We really do
We really do
Based. Have kids roastie.
He leads by example
>Pro-Life has 15 children, 7 from his previous wife, 8 from his current wife.[28]
so his kids have "pro-life" as patronymic name
based but bluepilled
why does he hate abortion; does he hate freedom™ or something?
how is it that america is the only developed country that still cares about abortion?
Normally you need to have a first and last name. Pro-Life seems like one name, unless Pro is his first name, Life is his last name, and his middle name is a hyphen.
Hopefully his kids just keep Richardson as their surname, saves them from being bullied.
They are not that evil then
killing babies is wrong
what is so hard to understand about this?
they're not babies
stfu war criminal decadent shithole of evil
It’s still kind of an ethically unsettled question. I’m not against abortions in cases where they are medically necessary or products of rape/abuse, but the idea that “life” begins at some arbitrary unspecified point between conception and birth has never felt like a particularly compelling argument.
Funny thing how in the original Hippocratic Oath abortion was forbidden, as a doctor was supposed to heal and not harm.
>babies aren't babies
Switzerland has stricter laws against abortion than the USA does. lamo
I thought that it was more that life begins when the brain starts developing or something that way you can still have abortions when the thing is a little goo of cells. Otherwise would you consider sperm "life?"
A zygote isn't the same as a sperm cell.
obviously not but a zygote ain't something like a brain yet so there is no consciousness or whatever
Easy to say when you're a permavirgin
Up until february last year you couldnt advertise or promote abortion here as doctor who does abortions.
Blob of cells is not a baby. Seed is not a tree.
No, life begins when the sperm fertilise the egg.
Brain and consciousness are another thing entirely.
Germany is a bit backward when it comes to medicine. You have fucking homeopathic ""'remedies""" in pharmacies, ffs.
humans are "blob" of cells.
It makes sense, considering that abortions are agains't the Hippocratic Oath
We are backwards in a lot of things tßh
Blob of cells isn't necessarily a baby but all living creatures, including babies, are blobs of cells.
Finland also has way stricter laws against abortion than the US does. I think our more lax abortion laws (esp on the federal level), is part of why its so ripe for culture war conflicts.
worst thing is they hide behind the 0.01 cases of abortions which are causes by rape to justify their murder. Its disgusting.
Retarded germs
is striving to question the established standard supposed to be bad?
"Strictness" of abortion laws doesn't tell the whole story. Some states in US go so medieval on abortion and there is so much socioeconomic baggage that comparing, say, the week of pregnancy abortion is still legal/legal without special reason is hollow.
Americans don't really "question" abortion, rather they either are dead against it or give the woman full control on the matter depending on what side of their Culture war they're in.