This man is 75% white and his daughter is 87.5% white
The rest is Indian
This man is 75% white and his daughter is 87.5% white
Doesn't surprise me. Knew a 3/4 white 1/4 indian girl. Looked like a gypsy but extremely tall and robust and pale skin. There are many racial strains within India so a "full Indian" can actually end up looking whiter than a full brit like pic related
For example this paki is waaay whiter than the full native brits in that pic, and ironically would fit in Britain better than them
he looks dark as fuck, i dont think you know how pale brits are(we get no sun)
Why do you always post threads about Indians? Are you obsessed?
He's talking about Brythonic negroes, not actual Englishmen
So is this one.
No we would not. You're associating whiteness with attractiveness. He doesn't look anglo and he would not fit in.
And the son in this one is also 75% white but he is dark, darker than the father.
Genetics are weird...
How the fuck does Russel Brand end up with a blonde hair, blue eyed kid
Boris’s (other) children are also 1/4th Indian, as well as a bit Turkish from his own side.
The cherry picked Afghan
a girl at my youth theatre was quarter indian, she was pale and had ginger hair, didn't look forrin at all
Basically any child with some European ancestry has blonde hair in infancy. Almost certainly will turn darker. For eye color he was probably a carrier and passed it on instead of his brown gene.
he looks pretty Afghan besides his eye colour desu
Is drakes son allowed to say the N word?
She’s as white/Indian as Emilia Clarke. Except the girl in the OP is actually brown.
funny that Neymar and Drake both have white sons
The absolute state of browno*ds
he looks mestizo
Actually OP, the rest isn’t just Indian. Ryan’s father was mixed African/Indian/white himself. He just brings up the Indian side more and calls his dad Indian so he can “get away with” saying more lol
I'm anywhere from 0% Indian to 50% Indian from my mum's side and I'm just a shade lighter than him
Or Brazilian because of the mix of African + Indian (not that kind of Indian but something still brown) + European genes.
yeah he reminds me of someone who would sing sertanejo
how common are those like him (mostly European) and Adriana Lima?
Why are you saying Aidan Turner has Indian blood?
What is sertanejo?
Most of the population (50~60%) lmao
I guess it could be called brazilian country music as in those who sing it usually come from the countryside and have farm related jobs
im 75 percent white but I look a lot whiter than anyone you posted, most of these guys could pass as latino any day. Im too pale to be considered anything else.
the 25 percent is SEasian btw