Name a better show, I'll wait

Name a better show, I'll wait

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Twin Peaks

Any show with a second season that doesn't suck.

Twin Peaks fucking sucks you can't even watch it in fullscreen.


Mr. Robot. Better Call Saul. Breaking Bad.

I like altered cabron

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Golden Girls
Murder She Wrote

I want to know Netflix's viewing figures. When season 1 came out it seemed like nobody watched it. But now I realized quite a lot of people watched this. And the demographics are so varied.

altered carbon season 1

season 2 is fucking dog shit, Mackie is a charisma black hole, tough lesbo bounty hunter bitch with a child, no hot/fit latina nudity, no Dichen Lachmanm, more love story bullshit with Falconer

jesus christ, are the books this bad? they should just have kept the setting and concept and changed everything else

>Show is good
>Main character's sister shows up
>Show immediately turns to 100% dog shit
Name the show

the black and white minstrel show

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>they should just have kept the setting and concept and changed everything else
They did and that's the problem.

then they should have done it better

Best show on tv, and it's not even close.

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Yas Forums racism has infected you. Season 2 was literally kino and you guys are missing out just because of your racism. I pity you.


I literally do not care what race an actor is, I just think Mackie was not a good choice for that role, to the point that I didn't enjoy watching the show anymore.

>watch this
>no other current/recent series compares
>dark's not even that great, it's just good
modern tv is just sad

Name a better interracial pairing, I’ll wait.

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Just one more thing, user.
Oh, well I guess I should say two more things.
These dubs were found at the scene of the crime.

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The showrunner was a writer for The Flash. That tells me everything I know.

Came to post this.

I don't know but she's definitely the most attractive black actress I've seen

This was almost very funny.

I was so close

There are good female writers and showrunners for action and scifi genres
There are blacks who can do justice to an antihero role.

They are just not in this season.

>season 2 is fucking dog shit
You're saying this like S1 was any better.

Season 1:

- Massive white actor, talented, strong, manly. Hard Sci fi, AI, bolt guns, Clones, Body swaps

Season 2, episode 1:

- Massive white dude replace by Asian tranny, then by negro actor, obvious quota hire, no talent.

Sci fi writing makes no sense, totally unscientific.

Scenario gone to the dogs, no continuity with season 1.


A single season flew under the radar of the Neflix / pedowood censors, was massive success with normalfags corrected for season 2, standard PC package applied to scenario, talent left.

I really, really want to watch this but I just can’t get past the first few minutes without feeling completely dialled out.

At least the first half was kino

Why this tv show is shilled so hard since a couple of days?

Second season came out last week.

But the only kino was the reileen naked fight scene.

... The second season just came out last week.

It's really good just watch it

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This show gives me the impression that the artistic direction came straight out the late 90s/early 2000s.

It broke some real hearts of some sci fi geeks

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Are you me?

Coomer the movie



It came right out of a ScyFy channel failure.

What happened to it's budget?

>What happened to it's budget?
I'm sure the show isn't cheap, it's just that they're probably terrible at handling the money and are lacking talent to begin with.

Did anyone find it weird that despite the fact that he wasn’t black; Asian Takeshi had MORE chemistry with the black love interest than Anthony Mackie? Fuck, maybe Mackie really is a closet homo.

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Thank god it’s not just me. Everyone keeps raving about it but I just can’t get into it at all. Had similar with first episode of Breaking Bad which I persevered with and landed up loving, but this I just can’t seem to get through...

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Exact same thoughts.
How the fuck did Poe come back though?
I thought he got completely wiped from the virus. Was there a fucking scene where Kovac saved him at the last second in the first season?
How did Kovac find him again?
All the characters felt so fucking bland.

It's not bad but suffers from awful female leads
>S1: Loud insufferable "i'm so latinah!" bitch
>S2: insanity nigger, uggo dyke
There's also more contrivance this season. Things fall into place too easily and having Falconer be both alive and "possessed" by some nonsense relating to the trees that lets her conveniently real death people with a TOUCH and control those satellites? It pushes me a bit too far

I tried a couple of times and the first few minutes are just yelling at me to drop it and watch something else, which I did.

It got retconned so he was just badly corrupted instead of being deleted.

But it was also a sneaky way of reusing old sets from S1 (ie The Hotel).

It was also a sneaky way to have one good character in S2.

