Abe, Morrison, and Trump are putting together a team to top Xi... you in? apparently no one else is.
Abe, Morrison, and Trump are putting together a team to top Xi... you in? apparently no one else is
No, fuck the us
Idk what that is sorry
wow... even the american puppet government of south korea didn't sign onto the BDN... nor did Canada or the UK. truly endtimes for america, which sucks because we are basically first on the chopping block for china due to our small size, nearby china, and need of theirs to project power into central asia. i am actually glad that russia has much of central asia as puppet states as without their influence we would be owned by china by now. plus russia is generally pretty lenient with their puppet states because of earlier soviet ties. it is a shame russia is going to only get worse over time, and when china finally seizes control of us from russia, america will also be much weaker. our only hope then is that india, usa, and russia team up to combat chinese influence. doubtful it would happen sadly
>truly endtimes for america
ok 3rd worlder
Would like to be apart. But 2 isolated.
America is shook by China's BRI project.
I never thought I'd be fighting side by side with an aussie...
This is true, we should've nuked china back into the Stone age while had powerful allies
it isn't cope... i stated in my post how i think it is a BAD thing that america's influence is falling and my bad feeling about a future without them as a counter to china. it is hard to argue that this kind of diplomatic thing could have happened with the soviet union. china has gotten much further than the soviets and it is scary for us living in countries on their sights
You've fought with Aussies before. Norks in an actual war however
Your countries best hope is some Russian/American alliance but that is unlikely. Really cool how all these countries are going to be deadlock indebted to china regardless of their political party. Won't be me that has to learn mandarin though
Hey that's my post
whoever makes a neat railroad project for us gets my vote
we need it
Chinese company making a small railroad here, I'm excited for it to see how it goes, but overall it is just flop.
Why one or the other, why not both?
Looks like it started as an Australian/India/Japanese project, why did India switch place with USA.
>Japan, India and Australia joined forces to create an alternative to the Belt and Road creating the “Blue Dot Network”. In reality, very few details are known about the project although it was initiated in 2016. By and large, the cooperation highlighted two topics: securing the Pacific Ocean and guaranteeing free trade in the region.
USA join later.
Overall I skimmed wikipedia articles and I still dont get it.
BRI = China will invest in your country to build roads incl. railroads? For free?
Blue Dot = Your ports and bridges in the Pacific ocean will get "certified"?
Fuck the US, I have no problem with Japan or Australia.
I want Latin America to be its own team
chile is literally the best country on earth to build a railroad project in. just go north to south. there are mountains in many parts yes but flatter areas near the coast. chile has the resources and population to be a very powerful and big country but none of the infrastructure in place that needs to take advantage.
yeah, russia and america need to team up to combat russian influence but every time they come close a dumb thing happens. that is why we are trying to get closer to the eu, so that by introducing influence from another direction we can counter balance chinese influence. if we could balance chinese, russian, american, and eu influence and get lots of money sent here, infrastructure built, and economy sections developed it would be nice but jeenbekov is not a diplomatic mastermind it would require in order to do so. playing with china is dangerous. we need funds to develop many parts but getting them from china increases their control of the country and brings us closer to being a chinese vassal which would be basically country suicide. they would flood in a large number of people from the east coast of china like they are doing in uyghur land. already they have pushed many uyghurs out and into kyrgyzstan. on one hand, they hate china and are additional population we need to grow bigger, but on the other hand they are not loyal in any way to kyrgyzstan and having been deplaced, often make the average kyrgyz look as though they are from switzerland or luxembourg in terms of money
Bros, I want to be part of the red team soo much
Looks like a meme to me, not comparable with the BRI at all.
Retarded post
Australia was a major contributor to Vietnam.
I mean OP is the one who made comparison. I agree though, I'd rather get money to build shit (assuming its not a loan), rather than a certificate that my Pacific ocean port is in working condition
What the fuck, man. I thought we were tight?
if india joined it might actually stand some kind of chance. of course, it would also require a few other ones like mexico and canada in order to have enough economic clout. if brazil and maybe a european country like spain, germany, france, or the uk joined as well they could potentially actually steer some countries away from the belt and road. especially if it were france due to the economic influence they have over much of africa.
I would rather side with the Devil himself than America
is your name breno? because i think i might know you
Where my Redchads at?
But dude.... you are America 2.0
That would be America.
Brazil is not a angloid country
Who would want to ally with the country where the subordinates are openly defying commander in chief and media is openly hostile against him, while the government at every level is exposed as extremely incapable? Can you imagine some talk show host in China saying that Xi is incompetent and needs to be removed from the office?
>america is america 2.0
i don't understand...
Can we make a network without traitorous french, and power-hungry amerikans and chinese?
Canada I mean
Provide a counter argument other than you want free gibs like everyone from you country does
>muh debts
It's as if you don't know what the initiative is.
> other than you want free gibs like everyone from you country does
What are you talking about, stupid landwhale? Your country has more welfare than mine
yeah I'm taking the chink cash
oh, that makes more sense. i always thought of brazil as a blend of the usa, south africa, and mexico. am i even in the correct neighborhood as how it is in real life?
>apparently no one else is
Maybe because it's new and everyone is distracted by the chink fever.