuff like Barbarella as you mentioned than any hardcore XXX garbage

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>The action almost all taking place in dreams/visions meant that they had little to no emotional weight.
I see this criticism a lot about it and I can only think that it's a retard filter. They are being emotionally traumatized, succeeding in the visions means they successfully cope with the trauma. If they fail then it's added psychological pain. Unfortunately people need that shit spelled out for them.

>71 replies
>no carla cugino

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Patrician taste. Carla is a fine mommy.

this is literally a soulslike movie

What is some other essential coomercore?

The first Charlie's Angels movies fucking did this. And it was fun as fuck!


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everything about the whole ww1 level was complete kino

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all this abuse not a scratch or a drop of blood
suspension of disbelief can only go so far

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The amount of lewd lesbo fanfics Sucker Punch should have spawned, but didn't.

it's shit