They hired a CW writer with no showrunner experience to run the series. Critics slammed season 1 for female sexual violence and nudity so they toned down on it. I can see what they tried to introduce some new themes to make it deep, what it is to be human, AI existentialism etc. But it was executed with the sophistication of a tween romance novel.

Wait a minute, if Angelfire will nuke anything that tries to enter or exit space; how did The Founders make landfall on the planet?

Yeah, I think I’ll give up on it. At least Kingdom 2 is coming next week. I like gorging out on a whole series in one go - especially if it’s all dark and gloomy (ultra comfy) which is why I was very disappoint with this.

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>it was executed with the sophistication of a tween romance novel
The whole falconer stuff is iffy as shit and plain distracting ever since S1. Those flashback episodes looked cheap as fuck on top of the lamish, cringy feel. Also fucking flasback style storytelling.

They found a hole in the grid where they could enter.
It was mentioned at least twice.

>At least Kingdom 2 is coming next week
Don't you just like it when netflix actually releases good stuff?

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>How the fuck did Poe come back though?
He's probably the most popular character from s1.

>literally kino

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and they bought him back so a nigger could berate and belittle the endless Loyalty and faltering self preservation of a white man

Shit, oh well the the show was so terrible I must have skipped the dialogue.

Ok question number two; how did Trepp not get sleeve sickness when she borrowed Kovac’s body?

Nah it was the pink unicorn

>I just think Mackie was not a good choice for that role
I can't tell if he's the problem or the way kovacs was written this season. This time around it feels like he's pissed all the fucking time, sloppy and unfunny in his asshole ways.

It's understandable, I found myself tuning out a few times.
>question number two
The writers forgot sleeve sickness was a thing, or just blatantly ignored it.

And the governor girl too. All of them are closet Envoys.

the young pope

Yeah, it’s really, really fucking good. Cannot wait. We’ll watch it together, based Anonymous :)

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I think the main issue is between the two previous actors you had all aspects of Kovac’s character covered.

Will Yun Lee plays the younger more idealistic, sensitive Kovac and Kinnaman is the more hardened, jaded Kovac. Mackie doesn’t really contribute anything new to the character.

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Kinda waiting for castlevania and ozark to drop too, had good enough times with these. Really curious if they will push kingdom beyond s2 when the trailer makes it look like they could possibly wrap up the drama part already.

He was supposed to be more relatable (since he has something to live for) and selfless. But most of the time I find him an asshole.

My Mister

>Mackie doesn’t really contribute anything new to the character
What they did this season was more of a step back rather than a lack of progression.


Just let Kovacs Prime lead Season 3 if there is one. Spend more money on writers and the set instead of Marvel actors

Season 3 is going to follow Falconer starting up the new resistance.

What was her fucking problem?

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She was a japanese little sister.

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I'm canceling my nf

> Ozark
Actually, I’ve never tried this as I assumed boring drama. Are you recommending it to me, Anonyfren?

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It will feel like a poor man's breaking bad for the first half of S1, then it'll start picking some momentum. S2 still has its shortcomings but feels like the show is finding much better footing.

there was so much going on in s1. s2 is just muh alien and bad guberment, disappointed

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So it sucks

>What was her fucking problem?
That her brother refused to fuck her, duh!

It's decent to good.

Wasn't fond of her.
But I appreciate her more as a character than anyone else in S2

when, how and why?
when were they suppose to fucking tell us this?

>she's definitely the most attractive black actress I've seen
I'll just leave this here.

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I gave up on this shit in S1.
>introduced as Mr Detective Extraordinaire
>character acts as if this is the case
>turns out his "training" was with a terrorist organisation that was against stack immortality being abused by the rich, his training here is military and some mind-tech magic (this is also a pet peeve of mine where "believe in yourself and and you can overcome the program" happens)
>turns out before terrorism time he was a literal military grunt
Where's his detective training, experience etc. It just stops being mostly a cyberpunk detective story and goes off the rails, in a bad way.

Why watch this season if half of last season was complete trash and squandered potential.

>edgy ninja sister appears
fucking dropped
>backstory with nigres falconer


Season 1 first 6 episodes are one of the best thing ever. Then the show goes to shit.

