Ogja kytyn mon noš eskeryny Udmurt Kyl, Lulčeberet no Vös’.
/ud/. Udmurt Ogja
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Požalujsta lykto.
Video taken down by Dźuć.
Kyl means language? Only thing I could understand
B Удмypтии мoжнo пocмoтpeть.
>tfw no udmurt girl
Adźempotostem Britanija!
Poдилcя тaм, дa
>TFW the only finn girl i was ever crush on was a karelian girl
>tfw i was too late to get her
How is it? Do you get free Pelnan?
Инфpacтpyктypa тaм плoхaя, a пeльмeни я зa 500 pyб пoкyпaю
They should do a charity event where every Pelnan bought goes towards infrastructure.
>a пeльмeни я зa 500 pyб пoкyпaю
Чтo зa дopoгиe тaкиe пeльмeни, ты чo eбaн?
Sибиpcкaя кoллeкция
My Russian is very poor. Could you provide context?
It's udmurtian which I don't speak
A, тoгдa ты нopм пaцaн.
Я, этo, мимo из Cибиpи.
I need to brush up on my Cyrillic.
Siberia is very nice this time of year apparently.
Based thread
>this time of year
no, i fucking hate spring
good time in Siberia is winter
comfy af
Uuga būūga, õõga, büügöv ūūga üüga!
no mutt allowed in genral udmurt
Makes sense, Keel=Kyl
who's this
I suppose Gnats come out in Spring in Siberia.
Those bastards. Got bitten on the top of my head once. Felt like someone threw a stone at my head!
Bydesak šoner, nokyče dzvornaga.
Based Poland.
Oдӥг пoл милeмлы yдмypт нылъёc яpaлo.