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Other urls found in this thread:


want a sandwich with pickles in it

i want to go to mexico for cheap pulque and less stringent regs on painkillers

back on the menu buds

umm hello GOD department i'm not a woman

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Placido Domingo tested positive for COVID-19

I wasn't going to watch that "tfw no gf" video because of the ugly old lady in the beginning, but someone I like is recommending it.

Is she present in the whole video?

>the 1 tenor

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lol is that lori alexander

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Jose Carreras is still alive IIRC

the joke being placido will die from this leaving one tenor, Carreras

i cringe when ppl use tfw outside of 4ch

same man, anyone who uses Yas Forums terms irl are a must avoid

women are still doing cringy things like taking selfies and the onlyfans shit

There are unironically Americans who believe 5G is responsible for the virus
I don't know how it has happened, but I'm guessing the average IQ is somewhere in the 80s
I blame racrmixing

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I say Yas Forums words irl all the time, not to normalfags, but to other Yas Forums users.

I thought that was more a UK thing

The average IQ of about 13% of Americans is 85 or something.

>implying it isnt
fuck of chang, huawei aint gettin those 5g contracts to spy on us

If I had my way, all women with an onlyfans account would be publicly raped and executed by crowds of men.

all the time to who? your lower functioning autistic brother?

fuck e-whores and fuck 4th wave feminism

I shouldn't have chuckled

honest to goodness sincerely hope none of you use tik tok

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You're one of the ones with a sub 80 IQ.

>being statistically illiterate

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midwits seething

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that's not how bell curves work the intelligence quotient is a perncentage of the mean so actually 85% are mentally retarded

>I blame racemixing
>literally everyone protesting on hte streets and believing 5g conspirancies are whites

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roasted mexicans epic style

>government imports millions w/ higher propensity to obey the government
wow government is very smart huh


>artist includes boob veins
Oh golly gee......

Made myself a spread of french fries, dipping sauces, garlic bread and red wine

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VERY important educational vid

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nice link you big loser
anime trash anyway so FRICK the HECK off

You should be signed into pixiv, dumb normalcattle.

*rubs eyes*
OMG is that a FOXY PUPPY doing a heccin BLEP?? :3

>big loser
says the guy who used to post on a proxy and pretended that he was in that country

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sensing big seethe energy from your post

>marzetti company

Ahh Columbus

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There should be a breast_vein tag.



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is that how they got so many identities into one product

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This image here...mmh..
On the one hand, of course I would like to be that dog...
...but on the other, I'd like to be Greta as well so I could cuddle with the dog!
Miss petting a heccin big boy floofer woofer.

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I've only seen one fox (red) in the wild (during the day surprisingly), but dad caught one on his trail cam back in january

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Greta is ugly

Is corona getting better or worse? I just want to fucking go to a bar

I wonder what savory and delightful scents her little body can produce? Makes me shudder to think.

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depends on the province where u @

Veggy farts

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