So what's next for star wars?

So what's next for star wars?

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Writers continuing to plagiarize the EU as their own with a sprinkle of god awful OC’s, but this time with a heavy emphasis on Old Republic content.

thats a good shop

Stop posting Megan, bro.


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An animated star wars movie aimed towards kids, because they haven't developed proper fan-salt yet.

I’m gonna marry Megan!

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megan looking a CUTE

I thought you retards found your new waifu?

It's unironically been relegated back to EU-only entries until Disney can figure out how the hell to entice the normie crowd.

Star Wars needs to die. There's no point to continue making the same shit year after year.

Megan poster is back. Someone said he is from Pennsylvania.

>until Disney can figure out how the hell to entice the normie crowd
It's simple, just make a good film.

I'd play D6 Star Wars with her, but she'd have to be naked.


That e-girl youtuber been posted here the last few days

This time it won't work, nobody wants to follow something that eventually be retconned anyways. This wouldn't be a thing if people didn't eat up Mando or Fallen order.

It's hilarious how hard she triggers you incels.


we stannin the jew with the big milkies now.

They also need to figure out what era to set it in, which characters to focus on, and so forth. Luke and his Jedi academy? We already know he gets wrecked, his life's work burns down, and he dies to save like 20 retards. Are they going to de-age Mark Hamill or get a new actor? How closely do they follow the production process when it seems like the only two okay movies were the result of procrastination, panic, and sheer luck?

She is soulless

They also need to quit the Disney timeline; Rey's story makes everything pointless to follow

>Jenny will never have an orgasm from your Patreon donation


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Descent into nothingness follow by a quick revival them buried forever .

Go for it, bro. Travel to Disney world and confess your love to her

Wow . True love.

She been cancelled by Yas Forums

saw her in person when I went to hollywood studios last week and with close first hand experience I can confirm that jenny is better

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They will focus on series on Disney+ for a couple of years, ROS really scared the higher ups

Stop lying she quit her job a month ago

memes aside she's actually really hot

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iirc everything they planned has been put on ice. So nothing really, until enough time has passed to retry it again.

>me and jenny have the same disgusting carpet

imagine your pure white cum over those dark dark tights

More diversity and dinosaurs apparently.

look at the button design on this shirt. you just KNOW she's asking for it.


I think if you tried to have sex with Megan shed zone out and have that uninterested look on her face...

she has nice legs and boobs, and I want her hat.

They have a real chance to make a cohesive universe with the high republic. The idea of a continuing story throughout a variety of different mediums is enticing to me, the problem is the corporate culture. Watching that video they recently released did not give me confidence in the "story team". Its like they didnt learn anything at all with the past few movies. Little girls will like stories if they're well written and contain interesting characters, you don't have to give them pink hair and a distaste for for authority for no reason.

What is it with her

nothing hurts my lower back more these days than driving. i must have a shitty car or something. i bought a seat cushion to try to help but it only helps for a few minutes before it starts hurting again

Not really. Its dead on day one. High republic is a pointless period since the sith plan's are already in motion. The republic is beyond saving by this point. So this will a bunch of bluepilled Jedi fucking around.

She has a tight body, but FAS face and a completely vanilla leftist view of the world. Even you could do better, user.

There's another issue with using the High Republic as a springboard for new movies: Namely, nobody cares. Nobody but Star Wars fans who actually read the books and comics and play the video games. Joe Average isn't going to know what the fuck is going on and will have no reason to care beyond "it's Star Wars."

The best case scenario is the next trilogy of movies is a soft-reboot that takes place hundreds of years after the events of all nine movies. That way they can have a new story and characters without being tied down the bullshit people didn't like in the Prequels and Sequels.

This thread is so bizarre. I don't even know what you people are discussing anymore

thanks. and I have. however, in terms of the actual human girls Yas Forums worships, she could actually get it

Isn't that what they did with TCW in 2008?



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Don't do that.


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Nvm, Megan still works at rise of the resistance 13:14

Megan is pure Jenny is not

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ngl, that is actually a bit of an improvement.

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Alright bros heres your proof of life. She a fuggin celeb now

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That's the clearest example of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome I've ever seen

Was she signing autograph or something

How long before some user roleplays as a resistance fighter and straight up kidnaps her?

she was saying
>you're a big guy
he was like
>for you
she was like
>no your huge gtfo
based megan still bossy

That would be so weird haha

haha yeah I know right? Just imagine her tied up naked and gagged in the trunk of your car lmfao! Bizarre!

if they gonna make another female protagonist, they can go fuck themselves.