The sad part is that S2 start from the shit.

literally anything.
i tried watching season 2 after seeing season 1 a year ago out of curiosity but its so boring, i dont want to sit here and listen to the characters spoonfeeding me with all this huge backstory and events.
tv is a VISUAL medium, i dont want the characters to tell me what happened, i want to see it for myself, if i wanted to read a book or listen to a podcast i would've done so.
on top of this the female badass commando trope is so cringe its physically painful.
hard pass

it's an extremely funny exercise in terrible writing and acting 101
every fucking scene is a hilarious cliche, every actor reaction is a hilarious cliche
very netflix
I find it fascinating
season 1 was shit as well

>are the books this bad?
No. Although he was a nigger in book 2. They barely follow the books structure
The books get weird
He goes back to his home planet and hangs out with surfers
and then
he becomes the background god of a fantasy world issued from post-apocalyptic earth

Wait a second.
I remember Yas Forums talking shit about this when it came out.

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For the love of god everybody read the books instead. Everything bad about the show was a show invention. Here's a list of the changes from the book.

Kovacs never had a sister in the books. He was an only child whose dad beat the fuck out of him and instilled a lifelong distrust/hatred of authority figures.
Reileen Kawahara is not Kovacs' sister, she is a batshit insane Meth from the same era as Bancroft. Kovacs only knows her from taking a job for her once, and he fucking despises her.
The Envoys. Dear god, the Envoys. Show envoys are what are known as Quellists in the books. Same old revolutionary philosophy, but the uprising on Harlan's World happened 300 years before Kovacs was born. He quotes and lives by Quellist philosophy because it's a huge part of Harlan's World culture and he personally identifies with its pragmatic, anti-authority stance.
The Envoys are the shock troops of the UN protectorate, what C-PAC or whatever the hell it was called in the show were. Kovacs was a straight up government black ops regime destabiliser, sourced straight of boot. His borderline psychopathy made him perfect for it, but after a failed assault in which his team was infected by a stack-corrupting virus, he bailed and became a mercenary/assassin. At the time he is pulled out of storage to investigate Bancroft's case, he's serving decades for being a fucking terrorist.
There's no Poe in the book. The hotel was called the Hendrix, complete with holos of the man himself. Would have been way cooler but they probably couldn't get the rights.
There's no way to pull yourself out of virtual interrogation. In the book Kovacs is put in a pregnant, female sleeve in a simulation on Sharya, which is a straight up Islamic caliphate. He's raped with hot pokers for days and has his feet cut off.
All of season 2 is a shit amalgamation of characters from books two, three and one, an amalgamation of the setting of two and three, and invents a plotline that was never in the books.

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>dad beat the fuck out of him and instilled a lifelong distrust/hatred of authority figures
>he personally identifies with its pragmatic, anti-authority stance
>Kovacs was a straight up government black ops regime destabiliser

yes its objectively shit but i still watched first season 3 times

>no qt Ortega in season 2

>Scenario gone to the dogs, no continuity with season 1.
granted, this is how the books went as well (first one is much better than the rest). this show is dogshit compared to the books that were ultraviolent and had great descriptions about killer drones used by the army, sexitimes with multiple clones, being resleeved in a pregnant woman and having the shit beaten out of you and general darker noir feel.

>For the love of god everybody read the books instead
No, I'll just keep watching the show to complain about how shit it is.

He basically joined up to fulfill his antisocial urges, as I recall. He didn't really care who did the pointing, as long as they pointed him at a target. The Envoy mental conditioning did a lot of the legwork in making him compliant as well, at least until his squad gets mindraped by a virus on Innenin. Most of the anti-authority bent comes out after the Envoy Corps effectively abandon him and the rest of the force. He's very much implied to have sought revenge on the brass responsible for the fuckup on Innenin, and becomes a terrorist for hire.

>Season 1:

>- Massive white actor, talented
stopped reading right there

How is this show for real? I tried to watch episode one last year but it seemed kinda shit.

Then, I saw a random Anthony Mackie clip. I know he is in this. And he seemed EXTREMELY based. He was trashing Marvel, Hollywood and normie audiences. Now I want to see something good he's in.
the clip i watched.

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zoom zoom brain in action

I read the book after having watched the show and it's much better.

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anyone else notice the rei graffiti in s2e1?

>Massive white dude replace by Asian tranny
lol she was in the show for 3 minutes why are you mad

What? AC is dogshit-tier, the casting, acting and script are atrocious. I dig the visuals but the show is absolutly wasted potential.

Fucking based. Why didn't we get that in S2?

are you fucking kidding me?

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I finished season 1 because I was told season 2 was really good. But Anthony Mackie is playing Kovacs so differently from the dude from season 1 that it's irritating me.

