The only non insecure posters here. Germany is based

The only non insecure posters here. Germany is based

Attached: de.gif (16x11, 354)


>insecurity on an anonymous image board

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They're literally some of the most insecure and fragile bitchy posters here though

German poster is cringe as hell.

>lose world war
>two times

Attached: ameriburg.jpg (206x244, 10.84K)

Komm halt doch einfach die Fresse

Anyone using that word unironically is an idiot.
And anyone using it ironically is a ironic idiot.

German posters are unironically the worst on this board.

>The only non insecure posters here
>Germany is based

Attached: 1568275431829.gif (498x278, 1.06M)

Not true, this board is just a cope where europeans sperg out about new worlders ,latin americans sperg out about usa and spain/Portugal and other Latina americans, and americans sperg out about uk and china.
I never saw a German talking about "muh culture, muh new world"

wut. Every time someone trashes Germany, especially in EU-centric threads, 10 Germans come out of nowhere to sperg on them

Germany is culturally irrelevant so it makes sense they won't talk about culture


seething cope

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I have never laughed or smiled at a German post.

you are truly heartless

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now that I think about it I have smiled at the Australian Santa Claus german post, but only at the screenshot, I have not witnessed it myself.


Meds are obsessed with new worlders, I never make threads about meds but there is always a med who goes into my threads to talk shit

Ive literally never thought about a med country unprompted in my life

There is not a single flag on this board that hasn't made me laugh yet. Usually takes less than a minute of browsing the catalog and you've got me giggling like a retard.

That is the most insecure post I've ever seen.

LOL i've seem germans flip out over the most obvious and innocent jokes by other posters

extremely based and happypilled

One time I tried baiting French posters by saying Alsace is German and Germans started sperging at me

Attached: 1587324057454.jpg (807x762, 108.82K)

Protip: He's actually Greek

>I never saw a German talking about "muh culture, muh new world"
jesus christ, you're new.

>another rent free seeth thread
based brazil

Reminder the Brazilians claiming to be white are German diaspora.