Did the Raimi Spider-Man movies have way more soul than the MCU or have I just grown up?

Did the Raimi Spider-Man movies have way more soul than the MCU or have I just grown up?

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>muh soul

3 > 1 > 2

Left: trash
Right: trash
Both will be replaced by pakis inshallah.

t. soulless

Remind me again of the most memorable scene/dialogue in this movie?

Why was spidey a mannequin in this scene

>nice outfit kike. did you goyim make it for you?
Little bit of an odd choice considering bonesaw wasnt jewish.

Which one? Poster doesn't specify

keep mindlessly repeating those memes bro
you're totally not being conditioned

It's a made up term. It isn't tangible. It's just something you faggots pretend to "see" to justify your shitty opinions. From a filmmaking perspective, the new Spider-Man movies are objectively leaps and bounds ahead of Raimi, and that's all that matters.

If you think corporatized MCU garbage starring some twink in an Iron Boy suit is better than Raimi's work, you're a retard plain and simple

Why don't you watch them and decide for yourself you faggot, or are you just looking for an excuse to make another shitting on Marvel movies thread again?

Raimi Spider-Man > X-Men > Pirates of the Caribbean > MCU > Transformers

I couldn't tell you because I grew up and haven't watched a superhero movie in 10 years

Very soulless

Sounds like you're just some Disney faggot, so obviously too stupid to understand that soul isn't some made up concept.

>rewatched all three a couple months back
>still love 1 and 2
>like 3 a lot more than I did around its release
Yes, the trilogy still is way more soulful. Even 3 is filled to the brim with love, and is far superior than the Amazing movies or the Marvelshit.

3 is the best one, yes it's a mess but every scene is hugely entertaining, action scenes are incredible, special effects look better than anything made today, and it's fucking hilarious. I've seen it over 100 times whereas I rewatch 1 and 2 maybe once a year

I love 3 but it has the worst VFX in the trilogy. The green screen in that alley chase at the beginning is so fucking awful.

I think it looks great

2 was top tier capeshit, 1 and 3 are just meme movies

I agree. The teamup at the end is pure kino.

Get your eyes checked

>"You know, Peter, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Ben looks directly at the camera.
>"The niggers, the spics, the chinks...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Pete. We'll have every nigger in this country dead or in chains in 10 years. God bless the American Nazi Party."

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Maybe get your eyes checked. It's a brilliantly staged scene that looks a million times better than the green screen garbage you see in any MCU shitflick

Modern capeshit ranking:


Spider-Man 2
Batman Returns
X-Men 2


Batman Begins
Iron Man


The Dark Knight


X-Men Last Stand
Man of Steel


MCU (except Iron Man), DCU (except those listed above), X-Men after Last Stand


Batman Forever and Batman and Robin



Dr. Octopus (X-Men 2), Zod (Man of Steel), Magneto (X-Men 1-3)

obvious fix:

Dr. Octopus (Spider-Man 2)

Pretty based. I actually like Days of Future Past though. And Man of Steel is shit. And I'd put Spider-Man 3 under underrated but decent.

I hated them as a child already.
So you were probably just stupid.

>Did the Raimi Spider-Man movies have way more soul than the MCU
It's a fact.
Not just MCU tho. All 2010s capeshit and blockbusters are equally soulless

>Man of Steel is shit. And I'd put Spider-Man 3 under underrated but decent.
To the trash it goes.

Man of Steel and Aquaman suck ass

better filmed, more practical effects with a great soundtrack and you actually like their version of peter parker vs run of the mill mcu movies with cringe humour and disney filter
although I will admit some parts of amazing spiderman weren't that bad and the spiderman films are the best consistent part of the mcu

Based take


BVS UE is pure kino.

Tobey's/Raimi's Spider-Man was a fucking garbage. They absolutely nailed Peter Parker aka nerd teen with a cool secret identity, but that secret identity as being actual Spider-Man sucked some major balls. Garfield's Spider-Man(the character) was 10 times better than Tobey's, but, goddamn, now his Peter sucked balls. Holland is somewhat inbetween.

Is the next Doctor Strange (MCU) movie going to have "soul"?

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How does her arm work in thet picture!?

Yeah. I literally get goosebumps when nu-Goblin arrives and the OG Spiderman trilogy theme song starts up.

>absolutely nailed nerd teen lol am I right senpai lol 420
Apart from Peter Parker was a young man, working at a newspaper as a photographer, he wasn't a teen just starting high school. He was also highly intelligent and designed his own web shooters. He was a bit awkward sometimes, but not a nerd. He was also supposed to be wise cracking, which was completely missing from the mutant that raimi put in.

>Corporate suits focus test everything down to sterilized nothingness, could be made by robots at his point.
>Before MCU
>Directors/actors/writers having an actual input on the movie, blood sweat and tears
If you don't understand soul then you are legitimately a dumb fuck.

>soul isn't tangible
woooah that is so radical of you.
On a serious note, it can be substituted with sterile and vibrant. Here is the standard cycle of things:
1)creators do things that are authentic for them, most fail while some succeed.
2)successful things have glaring flaws that even fans and often creators themselves agree on, marketing and optimization team steps in and tag-teams the follow up with the creator
3)it's time for continuation. Success breeds money and money brings in risk aversion. They member the tough times of not having money and decide to not rock the boat, after all things still work, right?
4)optimization and risk aversion galore, we are past the point of fatigue, the original creator either left or is suicidal, franchise is big enough to ride on children, retards and "turn your brain off"s, the good thing that was in the beginning requires a ton of personal mindfuckery to not become retrospectively ruined
5)CEOs, smelling rot, begin to branch out with small experimental projects but original's return to glory is, while possible, is still shame filled years away.