I'm not even sure what he's doing that is annoying me; I usually like him.

the i-land

time to sleep esse

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he's not a good actor. he shouldn't have been put in the lead role.

>I finished season 1 because I was told season 2 was really good
Do you take all the bait on the internet?

>I'm not even sure what he's doing that is annoying me; I usually like him
Because watching a character being angry and frustrated 24/7 makes you feel just the same?

At episode 5 i realised that there were 4 niggers who are main heroes on screen at the same time, 2 of them robbing the store - and this is when it became too much for me.

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I do not like season 2.
They played the diversity card and made the main character a Person Of Colour.

Why did they have to make Takeshi Kovacs a Person of Colour?!?

She's fucking hot!

What I don't get why Mackie is praised for his acting. He has the same acting style in every show

People are praising his acting?


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Yes look at every critic kissing his ass

In season 1 there are moments that i want to return to, rewatch - fight on the arena, this scene , interogation in virtual with Dimi, first episode is fucking great.

Season 2 left no lasting impressions, other than ine scene where they tied prisioners to firework rockets and shot them into the sky, while even Jager was baffled by this move.

wtf, critics really are retarded plebs

>It has more POC so its better!

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Mackie is a downgrade, too much woke shit, envoy bullshit is just dumb, falconer is dumb.

Meh to season 2. I don't want to watch stupid envoy garbage for the next couple season.

I guess critics find him based like some of his fans here

>Or so I thought, until Anthony Mackie slipped into Kovacs’ sleeve. (“Sleeve” is what they call bodies in the “Altered Carbon”-verse.) The new lead doesn’t exactly reinvent “Altered Carbon,” but his uncontainable charisma — along with a tighter episode count and well-designed action pieces — open up Season 2, allowing audiences to take it only as seriously as they want.

>he’s got a talent for finding humor in the midst of chaos. Mackie’s multiple Marvel movies show off the rat-a-tat rhythms he can create with co-stars, as well as a penchant for complicated fight choreography

>Mackie’s charisma is so powerful, you can feel it brimming on the edges of “Altered Carbon

That's the worst part. The first season was extremely diverse. Major characters:
>white hardened merc
>white creepy rich couple
>white robot bartender
>latina cop
>Chinese sister
>Chinese serial killer
>stronk black ex
>principled black veteran and his daughter

And fuckheads went "that's not diverse, wakanda is diverse"

>uncontainable charisma
what the fuck, how is this even manifests? Poe? he doesn't even interact with people to express any harisma, he doesn't investigate, he just runs around hiding, or getting his ass kicked

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>white guy
>critics don't care
>black guy
>critics get wet

I have no idea where these 90% audience even come from.

>along with a tighter episode count

Has a drama getting less episodes per season ever been a good sign? Besides the likes of Sopranos doing the half season thing.

Yeah sure, but this one just has a generic "attractive brown girl" look.

>falconer is dumb
yes but her ass is prime, especially if you consider her age

Wtf she is 49

>poe, go kill yourself
that was extremely rude tbqh

Is there any reason an AI can't copy themselves? He could copy his broken version that he likes, try the reboot, if he doesn't like that load the old save.

my mom was watching this and the dialogue was complete cringe

It is average. Worse in everything. Shame because Kinelman was awesome as Kovac.

His acting is terrible and he vacuumed up most of the budget, the whole season is cheap looking in comparison.

it's just as shitty in quality as the first season though, both ratings are retarded
and season 1 HAD a shitty, chopped up, unfocused story

>Didn't explain how Poe came back
>Didn't explain how Quell/Kovacs could control the Elder stellite beam
>Didn't explain how the Elder couldn't just jump again after being inceinerated
>Bounty Hunter did literally NOTHING in the last episode despite being "needed"
>Bringing (our) Kovacs back to life at the very end ruining the sacrifice entirely
I'm sure there's more dumb shit

>Ultra experienced Envoy shows his back to a Bounty Hunter with a gun pointed at him
>Kovacs barely uses Envoy deductive and when he does it's the most basic shit possible
>Kovacs acting like an utter retard blinded by love

>I'm canceling my nf
>paying anything for netflix's vomit.

>>Didn't explain how Quell/Kovacs could control the Elder stellite beam
>Didn't explain how the Elder couldn't just jump again after being inceinerated

I didn't finish, not sure I want to, so I didn't see Kovasc using it. But wasn't Quel able to use it and do that poison thing with her hand that totally wiped any saved version of the meths with that power she got from the tree growing into her?

