Americans unironically want to die for the economy. Just let that sink in.
Americans unironically want to die for the economy. Just let that sink in
do you have any idea how much money this pandemic is costing their jewish overlords?
it's worth the cost
does Canada accept immigration from USA?
freedom to die for what you believe in, making mr shekelsberg a dollar while you make a penny
No, we closed our borders to those walking bags of disease. Trump tried to get us to reopen them but we said no kek
I hope this country collapse so I can be in a cool militia
>boomers who would die in 1 or 2 years anyway get saved
>the price is a global recession that is going to cost millions of children their lives due to worse access to resources, shittier healthcare and socio-economic tension
>oh and millions will lose their jobs too and sink into poverty
>to save some 80 yo fucks with heart disease who would've died in 1 or 2 years anyways
Doing a big think right now, not gonna lie.
that's pretty based, stay safe Candian bros
you'll never know what its like to be alive until you stop being afraid of death
why is it always NEET retards who make these types of threads
>the price is a global recession that is going to cost millions of children their lives due to worse access to resources, shittier healthcare and socio-economic tension
Yes, if people are content with letting things go back to the way they were before. I mean, if this crisis doesn’t wake up the American people to how they need serious economic and healthcare reform, then I suppose nothing will. If the choice is between a depression and dying, however, I’ll take a depression every time. Unlike sociopathic neoliberals, I generally don’t think risking the lives of my family and loved ones for the stock market is morally justifiable. You do you, though.
>let that sink in
you do understand how non threatening this virus is don't you?
or are you actually fucking retarded
>I generally don’t think risking the lives of my family and loved ones for the stock market is morally justifiable.
It is if the alternative is risking millions of lives and existences just to save 'loved ones'. Caring about 'loved ones' in this case is highly egoistic, and proof of not being able to look at the bigger picture.
Sometimes you need to choose the lesser evil, and your feefees really don't matter in these moments.
you make like 5 threads about us everyday.
seek help
damn.. ur right.... now I really do want to die for a deeply unfair economic system.. it’s for the greater good sorry pops
>you *cough cough* make like 5 *wheeze* threads about us *wipes off cold sweat* everyday. seek *drinks bleach* help
>guy fawkes mask
big cringe
made me kek
cope virg
that woman in the front reminds me of someone but i can't quite put my finger on it
some actress from the harry potter movies i think
Why are you so obsessed?
holy shit is this real?
Drink bleach, faget.
emma watson?
I hope this country collapses so I can be a communist partisan
I hope your country collapses so I can help the communist partisans.
You're the only fag that wants things sunk in
We shut down the economy 2 months ago and we yet we haven't managed to flatten the curve.
At this rate, I don't care about the virus anymore, fuck the virus I need money.
I hope this country collapses so communist larpers will be killed
nah not her
You first
Thank you for your service.
>Why are you *hack hack* so obsessed? *cough*
Listen to your dear leader, faget. Drink the bleach.
You first
No seriously I want to know an answer.
>No seriously *achoo* I want to know *hooks up IV filled with purell* an answer.
Go back to Yas Forums already, magatard.
Can we please just talk it over what your gripes are with this country?
how stubborn can you be jfc what is wrong with yanks
Why are you crying?
I voted for Obama in 2012. I didn't vote in 2016 cause I was out of state and didn't have an absentee ballot.