/hmmm/ Dark Crystal


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i found this show to be entertaining

I too found this show to be entertaining, and am a big fan of the villainous lizard-bird creature that stars in it

I sure do hope they continue it.

I did as well. I really enjoyed how unique each character was. They had believable personalities and realistic aspirations.

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>some games I’ve been waiting for are finally coming out soon and I’ve been to hyped to care about anything else
That must be nice. The only game I'm playing right now is the AoR one, which doesn't exactly help with distraction

Alright guys, who was the skeksis that you didn't expect to love
Pic unrelated

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I especially enjoyed witnessing the beginnings of a genocide against an entire race. That's what I like to see in my family television shows.

I too have German heritage


if we aren't including headcanons then probably Gra. When he was first introduced I thought he might be annoying and cringey, but I was happy to be proved wrong. He isn't one of my favourites but he's a B+

Watching the beginnings of a downfall of a race is my favorite Saturday morning activity.

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Definitely Shod. He started out as one of my least favorites, but our shitposting made me love him.

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Zok. I didn't care for him much during the series or movie. When I learned he was sadistic and murderous he shot up the rankings hard.

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why can some people draw good its just not fair

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He looks like a deformed wolf

A lot of practice that most others are unwilling to give.

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I really want to see this fucker

It'll honestly be the greatest tragedy on not getting a season two; no Ung.

I'd practice a lot more if I had more free time. Adulthood sucks.

If he isn't huge, or wide I'll be disappointment. In my head he's a much more intimidating Var.

Same. When they release the first promo shots of him, I'll probably cream my pants.

I admire your optimism.


Javier is working on something new with JHC

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>these generals are still going
jesus christ. Never got round to watching the netflix show. are they doing a season 2?

Interesting. I wonder what it is; probably something original.

dark crystal? more like dark crystSOUL

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Almost no word on season two. We've gotten nothing on whether it's canceled or going to be renewed.

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Maybe it's "The Black Diamond: Era of Rebellion", a story about Nelflings, little elf people fighting evil bird overlords called Heksis in the land of Kra. It begins just as the elves unite and the bird guys make a new insect army called Darthim. A totally original story, not at all a continuation of an existing one! Just ignore that it says Season 2 on the script. Totally original.

This show is deffinitly going to continue since it hasnt been canceled yet netflix is usually very open about canceling their shows my guess is a show like this has a very long production time so season 2 might take a while to be produced but it will deffinitly be made

Dubs confirm we get a roundabout season two.

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SkekLi lives in a society!

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Marvelous user

Cool, congrats!

How long did it take, and how hard was it?

Shod's face, kek

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This Shod looks intimidating. Props to the artist.

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New art

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And there will never be more of him.

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The art in the game is well done. I wish I was able to save more screenshots.

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Cute! Zok/Shod is the ship that keeps on growing

It was made from a friend I made on tumblr, I'm glad they liked my ship enough to draw this

We're one day closer to the season 2 announcement!

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Bless you for your service.

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It wasn't hard but it took me awhile I'd say like 8-10 maybe. It's a bummer you're pretty much stuck with 5 characters cuz the shitty level up system luckily my boy gurjin was in there. Second playthrough is easier too

That's longer than I expected.
>shitty level up system
What's so bad about it? I haven't played much but it seems like a cool idea. The only problem I have so far with it is how your secondary job doesn't get any exp.

Can we start doing Pokeparent memes, but with SkekSis?

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It's little details like this that made the skek interactions so great.

But we need to have that confirmed. Because now there is no production at all, everyone is just in limbo.


Final bump before bed.

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Hello all. Is the original cut of the Dark Crystal movie worth a watch?

Yup. There's only one cut out anyway, I believe. There's a workprint floating around but it's almost unwatchable. The movie is visuals over story though, so keep that in mind.

If you mean the version with the original skek language then I'm not sure a full version exists.

I don't think it does exist, unless user means the workprint.

oh god Tek has gone mad with power again

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Oh no, those speed bumps seems to rattle Shod's brains. Sa need to take it easy on those for his sake.

Still no S2 announcement?

Cancelation would be unnatural. Cancelation would be cruel joke.
Cancelation mocks life, mocks skeksis.

Sadly, no.

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Believe me if they did confirm season 2 you'd know about it. We would be autisticly following the production.


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If Tek was in power, we would have skekbots by now. Fuck this gay Thra


Of course, but the Rumble Pack is sold separately

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That would be some Jigsaw-level planning that will dodge most, if not all charges against it.