Why would someone even think of doing something like that to her? Certainly not me aha


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I didn't realize how popular this bitch is until I check her YouTube channel. I thought she only got couple of thousands of subs

I randomly ran into Jenny at Disneyland and had a brief chat with her. Ask me anything.

Nah, she cute.

How deeply did you fall in love?

Attached: Jenny Touching Up Her Makeup.webm (960x540, 2.61M)

Megan needs to set up a youtube account. So Her, Jenny and that Jewish e-
girl can do a collab

Look up Esther Povitsky, aka Little Esther. Similar type. Comedian actress

>So what's next for star wars?
Bargain bins.

you forgot to mention like 10000x hotter

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not even close. this girl esther chick looks perfect.

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>How deeply did you fall in love?
Not at all. She was very awkward.

>She was very awkward
Yeah, she's always like that... that's what makes her so adorable!

Attached: Jenny Millennial Falcon Wave.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

>but this time with a heavy emphasis on Old Republic content.
even more?
rey/ben are bootleg revan/bastila already

SW are in their own sphere, but you can tell the same of all generals/pseudos

I don't know I never watched any of her videos, I just recognized her as the porg girl from people posting her here.

It doesn't really come through in her videos, but over the years she's posted about countless awkward interactions she had. She tries so hard to be "normal" but is completely incapable. It's endearing!

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Why Megan so smug, bros?

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>Rey ends up being nothing and her story amounts to nothing
>Kylo Ren, the only character with anything going on, is dead
>Finn started out promising as a former trooper who broke the conditioning, but just became le cowardly black sidekick
>Poe Dameron started out as a fun Han Solo type, got downgraded into a knuckle-dragging retard, and then they tried to bullshit him a backstory in Episode 9 but failed
>Mark Hamill was unhappy with everything, arguably even TFA
>Carrie Fisher is dead
>Harrison Ford is finally free, vocally doesn't give a fuck about Star Wars, but admittedly MIGHT come back if they pay him enough, seeing as how he's doing Indy 5
Tbh I wouldn't be shocked if they just retconned it all within the next decade or two. They dropped the ball so hard there's literally no way to do a sequel to 9 that anyone would care about outside of bringing someone back from the dead or introducing time travel or something.

Literally the only good Star Wars thing Disney has made is Mandalorian. Apparently they're already working on implementing him and Baba Yeed in the theme parks, so maybe they'll just wait for the backlash to the ST to die down before launching the Mandalorian Cinematic Universe.


I want to cut down niggers and spics with my wife Megan!!!

Do we have any data on how smol she really is?


What his endgame?

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His first order is a big mac, and his second and third orders are also big macs.

Which is the real one?

>best friends with a self mutilator tranny

She switched her allegiance to uncle Biden

Imperial Food & Beverage Officer

Why everyone on that ride is so fat? Can't they find people that actually fit the description of a first order officer

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Why do they hire people like this? Are they just not even trying anymore?

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You're going to have to be more specific, there's a lot of those kinds of people in her life.

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She really needs to wear a moustache so that she can hide that smooth philtrum of her


Old news. Someone post the superior Asian chick officer there.

More like she needs to wear my wedding ring so her smooth philtrum can be protected.

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they call me doorway

Who? Yas Forums has so many waifu every week hard to follow every single of them

>TRoS got dabbed on by jokino
That makes my lil oof become the BIG OOF

an Yas Forums bros want to go to disney with me to meet megan?

hopefully nothing, wait until it's in the hands of someone who is competent

uhhh that would involve thinking of new characters and story arcs

jesus she's like 4'11" isn't she. don't they have a height requirement in the first order?

Height requirement? Nigga, how about weight requirement


>She's ugly so I totally have a shot at her!!

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I think he means the Angela Anaconda austismfu

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Interesting how there were ZERO Megan updates for all these months, just the same social media photo posts and fan arts, and now suddenly all this new shit is coming out

Disappointed that nobody from Yas Forums took the initiative while the iron was still hot and went out searching

her body looks fucking tight

This. The only thing left for Disney to capitalize on is KotOR. Which is funny considering the MMO and Drew's "Revan" book already fucked up that series. Disney desperately needs to establish some new lore and create engaging characters, but considering nobody who works at Disney has ever watched Star Wars they're doomed to fuck it up.

