Which countries have you autists visited?

Which countries have you autists visited?

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Just this im afraid, not to much of a traveller i have been

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literally none



Pretty much just Europe + Turkey

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only France for me so far

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Dunno where to go to next.

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why would you go to India? half the air you breathe in is just feces at this point

Attended a wedding of a mate

India is one of the most beautiful countries in the world
I'm sure the cities are a nightmare though

OP here, been to India at least 15-16 times. Going back again in September, unless corona fucks things up.

India's nowhere near that bad.

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i really enjoy going on road trips, but have never been on a plane. only ships i have been on are small ferries across the caspian sea and i have only done that twice
the "countries i want to visit" is only my top ten. i want to visit nearly everywhere so coloring in everything would be a point pointless. so i just chose my top ten
seems odd you would go to greece and bulgaria but nowhere else in europe. especially because you can just drive to france fairly easily. is there a story?
nice map, though as somebody that always drives to places i cannot imagine the route taken. what parts of russia were you in? i've been there many times
wow, that is wayyyy more countries than i have ever been to. what parts of china and myanmar? i've been to china a lot, myanmar only once.

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USA, Canada, Cuba

I mostly fly to the places I travel to except for Sweden, Finland and Denmark
I live in the Northern parts of Norway so it's easy for me to visit Murmansk and places nearby in Russia. I want to visit Moscow at some point
Where in Russia did you travel to, and are the stan countries nice to visit?

i've driven all over many parts of russia. st petersburg was one of my favorite parts, but i never went to murmansk. the furthest i have ever been from home was in vladivostock, actually. as for the stans, there is a lot of cool stuff in parts of kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan, and many interesting historical parts of turkmenistan and uzbekistan, but the majority of every stan country is extremely boring with nothing to see. the country of the stans that i would recommend never visiting is tajikistan. nothing to do there, it's a giant waste of time. if you visit, i suggest almaty, bishkek,tashkent, nur-sultan, and, if you like history, bukhara.

Only Hong Kong and Macau tbqh, some would say not really China but yeah
Yangon and Bagan

its funny, because when i have been in china it's been the opposite. i have driven all over the country, but they never let me into hong kong or macau because they thought i was a smuggler or using a fake passport. and yangon is nice, at least it was when i went there, as was bagan. i also went to mandalay which was nice, but they wouldn't let me into naypyidaw sadly


So what did you guys think of Egypt? Every time I see someone describing their experience online it's usually a horror show. Genuinely curious.

t.Cruise ship bogan

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OP here, was in Egypt for a few days in December. Trip lasted about a week in total, and I didn't leave Cairo. All things considered, I actually quite liked the place. I didn't have any significant issues with con artists or pushy touts.

Egyptians struck me as generally alright. Some people seemed to dislike tourists, others were warmer. Not the friendliest country I've yet to visit, but certainly not the least hospitable, either.

I've traveled a lot in developing countries--I've been to India alone at least 15 or 16 times--and know how to deal with touts and con artists. A lot of people complain about how pushy Egyptian hawkers can be, but I didn't have any significant issues. One camel guy at the Pyramids was particularly obnoxious, but he left me alone after I ignored him for several minutes.

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>seems odd you would go to greece and bulgaria but nowhere else in europe. especially because you can just drive to france fairly easily. is there a story?

most likely he's an anglo that went to greece for vacation, same with bulgaria (willing to bet it was sunny beach too).

How do you deal with touts and cons?

Ignore them. Don't engage them in polite conversation, don't act awkward, don't say "no thanks" and keep walking. Literally just pretend like they don't exist and keep on doing whatever you were doing before they showed up. Or, if you want to be a bit more polite, say "no thanks" once and then ignore them afterward.

In India, speaking Hindi works, too--few foreigners bother learning more than counting numbers and directional phrases. So if you're reasonably confident in even basic conversation, everyone--including touts--will be unreasonably impressed and assume that you are living/working/studying in India. Tourist touts will then leave you alone, because they tend to target first-time visitors who aren't familiar with transportation infrastructure or market behaviors.

Seemed to work in Egypt, too, albeit to a slightly lesser extent (I took Arabic for a year in university; I can still read and write, but I forgot how to speak).

But yeah, for the most part, just ignore 'em.

As in how do we deal with them personally or how does the state deal with them? You tell them to fuck off and usually these people don't approach Egyptians because they know they are wary of their bullshit. As for the state, there is a special tourist police stationed in these areas that deals with foreigner complaints. All you have to do is threaten to call them.

Also this. If you don't want to be confrontational, ignore them.

Turkey is European.

not planning on leaving my house the next 10 months

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Don’t engage them. Don’t even keeping saying “No thank you”, once you’ve said “no” once and they’re still bothering you just completely ignore them

It is not.

Lithuania is NOT European.