1/3 cases of Covid-19 worldwide cases come from USA

What the fuck is wrong with this shithole?

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sorry we're actually testing unlike yuroid shitholes

tis the price of freedom


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>This pandemic infection was sponsored by McDonald's™


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Because they're publicly revealing the real numbers and actually testing people instead of putting people in quarrantine because they have a symptom then not counting them


I don't think we are doing that bad desu.

lol literally lower death/million than France, France is missing mild cases or just that much more fragile.

>France's testing rate is somewhere below Uzbekistan
Fuckin lol.


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I mean you'd need to talk to a New Yorker I guess.

>jew York

No thanks the West Coast is fine

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>jew York

Not for long friend....did you really think the sudden government authoritarianism kick was for show? These are new times.

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Wonderful cope. You have twice the death than us, and it will skyrocket the next days while it stabilized here

>Wonderful cope. You have twice the death than us,
We have almost 5x the population as you. Don't know what to tell you, France is one of the hardest hit by the virus by death/million which is the only stat which matters.

> it will skyrocket the next days
People keep saying this for well over a month now and yet.


>he thinks China and India are better off

I think India is better off, they have high BCG vaccination don't they? Vitamin D exposire? Young population? All the data we have suggests its mostly a meme disease in the young, and India is a young place. China isn't exactly old either.
And China did a real LOCKdown (in Hubei) and mask wearing day 1. (China did not do another lockdown anywhere else because such a thing would be retarded).

USA/EU did """lockdown"""" where we all "flatten the curve" (aka herd immunity) by going to the grocery store, weed dispensary, liquor store, mcdonalds etc. etc. So we all get the disease but slower so "hospitals don't overflow" (a phenomenon never seen outside of Italy, rather hospitals are now sitting mostly empty and 1/2 of our GDP shrinkage you may have seen on the news is purely due to decreased healthcare profits).

itt: amerishart cope

t. right behind France in terms of death/million


Really makes you think....

Tests per 1m pop:
USA 18513
Italy 31603
Spain 30253
Germany 30400
Russia 22638
Portugal 37223
Norway 31197

Yeah, it's true.
We kind of neglected testing, and the tests we did do the FDA fucked up while disallowing anyone else from testing.
We aren't doing too bad though I don't think.

it's going to go way above 1million.

fucking lol what is this??
Either you adjust per capita or don't.

Right now, USA is #1 in both total numbers of tests and total numbers of cases.

If you adjust for per capita, USA falls #16 in cases, and some obscure number in tests not even worth counting down (way better than Chile though, and of course Chile is doing way way better than France)

>all these yanks coping ITT

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~either adjust for per capita or don't~

Most states will only test the symptomatic or the people who've come in contact people who tested positive. My area in sitting on a bunch of tests but no one is sick. I think the plan is to roll out mass antibody testing now because the vast majority only ever had mild or no symptoms and never noticed.

Well, I guess the most important metric is the deaths/million, in which you are still far from Spain or Italy. So your not so bad for the moment.
But their graphs show they have slowed down, while USA graph looks like a rocket launch, and changes in slope are slow to happen, so you will keep in this path for a long while.