I welcome the Mexican immigration to the United States. As the first generation who descends from Eastern Europe...

I welcome the Mexican immigration to the United States. As the first generation who descends from Eastern Europe, I believe wh*tes like Germans and English have gotten too comforable on american soil after conquering the natives with guns and spilt blood. They spit on native americans and anyone that is an immigrant like mexicans and chinese. We will help you regain your lost land. Viva la raza

Attached: Flag-of-Mexico.jpg (1000x720, 57.81K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Slavs are always invited to the carne asada
angl*s and g*rms should be sacrificed to the aztec blood god though

>Aztec blood God
Do Chicanos really?

Please remember that Atlantis is Tenochtilan

Attached: 51en3RNUBzL._SX352_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (354x499, 39.07K)

I am an American of Mexican descent

Attached: shoutsouttohalfarmeniananon-.png (2048x2048, 1.17M)

Based. Come to poland

Fuck off

god, chicanos are ass cancer

pinche joto jajajajajaja buen cebo


not me

This thread may be too based

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off yourself olmec

I wouldn't live in the US, but if I had to choose I'd choose NYC, New Orleans, Washington DC or Boston because the culture and art escene.

scale of 1 to 10

Attached: 1587241408502.jpg (740x1186, 567.58K)

This is my face

Is that by any chance a cómic about the chadest Chad Don Alejo Garza?

Attached: 17-don-alejo-garza-tamez-story.jpg (740x500, 139.73K)

Much appreciated OP.

You're cancer, but thanks for being a namefag so I can filter you.

I know a man of culture when I see one.
You are indeed correct, that's a comic about Don Chadlejo in French.



Whatever, we're already muttified to the extreme. Hispanics becoming the majority by 2040 is inevitable. Might as well embrace it.

It's inevitable dude. They're already the majority of children.

Based and Redpilled

slavs and hispanics is the weirdest friendship on this planet

Mexican immigration had trailed off though. Most of the immigrants coming through the US-Mexico border now are Central Americans.

Why? I have Mexican and Colombian friends irl.

White-brown alliance must to prosper

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two completely different people

Shouldn't generalize, all individuals are different anyway. But humans are fundamentally the same.

What are the people of Ex-Yugoslavia?
Are they really that different from each other?

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