Why do they hate their own women so much?
Black French men hatred for Black women?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is this Aya Nakamura Negress?
Black men hate black women for their uglynees and niggerish behavior. But for some reason black men get a pass for the same thing. Black men are just as ugly and 10x more violent and somehow manage to be even dumber but society gives black men a pass.
> black men get a pass
Well being ugly and niggerish is a turn on to women. They are seen as big bad, and taboo.
u scared, angloboi? the future is african and FRANCOPHONE
> the only place French is relevant is in shithole African countries and in Quebec which is cucked by the Anglo Canadian bvll
I know. It’s great isn’t it!
How kind of her to adopt a refugee child
Wtf since when are french black
Like 1897
Holy shit black men really can't stop winning.
We've always been
What the fuck is this garbage. French is not a language you can use for songs like this is sounds like absolute trash.
Anyway the kino French black (mixed) female singer is early days Shy'm :
Holy shit that kid, how often do you bet she cries herself to sleep?
there is nothing more i hate the most than self hating nigger moid
Holy crap that's hilarious.
Black men everywhere hate black women
lmfao white women can't stop losing
It's okay I hate white roasties too
luv black angels
'ate nogs
simple as.
Why do people hate women/men of their own race? I see it constantly among whites, asians and blacks.
Black men/Asian women are nothing more than sex toys for us
Unfortunately they tend to get weaponised when
some bitch has a deadbeat dad or a Low-T nerd can’t get laid
You forgot:
It's more like they spend all their time complaining about black women for attitude problems, and ghetto behaviour and than go ahead and get white women with the same characteristics. Talking about how their dating a thick snowbunny
ça fait longtemps
Black men and Asian women hate themselves
To be honest black men and Asian women are the only two people who I legitimately see in more mixed race couples than same race couples in real life
isn't that the football player bafétimbi gomis
How do I get a French Negress GF?
Now with a white cuck bf
People were obviously taking the piss out of her for fucking that ugly negroid
I’m guessing that’s why she had to hire a professional camera man with the new relationship
in an attempt to boost those pics to the top of the search results
and hide her mudshark past
how rare is AMBF? sounds like we should just pair the spares?
Do they really?
Black women are the nigger of the world