ITT: we apologize for bad things our ancestors did
Native Americans, I'm sorry for genociding you
ITT: we apologize for bad things our ancestors did
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It's too late for that, it's too late to send slaves back to Africa.
I'm sorry my countrymen sided with the Nazis during the war and then betrayed them when the tide turned. It was a double betrayal, born out of our leaders' fear and weakness.
Sorry about trying to convert Ukraine
Apologise for what?
>native niggas be like "dis smallpox too spicy, imma drink myself under a teepee for the next 500 years"
African Americans, I'm sorry we couldn't free all of you. We managed to get 3,000 out in 1785, a few thousand more in 1812 and obviously several tens of thousands during the Underground Railroad, but we just couldn't free you all. We did the best we could, and I'm sorry that the Yankees were able to delay us for so long.
I'm sorry for not conquering Jämtland
Sorry for slavery and racism and all that
You were no better leaf
for what for doing better what everyone was already doing ?
if europeans are too weak to survive thats fine ,we dont need excuses
Lmao i thought everyone in spain loved their colonies? Lefties being anti-imperialism and conservatives with the distant hope of creating a commonwealth like uk? Correct me if im wrong but that means the creator of this pic is an amerimutt.
I'm sorry for bombing Japan
and is true ,but latinoamericans are the children of spain not the descendants of amerindians
my ancestors didn't do anything relevant
Sorry for invading Denmark, Norway and Greece.
Europe, I'm sorry for lend leasing to the soviets and letting communism enslave you.
I’m not sorry we won the war, or the way we won it... but I am sad we fought at all . Japan’s a great nation, sucks that so many great people died in vain.
I hope we stay allies forever
sorry for not killing the jews instead of expulsing them in the 15 century
Im sorry for errr....
Canada came into existence in 1867. Slavery was illegal throughout the British Empire, including the provinces that would come to form Canada, by 1833. Officially, Canada has never legally permitted slavery. Those same territories were a safe refuge for American slaves even before American independence, and continuing for a century afterwards.
It's fine OP. You guys couldn't get all of us atleast
death to all índios
I am sorry for massacring all the basque whalers
I don't carry the burden of freaks and idiots even if they're direct lineage.
silvids deserved it.
thanks for killing azt*cs
native olmecstanis are superior
Same, even after independence the indian wars were very common in Mexico.
Also sorry Central America, I don't remember the details very well, but I think that Porfirio Díaz stop or dissuaded some unification attempt moving his army to the southern border.
>I'm sorry for bombing Japan
what's the difference, other than semantics?
You didn’t do shit. 99% of the people who participated in the conquest of Mexico and the Philippines stayed in Mexico.