What the FUCK did they mean by this?

What the FUCK did they mean by this?

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>somalis and hippy baby boomers dying
oh whatever will sweden do without them?

dont let my waifu die ;_;

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they got infected by the "flock-immunity" mental disease


They need the boomers to die so their wealth can be spread to migrant families.

if only they had the genes of FINNISH BVLLS

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South Korea didn't do a lockdown either, BCG+Mask wearing confirmed


1200 out of 10.3 million. What a catastrophe.

we get it insect, you don't care about people dying as long as you get to make money.

ching chong

my brotha whatsup?

>you don't care about people dying as long as you get to make money
Nobody cares about total random strangers dying, except in the most abstract sense or if its a particularly sad story. Old people dying of natural causes (yes, including d is about the least sad kind of death imaginable. its literally just what happens to everyone eventually.

Hate to break it to you.

im sorry you had grandparents or parents that molested you. some of us actually like our families.

>dude just destroy the entire economy so we can save 5 boomers
>it's not like mass unemployment, economic recession, and stock crashes could lead to deaths

I love my parents. I know they will eventually die. If If outlive them, I will be very sad. If they outlive me, they will be very sad. Simple as.

Am I very sad that some random other people died today? I can't be, other than the most abstract melancholy at the idea of death in general. Anyone who does mourn 1200 Swedish strangers as much as their own parents is just a retard.

savings from automobile accidents, workplace accidents, and crime will be greater than suicides. you have the rest of your life to make shekels.

1200 of those people who died had children, siblings, friends user. just because it wasn't exactly yours doesn't mean it didn't happen to someone similar to you, have some empathy.

>1200 of those people who died had children, siblings, friends user
No shit. Same with the hundreds of thousands of people who die every day. You cannot and likely do not mourn them the way you do your own family members, and to even call the vague melancholy/sad feeling "empathy" does a disservice to the term "empathy". Anyone who mourned strangers the way they did their own family wouldn't be on Yas Forums finger wagging, you'd be absolutely torn apart with sorrow.

now you projecting, i never said i mourn them like my family nor did i imply it. you're just making some strange strawman. what i am saying is that you should have some sort of empathy for 1200 people who died to a preventable infectious disease. instead of, 'reee it's such a small number fuggaddaboutit'

Cause this is semi-preventable, you imbecile.

Big if true. Sweden could be culturally enriched by the mexican kin.
Best tacos outside of Mexico.

>now you projecting, i never said i mourn them like my family
You implied that one should by saying in reply to >a preventable infectious disease
It travels through the air, there is no vaccine, there is no treatment, there is no cure. That a lockdown might save them is the real cope, it hasn't saved all the nursing home residents in Canada or the US either

People die of far more preventable diseases, diseases for which there is a treatment, a vaccine, a cure. That said, I don't think a death is more tragic if "preventable". An incurable random cancer is just as sad as one induced by smoking, the person is no less loved for that.

So are all alcohol-related deaths, so are the vast majority of car-related deaths, so are the vast majority of obesity-related deaths, etc.

If Coronavirus counts as "preventable" you can include every death due to disease as "preventable" too. Lel.

no, i'm saying that you should have some sort of empathy if you loved your family that those who did die had family as well. i never said you should mourn for them the same as your family. you are daft.

stay home, be isolation. reduce the chance to infect others, boom. preventable. a preventable death is more tragic than terminal, we actually have the ability to help whereas terminal cases are an act of god which we have no power over yet. there is regret with preventable deaths, there is no regret with terminal cases because you could have done your best, nothing would have changed.

LMAO he literally resurrected

Migrant communities are hit the hardest here in Norway, so I assume they are in Sweden too

I said people care in "the most abstract sense" about strangers dying. You accused me of hating my family.

"Empathy" traditionally requires the sharing of feelings, "your pain is my pain". Nowadays its used more in the sense of "sympathy"--feeling of pity or sadness for another's misfortune, but not a sharing in that pain. Nobody can share in everybody elses' pain.

>stay home, be isolation. reduce the chance to infect others, boom. preventable.
If this is your only way you can find that Corona is "preventable", then all deaths due to disease are far more preventable/tragic than Corona ever is. Heart attack, stroke, many cancer victims are more tragic than Corona is, to say nothing of auto accidents. In terms of preventability, an airborne virus with a high transmissiblity and zero known effective treatment isn't anywhere near the top of the list. Its about as unavoidable as it gets.

Do migrants often live in crowded quarters and multigenerational housing? I've heard that explanation used for why immigrants in NYC are so hard hit compared to the whitoids. High rent costs lead them to living cheek by jowl with grandma and grandpa.

user, im sorry you have no feelings for 1200 people and their families who died. you can make more shekels in the years ahead, the rest of us only have one life to life.

yes, some heart attacks, stroke, cancers and automobiles are preventable. a lot are not. it's hard to separate them because we aren't omniscient. auto accidents have a purpose though. agreed, auto accidents are preventable, it is far too easy to get a license and drive on the road. but that's a topic for another day. covid19 is a preventable disease though, im glad you agree.

>yes, some heart attacks, stroke, cancers and automobiles are preventable. a lot are not.
They are all more preventable than Coronavirus.

>covid19 is a preventable disease though, im glad you agree.
less preventable than pretty much every other disease known to man.