What's new shit? It's pretty much the same content being posted since December

>that was merely my First Order™

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Megan is awkward even in real life

Get the audience you're guaranteed when you make it for them. The normies will filter in simply because they have nothing better to do, the important critics will appreciate the loyalty, and fags will fag out like they always do about (name it) because they're unchanging.

Because the only people who apply for jobs like that are fat NEETS and Mexicans.

Huh, she almost looks acceptable with her mouth closed in dim lighting

janny babbysitting this thread

what else is he gonna do, work?

For free, yes

Damn how long this thread can last?

Pretty much text book.

When will Uwe Boll's Star Wars trilogy be released?

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She would have been more cuter if her mum didn't spent her time abusing alcohol while she's pregnant

it's deliberate to make the empire look worse

Uwe here we are still discussing the matter with Kathleen. I'm actually planning to have Megan cameo in the future. Will release more info soon

>"the normies will filter in simply because they have nothing better to do"
pretty much this, the boomer women in my family watch literally any piece of shit that's on tv to distract themselves from their existential dread I don't interact with normies in my age range so I wouldn't know about them


off topic garbage, stalker janny

Jenny is much prettier than this one.

why was this deleted


bros.. is she really a drumpf supporter? wtf..

1. Why did darth maul glue horns onto his head and use bad face paint?
2. Yoda says that there are always only ever two sith, master and apptentice. What the fuck. Did nobody notice this scene during Qui-Gon's funeral?

Is megan a fapper bros or what? Whats her tax policy?

God bless Trump

He's a big guy

>a possible cuter Jenny
That's hard to imagine, she's so goddamn cute already.

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For Megan



Am I the only one that just wants to kinda hang out with Jenny, not even for fug? I mean, sure, it would be a nice bonus. She seems like she would be fun to talk about pointless shit with

>ywn spend an evening snuggled up with Jenny as she talks your ear off about all her interests... and wake up with her in your arms, feeling her warmth

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LEGO masters, Star wars , Krystal mash up sequel

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I find her deep husky voice very soothing

This all day long.

What's next for Megan Paski?

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why did she quit friendship is witchcraft?

She’s be fun to hang around at Disney but otherwise no. Also I dont get the FAS meme, her nose is huge.

the area above her upper lip is weird, like its super smooth and huge sort of like a downie or something. but yes, i'd smoke farts out that ass all day long

Nothing. It's finally over.

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Holy fuck when you google her name and click images, it's all just Yas Forums coom threads about her. Jesus either her ego is now god tier or she's embarassed and incredibly scared.

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Where exactly can one reach this Megan girl? A-asking for a friend.

mod still babysitting

what's the pft requirements for the first order?

our wedding

The power of autism. She definitely feel embarrassed. Her social media accounts are all set to private

>he won't let you bring friends on the ride
>the ride plan he filed with the park lists him, his men, Megan here, but only one in your group
>he wants to know about Darth Bane
>he's in charge here

imagine being shy and self-conscious about your looks, while online thousands of guys worship you

i think he's hiding megan in there

im waiting for plinketts review of the rise of skywalker.
then i'm waiting for 'the people vs disney' (sequel to 'people vs george lucas'.

When you're bored and check you're phone, what are some of the things you look at? Yas Forums? Fav websites? Social media? Youtube?

What do you think Megan looks at when she gets home or is on her break? I know. She goes exactly to the most current Yas Forums thread about herself and fucking smirks. Probably wet as fuck


I honestly don't see the appeal of this franchise. I've seen most of SW movies and they all look and feel the same.

Its because she literally has fas

Absolutely, it’s always the quiet ones that are into freaky shit. Without a doubt, Megan is schlicking it to this very thread in the Disney break room. Meanwhile that dumb BITCH Jenny is probably a complete dead fish in bed. Imagine how boring she is when the camera turns off. She will NEVER stack up to our Queen Megan.

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Star Wars is kinda gay, but you are dumb, each trilogy felt totally different.


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oh no he's back

p.s I'm glad nothing too sexual is said about Megan. For her sake. Pretty tame around here.