Not my pope

Not my pope.

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who asks polaks?

of course not nazi fuck

why are poles such fucking assholes online? the pole girl i know irl is the sweetest thing ever


We're not?

He's a fucking commie

It's been decades since we last had a legitimate pope, hopefully that changes within our lifetime.

He also bends over for China and their state apparatus, lol. I don't think he actually believes in anything, probably just an agnostic spineless fuck.

Now Pius X... THAT was a pope.

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>wanting to help the poor and weak
gee i wonder where who he got that idea from

obvious arge


no pope has ever been legitimate
they're all fucking scum


Crazy that the first Polish pope in history would combine borderline-Nazi reactionary politics with endorsing the destructive economic policies of FA Hayek.

Actually he promoted my diocese into an archdiocese. So I would burn every single one of you, heretics.

>endorsing the destructive economic policies of FA Hayek.
did he actually do this lol

Should we put Wojtyła back there?

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It's an exaggeration to say he endorsed Hayek but his position that the economy exists to serve the human person was only applied when he was criticizing the USSR. He turned a blind eye to the economic reforms of Reagan and Thatcher as they smashed labor unions and spending for the working population in order to increase the competitiveness of capital and ensure a sufficient rate of economic growth.

Whether or not one believes that Reagan and Thatcher were doing what needed to be done it'd be wrong to say what they were doing was trying to make the economy serve the human individual. It was an attempt to discipline the working populations of the west in order to better serve capital, first under the guise that it'd help the working population in the long run, then when that was proven to not be true it was justified as having produced so much financial power for the capital class that it is impossible to overturn now.


It's a mystery.

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Just left the Church and join evangelicucks then

Not even a Christian, but aren't most of those are from the Old Testament?

>He's not my pope when it's convenient to my ideals

I actually like the pope. People who tend to dislike them are those that actually don't know the position of the church nowadays

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they are from the old testament. thats why sola scriptura is garbage the old testament is trash and has nothing to do with christian values its just there for context. even my hardcore religious grandmother doesnt give a shit about the old testament.

yeah, with the exception of galatians (obvious from its mention of jesus).

funny how jews forget their own creed, too

Have you ever consider that Christianism is actually globalist?

>Being a Papist in the year 2020

>being a prottie in the year 2020

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>thats why sola scriptura is garbage the old testament is trash and has nothing to do with christian values
Lets see what the old testament has to say.
Matthew 5:17-20

Not in Poland tho
Here Christianity is synonymous with nationalism and Yas Forums values at least for Christcucks themselves

Sounds like a nation of Pharisees imo

Mine neither. pic very related.

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He's a fucking jesuit satanist is what he is

>Thinking that paying cash for sins is going to get you to heaven
You'll be in Hell if you don't repent.

based. #mypope

literally the last of the real popes. Our Lady of Confidence you can't really beat that in terms of sanctity

Point proven