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>tfw no robotic skekfu
worst timeline

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is Sa still trapped in a tree at the time of season 1?

Don't believe so, the novels happen within the same timeline as timeline as the show, as the story ends with the second battle of Stone in the Wood

Why isn't there a torrent of the soundtrack anywhere?!

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Because its niche and on Spotify.

Same. It's a great show.

Cute feet

Why didn't the Gelfling resistance attack the retreating skeksis after the battle of stonewood?

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>stuck with 5 characters cuz the shitty level up system
You can level up lower characters, you just have to work the system a little. The enemies in the optional battles change, so the key is to pick ones with easier enemies when you have lowbies on your team. Low level characters get more experience fighting stronger enemies, so they level up faster too.

Another trick is to use the terrain for your favor. The desert cliffs are a good one - on the first turn, get a couple of enemies to position themselves so that the wind knocks them off the cliff. That way the lowbies have fewer enemies to deal with for a few turns.

Because the gelfling need to lose.

Yeah, the show appears to be kind of a parallel continuity to the novels. Lots of things in common, but two separate timelines.

What happens during the second battle? Is it a massacre?

The battle is the same as the one on the show with some minor differences
>Mal didn't die and arrived with the others
>Far dies saving Naia from So instead
>Rian finds the Shard of the Division from the Duel Glaive remains, not Brea
>No Darkening attack, and no darkened Deet
>The battle ends with them creating the Wall of Destiny, which scares the Skeksis off

>Far dies saving Naia from So instead
Ha, I like that the show Ok'ed her instead.

>the Wall of Destiny
Probably best that they left that out.

>Probably best that they left that out.
Especially if it seem to be a major plot point for Season 2 with the puzzle room that Brea found under the throne room

>>Rian finds the Shard of the Division from the Duel Glaive remains, not Brea
So this is why we dont have a season 2


But Netflix loves woke.


i jest of course, this show was probably the least woke thing Netflix has ever made.

That's true.

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Fuck gelflings?

I just noticed that the throne has a little roof over the seat


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The Emperor must be protected from all things, including ceiling dust.


That sure went away by the movie. His eyeballs were probably dusty.

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>Fuck gelflings
That's Zok's job
Confirmed by evil trips

I would be surprised if they weren't. Sil helps him out every now and then.

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Good ol' Sil! What a pal.

Such a big bed is only fun when you have someone to cuddle up to, and skekMal bf is dead. Poor skekSo.


open that portal to Thra and he'd have plenty of concubines to fill that bed; feeding him grapes, tending his wounds etc

rubbing his belly

SkekSil would shank all anons who try first, he doesn't need more competition.

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Am I likely to enjoy this show on the basis that I liked Farscape?

If you liked Farscape, you will surely enjoy the puppetry and practical effects, and the crazy worldbuilding too. But even though this has aliens, it's a dark fantasy and not sci-fi. Definitely give it a try though.

I actually recently started rewatching Farscape inspired by this show. Farscape really holds up, it's damn good.

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Well of course, that goes without saying.

Kill the emperor's servants who treat him so well? He wouldn't like that at all.

I finished Farscape last week and miss it now. Looking for something that captures some of its spirit, but is also its own entity. Between Dark Crystal and The Expanse I can probably scratch the sci-fi and tonal itches.

Well, TDC definitely captures the spirit. The humour is different than in Farscape, but still good. And it does get quite dark, in a good way.

I remain impressed by the Pilot puppet in Farscape. Gonna miss him when I finish the series.

Who said anything about killing? Silly humans just mysteriously disappeared. Must have buggered off.

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Pretty sure every Skeksis would have a group of concubines at that point. All those comfort Gelfling and Podling will be out of the jobs, reduced to cleaning the chamber pots or the room after the concubines are finished with the Lords
Such short-term thinking, he need to remember he could have that once he becomes emperor

>cleaning the chamber pots
And so, the role of POOP PODLING is born

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>Pretty sure every Skeksis would have a group of concubines at that point
Except for Lach, and maybe Ayuk. Billy no m8s.

Every podling in the spa is out of a job for sure. Anons will be lining up for that shit.

I would attend to based Ayuk, and even skekLach has fans, for some reason.

>that missed quads
I've seen people on Twitter that liked both of them

Ayuk already has a beautiful gf (male), he doesn't need some uggo human concubines.

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