The better version of the balkans

The better version of the balkans

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Other urls found in this thread:–Armenian_War

its just a bunch of rogue oblasts, nothing special

>that separated azerbaijan enclave

I want Iran to annex it to make the borders tidy

They are lucky Armenian BVLLS dont take that little pathetic piece of land

Armenia should just formally annex Nagorno Karabakh .

Georgia is based

Order of superiority

Russians>Armenians>Georgians>North Caucasians>Azerbaijanis

One day Azerbaijan opened a ministry of culture to of course promote azeri culture, so in response and to spite them, Armenia opened a Ministry of the Navy


turkey literally threatened armenia with war if they touched that enclave
arm*noids don't have the balls to cross us, we can literally shell their entire country(!) without even having to cross the border lmao

>Armenian BVLLS
Enver pasha i don't feel so good

>IQ less 80

why are turkic bvlls so chad with destroying ancient civilization.

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Literally under turkish guarantee, daring anyone to attack it.

That's where the Kardashians come from :)

Turks have numbers.
Turks are recognized as notorious pussies everywhere they go.

Not even numbers can save you. Even when you supported your pathetic cousins the Azeris they still got fucked up the arse.

How many times have Armenians fucked turds anywhere they had guns, I lost count.

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The best version.

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>reddit spacing
Take your meths, fat.

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It practically is in every practical matter except international law

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Heh good one

Ooooh real brave. Turks literally attack their own defenseless citizens. But anywhere these citizens had guns they actually defeated the Turks.

It’s the equivalent of England turning on wales right now out of the blue and claiming a victory for killing defenseless people.

We saw how well azer Turks did with Turkish back special forces in 89-94.

Except is shittier by all metrics
>During the Armenian Genocide which occurred in the Ottoman Empire, led at the time by the Young Turks, the Turkish armed forces, militias, and members of the public engaged in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape against female Armenians and children of both sexes. Before the genocide had begun one method used to intimidate the Armenian population was sexual humiliation.[a] Women and young girls were not only subjected to rape, but also forced marriage, torture, forced prostitution, being sold into slavery and sexual mutilation
>One objective of genocidal rape is forced pregnancy; however, those unable to bear children are also subject to sexual assault. Victims ages can range from children to women in their eighties. During the Armenian Genocide the rape of young girls was well documented; they would be assaulted in their homes before forced relocation, or on the forced marches into the Syrian desert. An eyewitness testified, "It was a very common thing for them to rape our girls in our presence. Very often they violated eight or ten year old girls, and as a consequence many would be unable to walk, and were shot." Another testified that every girl in her village aged over twelve, and some who were younger, had been raped
>Women were gang raped and often committed suicide afterwards. Once the men had been separated from the women, the women were systematically raped and then killed, along with any children.[13][14] According to eyewitness accounts, the practice of rape was "more or less universal".[15] Armenians "were often killed in festivals of cruelty which involved rape and other forms of torture."[16] The women were raped on a daily basis and were forced to work as prostitutes. Many were killed by bayoneting, or died from exposure or from prolonged sexual abuse

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I love how Armenians flex about killing soldiers and Turks flex about killing civilians

So you’re proud of attacking your own citizens? Amazing roach. I can’t wait for the kurds to tear you a new one. Which they will. Turkey is going to be sacrificed soon. You won’t be safe in your home. Probably won’t even have running water. It’s ok you can drink grandma fatimas halal donkey piss.

we fought, country to country, and they lost. wikijew counts every armenian soldier as a civilian as expected–Armenian_War

Gaymanians buttmad as always.

You mean these people?

the fucking saw saundtrack gets me everytime lmao

It sure has a killer soundtrack

>caucasus thread
>full of turks

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not our fault armeoids are obsessed with us

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Uh lads, is this a common Georgian phenotype? Because it doesn't look like georgian, more like Ukrainian

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