That thing in the tree was the mind of an Elder that essentially shared Quell's stack, causing the amnesia and split personality.
Quell could control it because reasons I guess. They didn't explain properly. Takeshi does too at the end with no explanation either.

and end in much worse shit.

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But we have this!

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you forgot
>magically wiping backups by touching forehead

Cheers. Taxi.

He and Yakuza grandpa are only good parts of this shitshow. Poe is too good to be in same show. He is more interesting than everyone else. From 9/10 to 5/10. Mr.H said it is good. It is not. Fucking anglos again.

Yakuza grandson (Aussie Jap model) has the Kovacs factor

First season sucked too

i kinda feel the same, season 2 was so boring and uninteresting, not to mention bad writing

Season 1 was polarizing, you either like it or dont. Most of those those who continued watching apparently liked it.

The problems with the tv show could've been fixed so that it would've ended up way better than the books.

Less of a retarded death cult and more anti-authority super soldiers fighting against a painfully corrupt "democracy"
>Harlan's World
Slav-Jap like it was said to be in the first season and should've been.
Vengeful as fuck mother that gives up when it realizes everything she wants to save and kill are already dead. All she'll be doing is killing millions of children like her own, only stupider.
Make him stay a guy and asian or white, for fuck's sake
Primarily a bunch of wannabe commando types with the actual super soldiers being ex-special forces.

It was amazing how good but flawed the first season was and what a fucking mess the second one is. Only good part was Prime Takeshi and Jager. That fucking father-son dynamic and conversation in the construct was some good shit.

First season: in a distant future where people's consciousness is stored in small devices called "stacks" so that they can be quickly reincarnated in cloned bodies, a mercenary is given early parole to help a millionaire investigate who killed his previous body. While probing the crime, our hero explores high-tech fighting and prostitution rings, befriends a holographic recreation of Edgar Allen Poe, and confronts his own troubled past that saw his mind spend over a century in jail. And yes, it's all in a very Blade Runnery dark neon skyscraper city.


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There were so many dumb things in that show. Like how they have trial by combat with people you like? How come every time Takeshi resleeved he acts like he’s dying and has to smash a mirror but everyone else just pops out like his sister literallly resleeves like 6 times in the span of 5 minutes and she’s totally fine. I like the concept of the moral dilemma with immortality. Without death life really would be weird

But is your consciousness with your original brain or with your stack?

I agree. He had none of the charisma of season 1 kovacs. Season 1 felt so much more epic. OG Takeshi is pretty cool though. Looks like he will be season 3 main.

This show has the best pointless GUI scenes and they just throw words like firewall around while doing it. Also why would AI’s be the most emotionally unstable characters on the show. Everything should be 1’s and 0’s to them.

It’s backed up on a cloud as far I know. As long as your stack is in tact you can resleeve as much as you want. Maybe it was easier to resleeve into a clone like she did because you don’t look any different?


>Both actors are 49 years old

Holy shit. How do I unlock this power?

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Be Asian or be Black. You age like fucking wine.

i think korea boy is childless tho, same with ms black

Asian Kovacs actually looks like he aged a shitload between seasons.

Can anyone explain to me how the AI hologram can pick up stuff and interact with solid objects?

nanomachines, son

Not hologram. Nanotechnology.

So why are there not thousands of AI hologram slaves working the mines and walking around?

eh, not really

it's more the hair style than anything

They are emotional and expensive. Human NPCs are cheap.

The first season talks about them falling out of favor because people just don't like them. They have weird personalities.

They are computers. Just program them to shut the fuck up and work all the manual labor jobs.

Why critics suck so much?

How is Poe back?

the governor had a fuckin BOD lads, WEW

More black people and worse.

Instead of putting prisoners in stasis they could put them in a strong worker body for their sentence that would explode if it leaves an area.

The boys

cloning bodies is fucking expensive

season 2 out yet?

Anyone else like Bancroft and the dynamic he had with his son? The ending where he willingly serves his sentence but leaves him to take care of the family was a kino change.

They say that but they also seem to be all over the place. Too expensive for the average person to get themselves a new cloned body. It shouldn't be an impossible expense for some mega corporation.

