Post the country that is the most obsessed about your country

post the country that is the most obsessed about your country

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Other urls found in this thread:

on Yas Forums sweden
in real life russia

Probably no one.

>Germans and Brits are obsessed about each other
>French and Germans are obsessed about each other
>Italians and Spaniards are obsessed about Germany
>Dutch are obsessed about Spaniards

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nobody. the only country in the world that has any feeling other than disdain, complete indifference, or mild economic interest is kazakhstan, who we are close friend with


germany and brazil

at the moment, probably China

nah, we like America n stuff

Do I really need to?

Our top 3 is:

1. Belgium
2. Italy
3. Spain


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>Anglos are so obsessed with France, I know, I'll make a thread about it

Here it's Britain 100%, they just can't stop seething
In real life tho it's probably Algeria, even their anthem has a whole verse dedicated to us

all of them are

>this upset because i called his country a “third world shithole” that he started a thread about it

kek you should say Argentina or whatever
we are obsessed with US of A only

i like germany :)

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Outside of Yas Forums?
UK and Germany

China doesnt care about you its the other way around sweety

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stop coming to our generals then



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come here boy

sit on daddy's lap

it goes both ways

are we? nobody really cares about france here apart from the odd francoboo.

this. Uk is clearly obsessed by Germany

>mariah's chebs

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We are obsessed about Germany and Russia

you are obsessed about Spain

yeah i would say so, goes both ways though.

>on Yas Forums sweden
>in real life russia
Basically, Finland will always find a worthy opponent.

Test Finlands military power? Finland will have to fight a military superpower.

Test Finlands levels of autism? Better find yourself an autistic superpower.

They are always lost

It's funny

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Mexico,chile,paraguay,uruguay,it's all tied up but i gotta say uruguay the most