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Tyler Moore
Zachary Ortiz
want a sandwich with pickles in it
Colton Cox
i want to go to mexico for cheap pulque and less stringent regs on painkillers
Carter Thompson
back on the menu buds
Xavier Morgan
umm hello GOD department i'm not a woman
Julian Campbell
Placido Domingo tested positive for COVID-19
Logan Watson
I wasn't going to watch that "tfw no gf" video because of the ugly old lady in the beginning, but someone I like is recommending it.
Is she present in the whole video?
Jacob Torres
>the 1 tenor
Gavin Nguyen
lol is that lori alexander
Jack Anderson
Jose Carreras is still alive IIRC
Camden Lopez
the joke being placido will die from this leaving one tenor, Carreras
Jordan Jones
i cringe when ppl use tfw outside of 4ch
Anthony Moore
same man, anyone who uses Yas Forums terms irl are a must avoid
Jack Peterson
women are still doing cringy things like taking selfies and the onlyfans shit
Jaxson Long
There are unironically Americans who believe 5G is responsible for the virus
I don't know how it has happened, but I'm guessing the average IQ is somewhere in the 80s
I blame racrmixing
Brandon Ross
I say Yas Forums words irl all the time, not to normalfags, but to other Yas Forums users.
Leo King
I thought that was more a UK thing
Adrian Cox
The average IQ of about 13% of Americans is 85 or something.
Parker Rogers
>implying it isnt
fuck of chang, huawei aint gettin those 5g contracts to spy on us
Matthew Adams
If I had my way, all women with an onlyfans account would be publicly raped and executed by crowds of men.
Dylan Robinson
all the time to who? your lower functioning autistic brother?
Bentley Hall
fuck e-whores and fuck 4th wave feminism
Wyatt Ortiz
I shouldn't have chuckled
Mason Garcia
honest to goodness sincerely hope none of you use tik tok
Carter Carter
You're one of the ones with a sub 80 IQ.
Easton James
>being statistically illiterate
Easton Stewart
Hunter Kelly
midwits seething
Grayson Diaz
Luis Roberts
that's not how bell curves work the intelligence quotient is a perncentage of the mean so actually 85% are mentally retarded
Landon Wood
>I blame racemixing
>literally everyone protesting on hte streets and believing 5g conspirancies are whites
Levi White
roasted mexicans epic style
Bentley Bennett
>government imports millions w/ higher propensity to obey the government
wow government is very smart huh
Dylan Campbell
>artist includes boob veins
Oh golly gee......
Kayden Barnes
Made myself a spread of french fries, dipping sauces, garlic bread and red wine
Luke Cooper
Cooper Morgan
VERY important educational vid
Matthew Bailey
nice link you big loser
anime trash anyway so FRICK the HECK off
Ayden Wood
You should be signed into pixiv, dumb normalcattle.
Bentley Ortiz
*rubs eyes*
OMG is that a FOXY PUPPY doing a heccin BLEP?? :3
Adrian Nelson
>big loser
says the guy who used to post on a proxy and pretended that he was in that country
Charles Campbell
Levi Cook
sensing big seethe energy from your post
Parker Foster
>marzetti company
Ahh Columbus
Gavin Mitchell
There should be a breast_vein tag.
Kevin Jones
Dylan Sanchez
is that how they got so many identities into one product
Oliver Brooks
This image here...mmh..
On the one hand, of course I would like to be that dog...
...but on the other, I'd like to be Greta as well so I could cuddle with the dog!
Miss petting a heccin big boy floofer woofer.
Jaxon Rogers
I've only seen one fox (red) in the wild (during the day surprisingly), but dad caught one on his trail cam back in january
Julian Hall
Kayden Ward
Greta is ugly
Nathan Peterson
Is corona getting better or worse? I just want to fucking go to a bar
Jace Anderson
I wonder what savory and delightful scents her little body can produce? Makes me shudder to think.
Asher Parker
Nathan Barnes
depends on the province where u @
Adrian Morales
Veggy farts