ITT: our dream universities

ITT: our dream universities

Just imagine having lectures in the middle of NYC, and going for martinis in a rooftop bar after class with your peers and soon-to-be millionaire friends

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Imagine dreaming of work. You are dead inside.

what do you dream of then? tell me.

I thought it was Yale

universities are just a jewish invention for indoctrination and debt slavery

Even though I had the grades to get in (maybe not at Bachelor's, but at Master's/PhD level), I never really cared about going to Oxford. However, I went there for a week last summer to do a short course as part of my PhD (which I'm doing at a shit-tier university instead, because I found one that pays well), and that all changed completely.

Can you imagine walking through this Gothic city every day, constantly blown away by its beauty? Spending your days devoted solely to learning and bettering yourself, surrounded by like-minded contemporaries who will be the future leaders of the world? Relaxing by sinking a few ales in one of the local taverns after a hard day's work, or playing cricket for your college side in the shadows of the city's spires? I've been obsessed with the idea ever since, but now I'm too old to go now. I might keep trying to get a paid postdoc/research role there, but I've failed every time I've applied so far (maybe 5 times) because you get literally hundreds of applicants for each role, all of whom are super-intelligent PhD holders.

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i copied what you said italybro
didn't you say colombia was your dream uni because of NYC?

They have a notoriously brutal common core you’d more likely than not be sleeping the library

At least pick something like Boulder or Santa Barbara

I could've gone to Columbia or Cornell this fall
instead I chose a public university

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>Just imagine having lectures in the middle of NYC, and going for martinis in a rooftop bar after class with your peers and soon-to-be millionaire friends
I'd kill them all.

My friend goes to Columbia. He says it's cool, but you're still a poorfag student doing poorfag student things. You'll be eating Ramen and microwaved food, in Manhattan.

yale doesnt have the flexname
thats like going to caltech nigga who the fuck knows what a cal tech is outside the nerds in silicon valley

I wish I hadn't graduated with a meme degree a semester late a khhv loser that lived at home the whole time and would just come straight home from class to watch anime, cartoons, movies and wank to gfur. I've never even been to a single party

It's not really my dream uni but yeah I believe it is the coolest Ivy.

what degree do you have and from which university

i appreciate you always joining these threads sweetie

Poli sci. I have no intention of going to law school
It's a relatively obscure one that most people don't care about. Could have gone to the state school for the same tuition but I wanted to keep living with my parents and extending my childhood.

Sounds amazing. What are you doing a PhD in?

Psychology. Picked the shit-tier university because it was a funded project in industry which paid a salary of £32k (higher than most starting salaries in psych, and double the normal PhD stipend here). Bit of a mistake though because I think it's messed up my chances of a proper career in academia

Columbia is the most expensive school in America

>another about a stupid Dutch boy that want to suck dicks in American colleges

>i copied what you said
I know you did. I could tell just from reading the first few words of the OP post.

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Why? Imagine all the cute young gay guys you could fuck just living in or even close to Amsterdam.

Go to Holland

What is the town itself like? I wonder if it would become boring. Student life is one of the key aspects of choosing a university.

I've not spent enough time there myself to know for certain, but I guess it depends on what you're looking for. I was quite immature between 18-21 and just wanted to drink/party all the time, so maybe I'd have got a bit bored. Now it seems perfect though - has lots of pubs in town, theatres/cinemas/concert halls, nice walks nearby, good opportunities for sport, etc

sadly I'm too dumb to ever go there

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Seems like it has everything to satiate that age demographic’s taste.

dont let your dreams be memes


im not OP
but my man makes good threads


i admitted it
what is the point of this lmoa

It's too hard bro
plus corona fucked me, I won't be able to

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University of Micth law