
What is your height Yas Forums?
I'm 1.85m
I assume you people would be taller than me for you wouldn't be shorter than a southron right?!

Attached: bebe metisse.jpg (464x640, 69.5K)


Attached: 1588194306304.jpg (335x399, 33.37K)

40 boxes of mämmi

Attached: b91a7409.jpg (550x733, 50.17K)

1.94m designed goallie everywhere I studied
a gym teacher once tried to make me play volleyball but fuck that gay shit lol



1,85 as well

whats the conversion of boxes of mammi to links of mustamakkara?

exactly 6'0"


Attached: 1583084095090.png (1440x1608, 646.24K)



Attached: 1493932333694.jpg (225x225, 5.83K)

1.78, most bitches here think i'm tall

1.98 m
everyone here thinks I'm freakishly tall

>eheh its hard being 200cm
>you dont even know hard it is to be 200cm (6’6”) everyone thinks im too tall

> did i mention that im 200cm? its suffering to be this tall haha, im 200cm

Post more tchiiip memes and translations.

What's with all the lankoids ITT? Are they all incels?

How can I take advantage of my height besides dating. Any job or hobby idea that would advantage me?

yeah ofc you manlet
t. 194 cm



feels normal


I am one manlet tall

155 CM (Asian mostly)
Doesn't speak Swedish, I just Live here for now


I do alright

Wow, I actually managed to understand all of this image.

>What is this monster?! you promised me a baby with swag
>What horror. (something?) seen in 20 years of work(?)
>I'll give the gift of the tchiiiip
No idea on the last one, and barely understood the doctor.

You're height + 1cm

>I've never seen such a thing in 20 years of work(ing as a doctor).
>I'll smack/slap all of you

175cm (5'9")
I wanna to kms