I am american of portuguese descent and i hate pickup trucks. do you hate pickup trucks in your country?

I am american of portuguese descent and i hate pickup trucks. do you hate pickup trucks in your country?

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Damn bro I know you hate those things but you shouldn’t have punched that pick up truck that hard

you are next

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You just wanted to say you're of portuguese descent right

Why would you hate them?
I mean they are useless 99% of the time, but hate them? No...

females usually love them here and shit like suvs because it makes them feel big and strong for once

I mean partially but I had a bad experience with some faggot in a truck earlier today
pickup drivers rarely use signals and drive extremely aggressively. they also reduce visibility on the road because they're so big and increase the cost of gas because they use so much, driving up demand. truck drivers are dickless manlets


No I love my Silverado. Let's me run my side business. Cars/"new Canadians" should be banned from the road ways from November till May. Unless the car has all wheel drive.

no, i have one myself but not one of the big beasts
what side business needs a pickup except hauling firewood and dirt?

Probably snow plow given the wintery context

Winter it's snow removal, summer it's landscaping. I have multiple tools for each. Right now I have 2013 Silverado 4x4 regular cab with an extended box and soon here I'll be getting a sprinter van. Going to make a small camper.

I like mine
get out of my way fag

ok, better than thoose who service coffe machines and claim they need a dually to haul their small tool bag. but snow plowing with pickups? landscaping? what are john deere, new holland, valtra, case, volvo, scania, jbl, cat, man etc.... no one use pickups for any of thoose things here.


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>do you hate pickup trucks in your country?
why would I. They're useful.
Went through 2 of these puppies. Worked hard until they fell apart. One had a shitty commie 1.6 OHV engine. The other had a french licensed 1.9 XUD NA diesel. Hauled 500+ kg of scrap with brakes pulling to one side. Fucking tyres would fold over the rims while taklng sharp turns.

Americans are retards for buying into these huge brodozers. Small trucks are infinitely more useful.

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Salt spreader in the bed plow in the front, it's a cheap solution to an expensive problem. Commercial trucks will do the main roads but parking lots and residential need love

I don't do commercial operations every thing is residential. Snow thrower chippers shovels and blowers for winter, rototiller, mowers, rakes and spades for summer. I want to expand but that will have to wait I'm currently planning on moving to Alaska so may have to change game plans.

Is it 4x4? Looks neet man I want a small truck as well just don't have the space for it.

maybe. just sound a little undersized for the task. its always landscapers, entrepreneurs or farmers thar rig up their tractors or wheel loaders for that during winter here. its an impressive show during heavy snowfall, plows, blowers that collect it into dump trucks, brushers to sweep off the rest then salt.

To give a bit more information this is a one man operation that's done after my other jobs. To increase profit I try to do everything by hand.

i need make and model, i think im in love

>Is it 4x4?
It's a 1960s Italian mid-size sedan larping as a utility vehicle.
live axle,
leaf springs in the back
all that jazz

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That's a 1st gen FSO Polonez Truck (pre 1992).
Look for diesels, you can still find parts for them, french stopped shitting them our only like 10 years ago

this is fine i just hate american pickups

Neeto man, stay epic, fuck islam!


Why does the badge on the front look like the Wolfenstein logo?

it is

>mrw Europoor will never understand the feeling of driving a V8 Diesel 4x4 Lobo and they will keep driving their little volvos to work.

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i agree and what said is also right.