Is it true Ukrainians are darker / more exotic-looking than Russians?
Is it true Ukrainians are darker / more exotic-looking than Russians?
yeah, they have large amount of turkish dna, plus their country is in south so they're naturally more swarthy
They're at the same latitude as Slovenia/Austria/Slovakia/Czechia, who are not dark
ukrainians/russian are literally the same people.
what's the difference between ukrainians and kubanoids?
no difference
literally same people
this is true for northern/uralian/siberian/central russians but southern russian like Ukranians
Southern Russians aka Kubanoids also have a lot of hot blondies but in general they are darker than """"average""" Russian.
Gib name, this is my wife
Ukrainians are different. Eastern Ukrainians are literally Kubanoids. Kievans and Zapadenci on the west are something different.
why are they so fucking swarthy?
i mean Kievans and Chernigovans look like Eastern Slavic while western Ukranians look like Bulgarians
what's this? google search gives no results
They are bulgarian refugees from the Ottoman Empire
Western Ukrainians
>Slovenia/Austria/Slovakia/Czechia, who are not dark
But they aren't. Either way they're all lighter than Ukrainians
based wife
A мiй милий вapeничкiв хoчe.
A мiй милий вapeничкiв хoчe.
Haвapи, милaя, нaвapи, милaя.
Haвapи, y-хa-хa, мoя чopнoбpивaя.
Haвapи, милaя, нaвapи, милaя.
Haвapи, y-хa-хa, мoя чopнoбpивaя".
Is this the girl who was not allowed into the club with her black boyfriend? I remember her
mutt quality joke
I don't know if there's something "exotic" about our appearance or if we're "darker" than our neighbours but I do know that most of our people are beautiful and well-shaped
It's not a joke, why
She look like hohlushka i know