Left: canadian culture
Right: american culture
Left: canadian culture
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cope, seethe and dilate. canada is the exact same as us.
both of them are shit. I dont know if you could even consider them cultures.
ok leaf
Something something penis.
they've done it again
>This is actually a bad analogy, as rabbits are far more interested in eating the carrot tops than the taproot underneath.
Based and truthpilled
Genocide all of English Canada. Wait, China ss already doing that. Based chinks.
>How carrots works
Canadian education
From the thumbnail, i thought those rabbits noses were a single blacks eyes and they were little cyclops aliens, haha. What a happy little cartoon. :)
Canada has no culture if you remove Québec and Acadia
ameriKKKa has no culture if you remove black people and mexicans, what's your point
France has no culture if you remove the French bits either retard.
black """"""culture""""" literally wouldn't exist if whites didn't put them in chains and beat them
its just western colonial culture if anything, with small bits of other things from their specific evolution
true, but they took dem chainz and made themselves kaingz, yo
Left: Polish culture
Right: Shitalian culture
Canada is just the effeminate version of USA
More like Canada is the white version of the USA
>Snowgooks, french and angloids
Choose one
left is american culture, right is canadian.
Canada? More like Can'tnada amirite
You have hockey and poutine. Hell even our former French region has better food. Cajun amd Creole are superior to anything from Quebec.
More like Can'tdanxwahaw77naka'lxxkwk lmao
Most of the biggest facets of American culture were stolen from Canada. Almost all of their sports are really Canadian—gridiron football, basketball, etc. Many of their most popular actors and musicians are Canadian. The greatest distinctions between the two countries are also where you see America's greatest faults; horribly gerrymandered electoral districts and corrupt political systems, zealous militarism to the neglect of domestic welfare, etc. Everything in common between the U.S. and Canada, we did first; everything different between the U.S. and Canada, we do better.
I'd point out that as someone from New England who is familiar with French Canadians, they are curiously swarthy.
Natives? they are nothing like asians, more like snow mexicans
how tf you pronounce that?
Still 7.7% of Canadas under 14 population is native. Doesn't sound very white.
Open your mouth real wide, exhale warm air, and repeatedly cover and uncover your mouth with your palm to make a "wahwahwahwahwahwah" sound. That's how it's pronounced.
who cares natives are based
>natives are based
In theory yes, crime wise no.
They are, you guys are just too cucked to have them
that's high testosterone, something wh*Tes are foreign too
>in theory
In theory?
Like this?
Take your Dances with Wolves-ass noble savage stereotype and drive it off a buffalo jump, Yanks. They're just a more alcoholic version of your own biggest minority.
makes sense too
canada and america is one cultural sphere. actors, singers, artists, etc. from all over canada and america all congregate in either new york or california, and churn out all the culture that both countries consume. its not that canada has american culture or that america has canadian culture. there is a single amero-canadian culture shared by both countries, just some regional differences. the thing is, different parts of both countries are more similar to certain areas in the other country than certain areas within their own country. what i mean by this is, British columbia