Isn’t that the plot to Running Man?

its a shitty german soap opera

Was that really her? That ass was looking right. latina detective, joel kinnamen, dichen ai sidekick...this season....meh....i dont dislike anthony mackie but i ......meh

So the whole planet only had life in 1 cave? Seems plausible.

show should've had more latino grandma moments, like resleeving to have fun for the fuck of it

that grandma was straight up kovacs from the books if he was a woman, latino, and willing to let the world rest

>don't smoke
>don't drink
>don't do drugs
>don't sit in sun
>don't get married
>eat healthy

literally easy

It was even more retarded than Expanse. Are they still making it?

He just didn’t work for the character. S1 Kovacs actually felt dangerous because he was a giant ripped dude. Mackie felt too nice to be kovacs.

Isn't that the third one? Second one is him going AWOL and searching for a Martian space ship. Ends with him and the general in space shooting at each other. Also has a torture scene of a dude getting taken apart piece by piece while alive for days.

>you dont like my show....u..racist
Fuck off moron

S1 had some dark ass shit in it like that fucking chinaman and his weird claw weapon.

guess its time to google

Poe and Annabelle are way more cute

half of them

All of this. Season 2 just lacked in detail compared to the first.

Yes I want to lick the sweet sweat juice between Awkwafina's toes while she says "Yes drink my aquafina" in a fake asian accent as she plays with her tits, fully clothed. Then I want her to wrap her feet firmly (almost chokingly) around my neck and pull me in to her crotch. SURPRISE, IT'S BULGING, a pleasant one if you ask me and then I look at her and smile only to find the same devilish smile seen on her natural resting face but then her face starts to shrivel and horns start to grow on ALL sides of her head. I will try to escape but fail due to an unexpected magnetic pulse between our bulges. The abomination's head will approach mine, smile gettig increasingly sardonic, flames growing around us, contrasting with the painfully chilling nails planted in my skin. The creature starts to hump me at a pace with wich I will fail to keep up and then the fiery bubble will tighten around us, molding us into one greater abomination and then tighten some more until we are in this realm seen no more. Mortals of this world will go on with their days as we go on with ours in a hellish and eternal void of pain and pleasure.

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>Nigger with superpowers
Bet he still can't pay alimony
Or get a job.

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i keep seeing this chad chink every time i see young takeshi

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The wedge and CTAC are more than just grunts. They're counterinsurgency so they need to be skilled in detection, tracking, and interrogation. You'd see this in S2 if you bothered.

The wedge couldn’t even handle a small time bounty hunter 1v1.

Does than wolf DNA thing ever come up again later?

it's a symbolic thing

Doubt it since that sleeve is uh toast

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oh good there is hope for season 3

Doubt after S2.

It has good critic reviews and generated a shit load of articles patting netflix on the back for giving the worst averenger a handout.

Watch it first. It is Si-Fi tier schlock.

I did. I didn't like it compared to the first season. But the stuff I mentioned before is what they care about when considering to do another season.

>Scifi shit

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But that doesn't give me hopes for season 3. Show goes to shit more with each episode. I cannot image where it end.

Mackie just can't do hard boiled. His narration is terrible.
I do like him in other roles, though.

Wasn’t she needed for her brain implants or something?


But he was still good. I expected more from military sleeve. Story is realy bad. And 3 episodes in Canadian woods? Last episode about space laser. Mackie had shitty material to work with.

Season 2 is usually the death knell for Netflix shows, I’m already worried for Witcher.

Would have been less shit if Kovacs was using the Korean sleeve for the whole show.

Netflix's Dark

Only book 1 is engaging desu. Book 2's ending is fun hyperviolence.
The Envoys being neutered was very disappointing. They are functioning sociopaths.

>>Chinese sister
I believe both the Chinese you are saying were Japanese - can't remember about the assassin.
This is the case of not diversity, but shit acting for S2.
The S1 problems were the terrible sister storyline - which didn't exist in the books, and the neutering of Envoys

>For the love of god everybody read the books instead
>proceeds to spoil the books

Better shows grow on trees than this garbage

Not just that he was huge. He was a decent actor in portrying simmering rage. Their are plenty of big old dudes who aren't very intimidating. That big wolf dude from Buffy, Kevin Sorbo, etc.

in the book he wills himself into having a heart attack during the interrogation.

like how he rips his own heart out in the show?

Mackie and all the other misscasts suck everything out of this show. The falconer or w/e fight in the pawnshop made me quit the show. She does a fight scene like a highschool play.

I didn't dislike mackie at all and was excited if it had to be a black actor it would be him playing. But the dude sucks dick in this. He sucks the life out of every scene.

you killed my family CABRON!

The sheer amount of wall jumps was crazy.