Why French people is racist so much???

I take a French class in univ.
But most of French are racist.
in accition to discriminate against Japanese, they speak ill of British, American and Chenese...
Some of them spent a most of time in vilifying the uk.
FROGS, tell me why

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ahaha nems go bllllll

Aren't Japanese racist too

Shut up asian subject

Nice proxy Ryan, the average Frenchman couldn't give less of a shit about Brits mainwhile British tabloïds and populists are obsessed with us.

It's because they have self-respect. I remember talking to a frenchman once and he grabbed me by the throat and fucked my ass to show dominance.

konichiwa dude

For the love of god stop using google translate

i bet you enjoyed it too

Hey, it's better than being a virgin like you.

sorry for my poor english
i wish i could be born in the us^^

ok tranny

it was me sweetie

Coming from a Japanese of all people.

>they speak ill of British, American and Chenese...
incredibly based

what did we do to discriminate against Japanese?

I guess you are female

>Some of them spent a most of time in vilifying the uk.
You don't do this in your country???

What are you talking about? The French are the least racist people of all time.

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Aren't japanese very xenophobic too ?

mes cousins :)

You mean French people online ? There is No French people in japanese uni

French people talking shit of Japan ? Not possible, everybody and their mother loves Japan here and we consume so much anime. I belive the part about Britain, US and China tho

French are the biggest weebs on the planet.

Don't worry Jap bro we beat the shit out of frogs here. If I ever see a Fr*nchmen I will slap him for you.

Shut the fuck up angloïd bug. When you cross a French speaker on the street you look down as you should you little bitch

lying fr*Nchoids always say this, often after declaring ANGLO BVLLS are insular and don't care about foreign affairs

imagine managing to lie twice with the same sentence, it's quite a feat

I only look down so I can fuck his faggy french asshole after I stomp him out for being such a girly boy

Stay in your containment province Pierre

>they speak ill of British
Just bants, we love hate Pierre too

OH nooo I will miss out on so much nice culture and amazing places like the prairies, Pooronto and Beautiful Winnipeg nooo

We should’ve sent you all back to France after the Seven Years War. Quebec is a beautiful place, shame about the inhabitants.

Literally how?
They love whenever their gfs get blacked