Watch more movies and maybe you will grasp the idea of what soul means.

Sorry, but , X-Men: Days of Future Past is the best Xmen movie of the saga.
Has a good story and it's the endgame of the original cast.

>Reboot era X-Men


>ironically good
I know people like different things but Aquaman is so godawful that I can't comprehend how anyone over the age of 13 can like it.

Spiderman 1&2 are the best of the lot.

Far From Home was the best thing to come out of any MCU film. You couldn't get a better Mysterio. It has soul.

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Milf aunt may and angourie riced were the only good parts about that crap.

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Nice. I rewatched the original film last night on this bad boy I just picked up. Can't wait to check out the editor's cut for Spider-man 3.

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I still like 3 but there's no fucking way it's better than 1 and 2. Peter is tone deaf at the start of the film and makes multiple decisions that make no sense for his character. Even if his ego is supposed to be getting to him, the sudden switch is way too jarring. The amnesia thing is stupid as fuck, though I can't blame Raimi for that (just as I can't blame him for a lot of 3's problems). It's so blatant that it's just there to fit other villains in so instead of the logical conclusion to the trilogy, which would've been a straight one on one between Harry and Peter (with Sandman still featuring), we get three half baked villains with questionable motives (aside from Brock). That being said, the ending is great and just about did as good a job it could at salvaging something from the mess of a script. The last thing that pisses me off is Aunt May's role. She was extremely well developed in 2 but she just returns to her role as the pep talker in 3. Her speeches are heartwarming but they don't carry the same emotional weight as her big speech in 2 because her character sees almost no development:

Maybe if you were a zoomer who only got his opinions by browsing through 4channel to fit in, yeah.

I respect your opinion

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>i believe there's a hero in all of us

>Peter, I have to tell you something
>What Uncle Ben?
>It's the fucking kikes. They pushed degeneracy into media and politics and created legislation that flooded the country with the third world, and they got fuckin rich doing it.

I don't care about logical inconsistencies, the film is a blast. Also the Peter/MJ/Harry shit isn't boring for once

Anyone wanna explain to me why Peter kissed his classmate in front of his own girlfriend?
Was it autism?

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>You know Peter, I'm something of a scientist myself

Filmmaking is more than technology.

yes, because it took itself serious without a fucking 'lol how crazy is this? wink wink nudge nudge, Squidward' quip during all the emotional moments.

Raimi knew what he was making, and embraced it without a hint of irony.

I always felt like this scene was speaking to me. Raimi was a visionary.



what a soulless post

The MCU movies could have all been directed by one guy and I wouldnt be surprised. They're all so similar and micro-managed none of them feel like unique. Yeah Doctor Strange is different to Thor 3, but they still feel the damn same. No wonder Wright quit Ant man.
Black Panther is unironically the only MCU movie that actually feels different.

Whereas Burtons Batman movies feel like Burton movies warts and all, same for Schumacher, same for the first 2 Nolan ones; same for Raimi flicks, hell even Singers X Men movies. They have 'soul' because you can tell the directors put their heart and soul into the projects, good or bad. Like Lotr and Hobbit, Peter Jackson clearly put all his heart and soul into lotr, not so much Hobbit, and it shows.

Every scene is more memorable than half of the MCU put together. Who the fuck remembers Thor?

Raimi's Spiderman actually feels like a spiderman movie. Old Aunt May, redhead MJ, Jameson/Robbie/Betty all there, Harry/Norman, chad Flash etc etc.

MCU feels nothing like Spiderman as someone who grew up on the 90s cartoon. Milf Aunt May? Black MJ? Black Liz? No Harry but fat Indian 'Ned'? Paki manlet Flash? No Jameson/Bugle etc? No Gwen or anything? Peter is a manlet who acts like a kid with aspergers, all the while with his robotic suit?

At least with Raimis its a Spiderman movie, this new one feels like some CW knockoff.

>Haha dude Hulk hits the ground instead of transforming hahaha lol lol so good


Fuck off

>I have a father, his name was Adolf Hitler.

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Aw did user hurt you feelings Iron Lad?

Early 00's capeshit were mostly shit, aside from maybe Spider-Man, but they were endearing.

kek seething mcu fag

>MCU feels nothing like Spiderman as someone who grew up on the 90s cartoon. Milf Aunt May? Black MJ? Black Liz? No Harry but fat Indian 'Ned'? Paki manlet Flash? No Jameson/Bugle etc? No Gwen or anything? Peter is a manlet who acts like a kid with aspergers, all the while with his robotic suit?
I can't help but laugh when self-professed nerds on reddit keep yapping about how accurate the MCU version of Parker/Spider-Man is. I mean really? Garfield's version is far more accurate, ffs. That little midget, what's his name? Tom Whatever might be playing a different character altogether, because he sure ain't Spider-Man. Watching Far From Home and Civil War was enough to see he's basically just playing a younger version of RDJ's Iron Man

Reddit capeshit defenders are the worst. I actually enjoyed Far from Home and thought it was entertaining, but it sure as hell wasn't Spider-Man.

The Raimi movies didn't even crack a billion in gross. Endgame suee as hell did

Who's Suee?

Yeah it only took them 15 fucking movies

My sister.
Kind of unrelated but please don't bring my sister into this.

Can you post her feet?

>Go get em, Tiger

soulless mongs

It isnt made up term. If something has soul you feel it, because its more authentic and made with heart and care. Watching the last Avenger, you just know that this is corporate product designed only to make money.

things MCU spidey gets right
>annoying non stop talking peter
>super strength properly portrayed
>web wings glider
>squinty eyes
that's it

Pretty good list but watchmen was awesome and should be there

Raimi spidey 4 when?

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