Are you happy with this, nordics?

Are you happy with this, nordics?

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I'll let you know after the trailer


I wonder how they'll be able to shoehorn 50% of the PNJ being gay this time. It was easy with the Greece episode, historically-speaking, but with Nordics?


cant wait to climb one of those

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I'm hyped because of Vinland Saga

i'm indifferent

Finally a piece of entertainment which is set in Viking England! This is awesome!

There's hardly any parkour in the last 2 asscreeds, though. You can still climb cliffs and wall to get over it, but that's about it.

It's actually an improvement, though, parkour was a fucking pain. I remember it in Unity, it was an absolute fucking pain in the ass.

My outside opinion - would be interesting. There is a couple of things they could do with this.
Maybe invasion of England. Expedition to Greenland,Iceland,Vinland.

I would like to see something more unique. Maybe internal rivalries, expansion to Rus lands...something we have not seen yet

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>remember it in Unity
wasn't that already the 7th or 8th title? did they make it worse over time? seemed fine to me until revelations, stopped after that game though.

Unity had the best parkour and climbing, along with a truly immense sense of scale.

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Are they still doing the alien magic, genetic memory stuff from the first game? If so then I'm not interested.

Can't wait to see Emma ancestor with an axe

>Unity had the best parkour and climbing, along with a truly immense sense of scale.

Literally this. Best AC so far.

Don't know, I've played Asscreed 2 and Brotherhoods, they were fine. I tried Revelations but I stopped after a few hours as I was saturating already.
I got Unity when they gave it for free when years later Notre Dame burnt, and I thought it was OK as I was over my saturation period and was about to play it with a "fresh" mind. But in the end, it just felt like there was not that many differences with Asscreed 2, it was just some sort of natural slight evolution, so it's easy to see why all of those who played all the previous episodes were feeling disgusted.

Origins was a nice "reboot" of the gameplay, but after playing Odyssey it feels like a draft. So if you want to play a "rebooted" asscreed, just pick Odyssey. Odyssey is really good, but well, that just, like, my opinion.

I'm surprised that Assassins Creed still exists. I completely stopped paying attention to it after the third Ezio game because the gameplay was boring repetitive shit and the ancient aliens stuff was dull.
Who still plays this in 2020?

Cool, but I despise N*Rdic Culture because Yas Forums

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You missed out. Assassin’s Creed peaked with Black Flag.


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I’m certain that AC:U never looked like this - at least on PS4 or Xbox One.

they killed off the big alien evil bad in a comic

>look for it on youtube
>first result is not from the official ubisoft channel or something
>nono, it HAS to be some retarded e-celeb standing infront of his camera and talking for over 5 minutes

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I'm pretty sure that there will be at least one POC dressed as a Viking.

Can we have at least a game where the characters spoke in their respective language? I want to hear some old Norse or at least Norwegian, dammit. I'm sick of Italians and French et cetera speaking English (idc if there's already an explaination).

ass creed has been stale since 2008 and viking shit has been stale since 2011

I was just coming into this thread to see if someone posted this picture/meme

Thank you

I don't dislike Norse stuff, but I'm getting real sick of it nowadays. There's just too much of it.

Isn't Icelandic closer to old norse than Norwegian?

>Isn't Icelandic closer to old norse than Norwegian?

Yeah it is

The first swedes were black

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Could be cool if they set it in 9th century all over Europe. Lots of history to work with. But that of course won't happen and the best we'll get is mini-Scandinavia and a couple missions elsewhere.